

Criticism and Construction: Study on the Ideology of Daily Life

【作者】 刘荣清

【导师】 吴学琴;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 马克思主义发展史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 日常生活自人类的诞生即相伴而生,与每一个体的生存息息相关。它无声地滋养和孕育着个体生存和人类社会,既是每个人日常活动的背景世界,又是每个人生存的价值和意义的世界。日常生活世界不仅是人们衣食住行、饮食男女、婚丧嫁娶、生老病死、礼尚往来等具体活动的世界,也是人们在生存活动中表现出内在的传统、习惯、知识、经验、价值、意义等文化的世界。在此意义上,日常生活研究重在揭示一定时期人们在既定的文化背景下的日常生活状况,并透过这一状态进而揭示对人们的日常活动起着干预和操纵作用的思想观念因素。以黑格尔哲学为巅峰的近代理性形而上学解体之后,哲学开始了面向生活世界的转向,日常生活成为哲学关注的焦点之一。西方马克思主义者列斐伏尔更是以系统的日常生活批判开创了哲学的新生点。追溯哲学日常生活转向的理论渊源,马克思面向生活世界的生存论哲学路径的开启,尤其是马克思的异化理论和拜物教思想对资本主义人之生存现状的思考和揭示,无疑是向人的日常生活敞开了大门。马克思、恩格斯从唯物史观出发追问人生存异化的根源,批判了资本主义作为上层建筑的观念意识形态的虚假性本质,从人之生存的本源根基处开启了意识形态的批判和日常生活回归的路径。马克思、恩格斯的意识形态理论存在着当下批判和未来建构的双重维度,引领着现代马克思主义发展史上意识形态理论的两个走向,一个是以西方马克思主义,以及当代新马克思主义、后马克思主义为走向的对资本主义社会人之生存异化的批判路径,一个是以着眼于人自由全面发展的共产主义社会为走向的当代社会主义主流意识形态的构建路径。两者都源于马克思、恩格斯面向生活世界回归的意识形态旨归。苏联时期意识形态的宣传灌输强调意识形态的党性原则,把马克思主义看作是无产阶级的科学意识形态,强调其对于社会主义经济社会建设和人们的日常生活的绝对统治和指导地位,以此驱除萦绕在日常生活领域里的一切剥削阶级意识形态,把代表着无产阶级和全人类解放的马克思主义作为科学的意识形态渗透入日常生活,武装人们的头脑,实现观念意识形态的下移和认同。然而,苏联时期的社会主义意识形态建设要么以权威话语霸权吞没人们的自由、理想和生活话语权,要么以自由多元的人道主义冲垮权威意识形态的指导地位,让“民主化”、“多元化”、“人道化”的西方意识形态话语占领统治地位。意识形态在权威与自由之间的紧张和对立所造成后果,对于当下中国有着重要的警示意义。西方马克思主义的批判理论继承和发扬了马克思异化理论和批判精神的基本内核,结合当代发达工业社会的新形式,从资本主义日常生活的现实状况出发,考察了物化意识、技术理性、大众文化等对人们生活的影响和干预,将意识形态批判的触角延展到人们的日常生活领域,从微观处批判了当下资本主义社会中人的生存异化。继而,以新马克思主义、后马克思主义为代表的当代国外马克思主义秉承社会批判精神,从虚假消费、景观控制、符号标引等方面揭示了当代社会迷乱的幻象对人内心的嵌入,指认了在多重虚假的意识形态控制下人们生活的无根和异己状态。新中国的社会主义主流意识形态建设虽然是从上层建筑的层面展开的,但努力推进马克思主义意识形态的科学化、大众化、认同化,将意识形态作用发挥于人们的日常生活之中,形成为广大人们群众接受和认可的主流思想,是新中国意识形态建设一直以来的重要任务和着力点,意识形态的日常化取得了良好的效果。然而,以阶级斗争为纲的政治性话语对人们的日常生活统治和干预,给予了我们深刻的教训和启示。改革开放后,经济的发展给人民到来生活改善的同时,也带来了物欲化、消费主义等社会现象,日常生活中拜金主义、享乐主义、利益中心主义等思想泛滥,在利益纠错的日常生活领域,表现为功利追求、生活腐化等去意识形态化现象,这都必须引起我们高度地关注。分析日常生活的意识形态的理论基础、发展形态和批判精神、紧扣马克思对日常生活的意识形态批判和建构的基本精神、吸取苏联意识形态日常生活化的经验教训、借鉴西方马克思主义意识形态批判的方法论,探索出当代中国日常生活的意识形态建构路径和机制,将理论关切转化为对群众日常生活的现实关怀,促进社会主义意识形态的大众化、认同化,是日常生活领域意识形态研究的出发点和最终旨归。

