

Study on the Dynamics Effect of Gas Explosion in the Mine Ventlitation Network

【作者】 杨应迪

【导师】 张国枢;

【作者基本信息】 安徽理工大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 通过对我国近年来煤矿特大瓦斯爆炸事故伤亡致因统计分析,发现死亡人数在百人以上的特大瓦斯爆炸伤亡事故多是由爆炸冲击波破坏通风系统,改变网络节点的能位,引起风流紊乱,导致高温有毒有害气体涌入进风系统造成的动力灾害引起的。因此,研究瓦斯爆炸对矿井通风网络的动力效应将对救灾决策和防灾减灾有着重大的意义。本论文通过理论分析、实验研究和计算机模拟对瓦斯爆炸对矿井通风网络的影响及其传播规律进行了详细研究:1)运用网络灾害传播理论研究了瓦斯爆炸灾害在通风网络中传播的动力特征;运用爆炸力学、爆炸动力学理论对瓦斯爆炸冲击波基本特性进行分析,利用实验数据修正瓦斯爆炸超压在掘进巷道中衰减的公式,使理论计算结果更具有实用性;结合图论,研究了瓦斯爆炸灾害在通风网络中的传播规律,建立瓦斯爆炸灾害在通风网络中传播的模型;2)设计并实验了不同节点结构(拐弯、分岔、渐变等)的无风实验管道,给出了不同结构节点的爆炸超压传播衰减系数;通过与管网不同节点结构的超压衰减系数进行比较,发现爆炸冲击波在管网节点处的衰减系数普遍低于同类单一连接的衰减系数,在计算瓦斯爆炸超压在管网中传播时不能采用现有的单一连接的衰减系数;设计并实验了L=6m、D=160mm的不同风速(V=0~24.1m/s)的直管道实验,发现管道的风向、风速影响衰减速度的快慢,在逆风管道中,风速越大超压衰减的越快;在顺风管道中,风速越小超压衰减的越慢;3)结合图论、通风网络理论,修正了节点风量平衡方程、回路风压方程,建立了瓦斯爆炸时期通风网络解算模型;结合网络灾害传播与控制理论,研究了通风网络的关键节点和社团结构特征,建立了通风网络的关键节点判定模型和社团结构特征分析模型,为控制矿井通风网络中的灾害传播提供重要的技术支持。4)研究了矿井通风网络仿真技术,开发了瓦斯爆炸时期通风网络仿真与决策支持系统,并在淮南谢一矿瓦斯爆炸模拟中进行应用,取得了良好的效果。

【Abstract】 On the statistics and analysis result in recent 10 years, the death over hundred reasons of coal gas explosion catastrophic in coal mine is the destroyed ventilation system by the explode shock wave, which changed the nodes energy distribution and caused air flow disorder, which make the high temperature and poison gas spread in ventilation system directly. So it is very important to study on the dynamic effect of gas explode in ventilation network.1) On the theory of disaster spreading network, the dynamic characteristic of gas explosion disaster spreading in ventilation network was studied. The characteristic of explosion shock wave was analyzed by the theory of explosion mechanics and explosive dynamics, and the overpressure degenerating formula in the tunnel was amended with the experimental result, which make the theoretical results practicality. Combined with graph theory, the model of gas explosion disaster spreading in ventilation network was built up.2) Different nodal point of pipeline model (crossing, bifurcation, gradual change, etc) was designed and experimental without ventilation, and the attenuation coefficients were given.Comparing the attenuation coefficitens of different nodal point them of pipe network are lower than pipeline. So it is unreasonable to use it in the ventilation network.The designed and experimented of different air speed (from 0 to 24.1m/s) in the pipeline (L=6m、D=160mm) shows that the direction and speed of wind affect the attenuation coefficiten, and in headwind pipeline, the wind speed is more bigger, the attenuation coefficient more fast, and in wind,the wind speed is more bigger, the attenuation coefficient more slower.3) With the graph theory and ventilation network theory, node airflow balance equation and loop wind pressure balance equation were amended, so the mathematical model for calculating ventilation network is constructed during gas explosion. Based on disaster control theory and network theory, the characters of key nodes and community structure of ventilation network were studied, and the model of judging key nodes and community structure were set up, which provides an important technical support for controlling harmful gas spread in the mine ventilation network.4) Mine ventilation net work simulation technology is studied, and the simulation and decision support system is developed and used in Xieyi coalmine successfully for simulating gas explosion, which a good effect is got. Figure [104] table [25] reference [123]

  • 【分类号】TD712.7;TD725
  • 【被引频次】1
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