

Tomograph with Fresnel Volume under Complex Near-surface Conditons

【作者】 李军

【导师】 李录明; 罗省贤;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在各种油气勘探方法中,地震勘探一直是最重要的技术方法之一,并在现代石油勘探中发挥着重要作用。我国在平原地区的油气勘探开发已经比较深入,目前陆地地震勘探的主战场大多已转向我国西北、西南等地区。这些地区大多以山地、沙漠、黄土塬等复杂地表条件为主。静校正、叠前去噪、偏移成像等是此类复杂地区地震资料处理的重点和难点问题。尤其是静校正是地震资料处理中首先要完成的工序,静校正处理效果的好坏不仅直接影响后续的处理工序,而且有可能影响最终的成像效果。本文针对复杂地表模型下静校正技术的重点和难点,深入研究了初至波规律及利用初至波进行层析反演得到速度模型的方法,并应用于实际资料的层析反演与静校正,取得较好效果。论文首先研究分析了国内外层析反演的各种理论、方法与技术,然后对二、三维射线追踪算法进行了研究,改进了旅行时线性插值算法,提高了射线走时正演的精度;根据菲涅尔体的定义提出并实现了快速计算菲涅尔体的筛选法;然后改进反投影算法,并将其用于基于菲涅尔体的层析反演,在保证精度的情况下具有较高的计算效率;通过二维、三维几种典型理论模型的试算验证了本文提出的正演、反演算法的正确性与有效性,并应用于实际资料处理,取得较好的应用效果。综上所述,本文实现了基于菲涅尔体的复杂地表速度模型的正反演,能完成复杂地表地震资料的层析反演成像与静校正。本文方法有良好的应用前景。

【Abstract】 In all kinds of oil and gas exploration method, seismic exploration has been one of the most important techniques in modern petroleum exploration, and plays an important role. As it has been deeply used in the plain area, seismic exploration for oil and gas exploration and development has shifted it’s main battlefield to northwest and southwest areas, where the main surface are mountain,desert and loess plateau. Static correction, pre-stack denoise and migration imaging are key and most difficult seismic data processing problems to be solved in these complicated surface areas. Static correction is especially the first and most important seismic data processing task because the effect of static correction will not only affect the following processing task and may affect the final imaging.Aiming at the main and deficullt problems at these complex surface model, this paper studied the theory of first arrival wave and used to tomographic inversion model reversing method, and applied to the practical data tomographic inversion and static correction, obtained good effect.Based on the research of the analysis of tomographic inversion theory, method and technology from home and abroad, the paper has studied the traditional ray tracing methods of 2D and 3D space, and has improved LTI method to increase the precition of ray tracing. Proposed and implemented a rapid sieve method to calculate Fresnel volume, then improved the BPT method and applied it to the tomographic inversion based on Fresnel volume, got a high computational efficiency while ensuring the accuracy. The forward and inverse methods proposed by the paper have been proved to be correct and effective by the typical 2D and 3D theoretical models, and have got some good effect when applying to actual seismic data.In summary, this paper realized the forwarding and inversion methods of the velocity model based on Fresnel volume, and is able to perform tomographic inversion and static correction to complex surface seismic data. The methods have good application prospect.
