

Legal Ethics: Subject or View

【作者】 宁洁

【导师】 胡旭晟;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 法律史学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 有关法伦理学的探讨在我国大陆地区已开展近三十年,然而其研究热度远不及以法社会学、法经济学为代表的众多边缘法学,探讨的内容也多局限于基础理论话题,少有独到的建树。学者们想要努力实现的是尽快建立起学科形态的法伦理学,他们从学科理论入手,生产了一批因缺少新颖的核心理念而难以符合人们预期的成果,这些理论成果在转化为具有法伦理学特质的学科内容时不可避免地遭遇瓶颈,法伦理学似乎陷入不知该向何处去的困境。本文从“如何构建法伦理学”的思考着手,从大陆学界的研究现状、其它法域相关领域的理论研究和实践出发,在分析和批判的基础上提出:大陆法伦理学研究困境的根源主要在于按照传统学科构建经验直接“创造”学科形态的法伦理学,忽略了它得以产生的理论和实践需要,造就了一门缺乏特色、难以贡献“知识增量”的“低价值学科”。文章的标题《法伦理学:学科抑或思想》正是对构建方式的问与答,提出法伦理学要走出困境就应当呼应理论和实践的现实需要,确定法伦理学独特的核心思想,在形成系统化的学说后再去构建学科,走一条“先思想,后学科”的道路。文章的绪论部分从选题的角度对本论文选题的价值、研究目标、创新点等内容进行阐述,以向读者展示文章具体内容背后的思考,为全文的研究提供一个背景,帮助读者更好地理解文章具体内容编排和它们之间的关联。正文部分共八章四个部分,简略摘要如下。第一部分是对已有研究成果的介绍和分析,对大陆法伦理学研究成果进行统计、分析和批判,对其它法域的法律伦理研究和实践进行介绍并与大陆展开对比,包括第一章“中国大陆法伦理学研究现状批判”和第二章“其它法域的法伦理学”。其中第一章是在对大陆研究现状进行统计分析的基础上,针对当前学界探讨得最为集中的三大话题的分析批判,对大陆法伦理学所面临窘境进行了描绘和基本的分析;第二章则将目光转向我国台湾地区的法律伦理学研究和实践,以及发展程度最高的美国法律伦理实践,从比较法的角度对这两个范本与大陆的研究展开对比,为大陆法伦理学的改进提供了一些借鉴。第二部分是第一部分“破”的主调的继续深入,并尝试着去“立”一个全新的法伦理学构建模式,包括第三章“法伦理学创生的另一条路径”和第四章“作为一种思想的法伦理学”。其中第三章是第一、二章的继续深入,全面地分析了大陆法伦理学研究困境背后的原因,提出创生的恰当路径是“从思想到学科”;第四章则是对第三章所“立”理论的身体力行,解释作为一种思想的法伦理学的历史场景、明确了法伦理学的核心思想,并通过庞德提出的五个问题以及对思潮与历史场景互动的分析完成了法伦理学思想与西方三大法学思想的比较。第三部分包括第五章“法伦理学研究的展开(一):从修正既有理论的角度”、第六章“法伦理学研究的展开(二):从分析社会问题的角度”和第七章“法伦理学研究的展开(三):从法律人伦理的角度”。该部分将法伦理学的核心思想放到既有理论、社会热点问题和法律人伦理探讨中去,让核心思想的种子在以上三个领域中萌发,是法伦理学从思想向学科过渡的第一步。文章的第四部分是第八章“作为一门学科的法伦理学”。根据本文的基本观点,法伦理学的学科样态从思想样态进化而来的,在思想样态尚不能提供足够的素材、没有显现出基本理路的情形下,学科样态的法伦理学都不具备形成的条件,因此该部分的阐述实际上是对未来成熟阶段的法伦理学学科的设想。其中探讨了法伦理学学科存在的正当性、学科的定义、研究对象、学科归属和风格等对学科具有根本意义的话题,并提出了学科内容体系的基本构想。

