

Study on Legal Regulations of Financial Institutions’ Private Banking

【作者】 史山山

【导师】 张宇润;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 经济法学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以来我国社会经历了翻天覆地的变化,国家经济发展的同时,国民的财富也在不断积累,随之而来的是金融服务市场需求不断扩大。而且这种金融服务需求本身也正在发生深刻变化,从以往简单的通过银行储蓄存款获得利息,发展到了全方位、多层次的证券、基金、信托等金融服务需要,正是在这样的背景下私人银行业务在中国悄然兴起,并迅速发展起来。众多外资银行、中资银行和其他金融机构纷纷进入了这个领域。私人银行业务在中国只是刚刚起步,国内对私人银行业务的概念、内涵、特征都没有统一的定义,对金融机构的市场准入、合格投资者的界定也无具体规定。金融机构开展私人银行业务的实践经验表明,其产品和服务的多元化远远超过了人们的想象,与此同时伴随而来的法律纠纷日渐增多。这种新的金融创新的出现,亟待法律制度上有所跟进。目前我国关于个人理财方面出台的《商业银行个人理财业务管理暂行办法》和《商业银行个人理财业务风险管理指引》,虽然在一定的方面对私人银行业务的开展起到了指导规范作用,但是私人银行业务与个人理财业务之间的差异性使得这种规范个人理财业务的法律在一定程度上不能适应私人银行业务的发展。国内一般将从事私人银行业务的金融机构称为私人银行,在中文的语境中,私人一词含有私有的意思,私人银行的称谓极易被误解为私有银行,这种概念上的混淆在一定程度上影响了私人银行业务的开展。私人银行业务的内涵非常的丰富,既包括了财富保值增值也包括了财富传承,从时间上看它可以贯穿投资者的一生,从空间上看它能够帮助投资者在全球进行资源配置。它具有门槛高、个性化、综合化、保密性强等特点,这种特点使其与一般的个人理财业务区分开来。投资者需求和金融机构自身的需要同时为开展私人银行业务提供了必要前提,迅速发展的中国经济和不断完善的法律制度、金融市场为开展私人银行业务提供了物质和制度基础。私人银行业务萌芽于几百年前的欧洲,现代意义上的私人银行业务开端于1934年的瑞士,其银行法明确的区分了从事私人银行业务的机构与普通银行。如今,境外开展私人银行业务的金融机构包括了全能银行、投资银行、家庭办公室和其他一些专门机构,这些金融机构提供的私人银行业务各有优点和不足。结合我国目前私人银行业务开展的现状,金融机构的业务范围不应该成为限制我国私人银行业务发展的羁绊,正是由于各个金融机构的特征决定了其提供的私人银行业务与众不同。私人银行业务法律关系主体包括了监管机关、金融机构和投资者。监管机关和金融机构之间是一种纵向的管理关系,金融机构与投资者之间是一种横向的金融关系,所以私人银行业务法律关系属于经济法律关系范畴。通过考察境外私人银行业务发展的情况发现,金融机构与投资者之间的法律关系无外乎三种情况:债权人债务人关系、委托代理关系和信托关系。同时,结合我国发展私人银行业务实践和私人银行业务自身特点,以信托关系作为金融机构与投资者之间的基础关系最为恰当。信托关系优势在于其可以隔离风险、重构权益,对于私人银行业务的客户来说,信托关系最能满足其财产增值、保值、传承的需要。私人银行业务的法律渊源包括了宪法、法律、部门规章和若干司法解释,这些法律法规给私人银行业务在中国的发展提供了基础的保障。世界上主要有两大法系——英美法系和大陆法系,与此相对应的则是两种金融系统——市场主导型金融系统和银行主导型金融系统。立法理念、救济理念的不同导致了两大法系对待金融创新的态度的不同。在金融创新日新月异的今天,对于具有大陆法系传统的我国来说,简便高效的行政立法在私人银行业务监管中有着重要的作用。围绕着私人银行业务,境外形成了众多相似的法律制度,其中包括了保密法律制度、反垄断法律制度、征信法律制度等。《巴塞尔新资本协议》里关于银行金融机构的风险有明确的分类,对于私人银行业务来说避免法律风险是其稳定、健康发展的关键所在。产生法律风险的原因主要包括了以下两个方面:一是外部监管的要求,二是内部金融机构对法律遵循和避免违约的需要。目前,我国金融机构开展私人银行业务面临的主要法律风险包括:监管风险、合规风险、信息披露风险、洗钱犯罪风险、泄露金融信息风险。为此,一方面需要建立和完善我国私人银行业务法律风险的外部防控机制,包括:在监管体系上借助私人银行业务逐步实现统一监管;完善反洗钱法律制度,尝试建立反洗钱补偿机制;建立私人银行业务准入制度,从源头上消除不合格的金融机构和投资者参与私人银行业务的机会;完善客户信息的保密制度,明确客户信息的范围、保密的例外以及违反保密义务的法律责任;完善我国的政府主导型的个人征信制度,并逐步向市场主导型转变。另一方面,需要完善我国私人银行业务法律风险的内部防控机制,包括:金融机构必须依法合规经营,对私人银行业务的进行严格的合规性审查;充分了解客户,不与身份未明的客户发生业务和提供服务;在金融机构内部建立法律风险管理制度,完善公司治理结构;信息披露充分合法;加强机构内法律部门实力;完善各种技术手段。私人银行业务法律机制价值目标在于保护投资者的合法权益。只有投资者得到公平有效的保护,金融机构才能从投资者那里获得更多的投资,从而获得更大的收益。如果法律机制不能很好的保护投资者利益,整个私人银行业务市场就会崩溃,因此投资者才是私人银行业务发展的基石。