【Abstract】 Daily life coexists with the birth of human life, and is closely related to the survival of each individual. It silently nourishes and nurtures the individual existence and human society. It is both the background world of everyone’s daily life, and the survival and significance world of everyone’s survival. Daily life world is not only the world of basic necessary activities that it is about food and sex, weddings and funerals, illness and death, courtesy intercourse and others, but also the culture world of people living activities shown in the inner traditions, customs, knowledge, experience, value and meaning. In this sense, research focuses of everyday life significantly reveals the conditions of daily life that it is under a given cultural background of a certain period, and through this state more revealed the ideas factors of intervention and manipulation play the role of people’s daily activities.After the disintegration of the modern rational metaphysics as the peak of Hegel’s philosophy, philosophy started a turning of the world of life, and the daily life became one of the focus of philosophy. Western Marxists Lefebvre even created a new point of philosophy based on the system critical of daily life. Ascend to the philosophical theory origin of the turnaround of daily life, that Marx’s existence theory of philosophical path, especially Marx’s theory of alienation and fetishism that thinks and opens out human existence of capitalism, Opened the doors of person’s daily life without doubt. Marx and Engels questioned the root of alienation of human existence from history materialism, criticized the false essence of ideology as superstructure, opened the path of ideological critique and the regression of daily life from the origin of human existence.Marx and Engels’ ideological theory exists the dual dimensions of present criticism and the future building. It leads two direction of the developmental history of modern Marxist ideological theory, one is the critical path of alienation of capitalist society based on Western Marxism, contemporary neo-Marxist, and post-Marxist, the other is the construction path of contemporary socialistic ideological theory focused on communist society of freedom and comprehensive development of human. Both are derived from Marx and Engels’purport for the ideology of Daily Life.The ideological propaganda and indoctrination in Soviet Union stressed the party principle, regarding Marxism as science ideology of proletarian, emphasizing its absolute governing and guiding position for socialist economic and social development and people’s daily lives, getting rid of the exploiting classes’ideology which hovers all areas of daily life, penetrating marxism that represents the liberation of the proletariat and mankind into the daily life as a scientific ideology, arming people’s minds, achieving downward movement and self-identity of the ideaistic ideology. However, the construction of socialist ideology during the Soviet Union or used authoritative hegemony to engulf people’s freedom, ideal, and the right to speak, or used uncontrolled and pluralistic humanitarianism to burst the instructional position of authoritative ideology so that the western ideology of "democratization", "diversity" and "humanity" occupied the dominant position. The tensional aftereffect of ideology between the authority and the freedom has important warning significance for the contemporary China.Western Marxism Critical Theory inherited and carried forward the basic core of Marx’s alienation theory and the spirit of critical, combined with new contemporary forms of advanced industrial society, saw about the materialization, technical rationality, mass culture and so on to influence and intervene people’s lives from the realistic condition of capitalistic everyday life, extended ideology critique to people’s daily lives, criticized alienation of human existence of the current capitalist society from the micro Department. Then the contemporary foreign Marxism as the representative of neo-Marxist, post-Marxism, inherited the spirit of Marxism, from the false consumer, landscape control, symbols and other aspects to reveal the bewildering illusion of contemporary society to embed people’s heart, identified rootless and alien status of people’s lives under the control of the Multiple false ideology.Although the construction of socialist mainstream ideology of the new China was spread from the superstructure level, promoting the Marxist ideology to science, popularity, recognition, making ideology play the role of in people’s daily life and form a mainstream ideology by people accepted and recognized, all these have been an important task and focus of the ideological construction of the new China. The ideology of Daily life has achieved good results. However, the class struggle of the polity ruled and intervened people’s daily lives, and gave us a profound lesson and inspiration. After the reforms, economic development is giving a better life to people, but also bringing the material desires, consumerism and other social phenomena, so that money worship, hedonism, and interest center-ism are deluging in daily life, in the areas of daily life that is centralizing all kinds of interests, we must have attracted strong attention to utilitarian and villainous life beyond the ideology.Analysis theoretical basis, development patterns and critical spirits of daily life ideology, closely linked to the basic spirit of Marx’s critique and the construction of the ideology of daily life, learned the lessons of the daily life ideology of the Soviet Union, drawing on the experience of critical methodology of Western Marxist daily life ideology, transformed the theory concerns into the realistic care of the daily life of commonalty, advancing popularity and recognition of socialist ideology, all these are the starting point and the final purport to study on the ideology of daily life.

【关键词】 日常生活意识形态马克思主义批判建构
【Key words】 Daily LifeIdeologyMarxismCriticismConstruction
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期