【Abstract】 A research on Legal Ethics in China’s mainland has been carried out for about thirty years, whereas the research is not so popular as most of other frontier jurisprudence, such as Sociology of Law, Economics of Law, and so on. The content of the research is mostly limited to some basic theory topics and lacks of distinctive contributions. What scholars are trying to achieve is to quickly establish a Legal Ethics of discipline pattern. They started their study with the discipline theory and obtained a mass of achievements which were lacking of novel core idea and could not meet people’s anticipation. This thesis begins with the thoughts of“how to construct Legal Ethics”, taking the present study situation of academic circle of China’s mainland and some relevant theoretical study and practice of other region of law as the research foundation, putting forward on the basis of analyzing and criticizing that: the first causes of Chinese mainland study dilemma are mainly owing to directly“create”Legal Ethics of discipline pattern in the light of traditional discipline construction experience, neglecting the demanding of theory and practice for its coming into being, thus causing a“undervalue discipline”which lacks of distinguishing features and contribution of“knowledge increment”.The title of the thesis“Legal Ethics: Discipline or Idea”implies the question and the answer towards the construction pattern, advancing that Legal Ethics should respond to the real demand of theory and practice in order to go out of the dilemma, ascertaining the unique core idea of Legal Ethics, then, constructing the discipline after forming the systematic theory, and going on a road of“First Idea and then Discipline”.From the angle of choosing the title, the introduction of the thesis talks about the value of the title choosing, research aims, innovation points, and so on. It is trying to display the thoughts which are behind the specific content of the thesis to the readers, provide a background to the research of the thesis, and help the readers to better understand the specific content arrangement and their relationship. The body includes four parts and eight chapters. The concise abstracts are as follows.The first part is about the introduction and analysis to the already existed research achievements, collecting the statistics, analyzing and criticizing the research achievements of Chinese mainland Legal Ethics, introducing the Legal Ethics’study and practice of other region of law and comparing them with Chinese mainland. It includes the first chapter“The Criticism of Present Legal Ethics Study Status of Chinese Mainland”and the second chapter“Legal Ethics of Other Legal Region”. On the basis of statistic analyzing towards the mainland’s present status study, the first chapter aims at three big issues which are discussing most intensively by the present academic circle, describing and analyzing the dilemma which the mainland Legal Ethics are facing. The second chapter turns its eyes on the Legal Ethics’study and practice, and the highly developed level of American Legal Ethics’practice. Then, from the angle of comparative law, it compares these two models with the mainland research, which will give some references to the improvements of mainland’s Legal Ethics.The second part is the further continuation study of the melody tune“breaking”in the first part, and trying to“establish”a brand-new construction pattern of Legal Ethics. It includes the third chapter“Another Approach of Creating Legal Ethics”and the fourth chapter“Legal Ethics as a Sort of Idea”. Among them, the third chapter is the further continuation study of chapter one and chapter two, fully analyzing the causes behind the study dilemma of mainland Legal Ethics; The fourth chapter is earnestly practicing the theory of“establishing”which is advocated by chapter three, explaining the historical setting of Legal Ethics as a sort of idea and defining the core idea of Legal Ethics. It fulfils the comparison between the idea of Legal Ethics and three western big legal thoughts through the five questions raised by Pound and the analysis of the interaction of thoughts and historical setting.The third part includes chapter five“The Studying on Legal EthicsⅠ:from the Angle of Revising the Existed Theory”, chapter six“The Studying on Legal EthicsⅡ: from the Angle of Analyzing the Social Problems”, and chapter seven“The Studying on Legal EthicsⅢ: from the Angle of legal professional”. This part puts the core idea of Legal Ethics into the already existed theory, the social hot spots and the ethic of legal professional, letting the seed of core idea bourgeon in the above three fields. This is the first step of Legal Ethics transition from the idea to the discipline.The fourth part is chapter eight“Legal Ethics as a Discipline”. According to the basic viewpoints of the thesis, the discipline pattern of Legal Ethics is evolving from the ideology pattern. Under the circumstances that the ideology pattern can not provide enough materials and do not have clear train of thoughts, the discipline pattern will not have the forming conditions, therefore, this part is actually the conceiving of Legal Ethics in the future maturity stage. It talks about some topics of essential meaning for discipline, such as the legitimate existing of Legal Ethics, the definition of discipline, the objects of study, the adscription of discipline, the style, and so on. Then, it puts forward the basic conceiving of the system of the discipline content.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期