【Abstract】 Earth-shaking changes have taken place in China since the reform and opening up. Personal properties accumulate in step with the national wealth, which lead to the constant expansion of financial service in market demand. At the same time, such demand has also undergone profound changes. We can see that the market, which started with the scale of simply disposition for interest, now has developed into places which can provide various financial services, such as securities, fund and trust. The service is all-dimensional and multi-storied. Due to this, private banking service has sprung up in China silently, and is booming in these years. Numerous foreign banks Chinese-funded banks, as well as other financial institutions vie to occupy a place in the market.As the private banking business is just beginning in China, there is no uniform definition of its concept, content, features, and there is also no institutional supply about the market access for financial institutions and the definition of qualified investors.The private banking experience of financial institution shows that its products and services are diversified far beyond people’s imagination, but at the same time, the increasing number of legal disputes following. The emergence of financial innovations needs follow-up legal system urgently. At present, Commercial Bank Personal Financial Services Interim Measures and Commercial Bank Risk Management Guidelines for Personal Financial Services play the role of guiding norms to conduct private banking business in some respects, however, the legal that norms personal financial services can’t adapt to the development of private banking business to some extent because of the difference between private banking and personal financial services.In the country, the financial institution engaged in private banking business is known as Private Bank. In the Chinese context, the term private contains the meaning of privately-owned, and the private bank can easily be mistaken for privately-owned bank. This conceptual confusion affects the conduct of private banking business to a certain extent. Actually, the content of private banking business is very rich, which includes both increasing the value of wealth and inheritance of wealth. From the time point of view, the private banking business can run through the investor’s all life, and form the space point of view, it can help investors allocating resources globally. It has the characteristics of high threshold, personalized, comprehensive, strong confidentiality, and these characteristics distinguish it from personal financial services in general.The needs of investors and financial institutions provide a necessary precondition, and the rapidly growing economy, the continuous improvement legal system and financial markets provide material and institutional basis to conduct private banking business. The private banking business germinated in Europe hundreds of years ago, but modern sense of the private banking business was beginning in Switzerland, and the Banking Act did a clear distinction between institutions in private banking business and ordinary banks. Now, the financial institutions that conduct private banking business outside borders include universal banks, investment banks, family offices and other specialized agencies, which offer private banking business advantages and disadvantages. Combining with the current situation of private banking business, the business scope of financial institutions should not be a bridle to the development of private banking business. It is just because of the characteristics of various financial institutions, which makes it to provide a unique private banking business.The subject of private banking business legal relation consists of regulatory authorities, financial institutions and investors. The relationship between regulatory authorities and financial institutions is a vertical management relation, and the relationship between financial institutions and investors is a horizontal financial relation, therefore, the legal relation of private banking business belongs to the category of economic legal relationship. By examining the development situation of private banking business overseas, it was found that the legal relations between financial institutions and investors are no more than three cases, which contain realizing unified supervision, completing anti-money laundering legal system and attempting to establish a compensation mechanism, establishing private banking access system to eliminate the opportunities of unqualified financial institutions and investors to participate in banking business, improving confidentiality of customer information and clearing the scope of customer information, exceptions to confidentiality and the liability of breach of confidentiality, improving the government-led type of personal credit information system and transform to a market-oriented type gradually. On the other hand, we should improve the internal prevention and control mechanism of the legal risks of private banking business, including, reviewing the compliance of private banking business strictly, understanding customer and do not trade with unidentified customer, establishing legal risk management system in financial institution, being within the law of information disclosure, strengthening the capability of legal department, improving the techniques.The goal of the private banking business legal mechanism is to protect the interests of investors. Only a fair and effective protection to investors, financial institutions can get more investment from investors, and then gain greater benefits. If the legal mechanisms can not protect the interests of investors well, the whole private banking market will collapse. Therefore, the investor is the foundation of the development of private banking business.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期