

Study on Resource Utilization Technology of SBC in Edible Mushroom Production

【作者】 王锡琴

【导师】 张建强;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 市政工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 油脂废渣是毛油加工成精油过程中的副产物,作为有机固废在国外的资源化利用已经很普遍。近年来,发达国家在油脂废渣生物活性物质的提取、分离、精制等方面的技术已经日臻完善。但中国在油脂废渣的资源化利用这方面的研究开发还处在起步阶段,有些在生产过程中,工艺耗能大,污染严重、产品的得率和性能均很差;有些属初加工生产,工艺简单,但存在产品纯度低的缺点;有些技术落后的地区油脂废渣被当作肥料,甚至当作废物丢弃。一方面油脂废渣数量巨大、长期闲置并且污染环境,目前还没找到经济有效的利用途径:另一方面,随着食用菌产业的发展和市场竞争的加剧,急需寻找能显著降低生产成本的食用菌栽培替代原料。因此,如何把废弃油渣在食用菌产业上资源化利用具有较大的现实意义。本研究的目的:尝试将菜籽油加工厂的废弃物——油脂废渣变废为宝,加以资源化利用,替代部分价格较高的棉籽壳、麦麸等传统食用菌原料,用来栽培生产上大面积推广应用的几个食用菌品种,筛选出适合各食用菌品种生长的油脂废渣培养基适宜配方。该研究既可降低食用菌生产成本,减少环境污染,又提高经济效益。为此,通过设计若干对比性试验,开展了油脂废渣在食用菌中资源化应用的研究,探讨了其技术上和经济上的可行性。主要研究方法如下:1.采用营养成分测试方法,通过对油脂废渣中的营养成分,中量、微量元素进行测试及结果,分析其在食用菌生产上的可行性;2.采用重金属元素测试方法,通过对油脂废渣中重金属含量的测试及结果,分析其在食用菌生产上的安全性;3.采用微生物处理技术,通过在食用菌液体、固体培养基中添加不同比例的油脂废渣,对平菇、姬菇、金针菇、黄背木耳和香菇5个菌种进行菌种生长影响的实验室试验和生产性试验;4.采用测定和记录方法,对比各培养基中菌丝的生长速度、生长势、污染率,以及子实体的产量、生物学效率等;5.采用统计方法,利用SPSS软件对试验数据进行统计分析,同一品种不同处理间的差异采用单因素方差分析:6.采用对比方法,分析以油脂废渣为食用菌栽培料的资源化应用效果,筛选出添加油脂废渣的培养基适宜配方。在培养基的筛选试验设计中主要考虑三个方面的因素:1.试验共采用5个食用菌品种,每个品种设6个处理,即1个对照(CK)和5个分别添加5%、10%、15%、20%、40%油脂废渣替代对照中的部分棉籽壳、麦麸作为营养料,对添加不同比例油脂废渣培养基中食用菌的生长进行筛选比较。2.考察培养基中油脂废渣作为氮源物质替代麦麸后的效果。试验中用油脂废渣逐步取代麦麸,添加量从0%增加至10%,配方中相应将麦麸量从10%减少至0%。3.考察培养基中油脂废渣作为碳源物质替代部分棉籽壳后的效果。梯度增加培养基中油脂废渣的添加比例,从10%增加到40%,同时相应将棉籽壳量从69%减少到39%。通过试验,主要研究结果如下:1.油脂废渣含有机质31.25%,腐殖酸19.48%,蛋白质1.32%,氨基酸总量0.40%,有效磷59mg/kg,有效钾60lmg/kg,pH为3.52。油脂废渣中营养物质丰富,呈弱酸性,非常适合作为食用菌营养料。2.油脂废渣在食用菌上的应用是安全的,不存在重金属污染的风险。油脂废渣测定出含有微量的汞(Hg)、铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、砷(As)、铬(Cr)重金属元素,其浓度全部都远远低于中国的有机肥农业行业标准中规范性引用文件的控制线,其控制线分别为5mg/kg、100mg/kg、3mg/kg、30mg/kg和300mg/kg,油脂废渣在食用菌中的应用不存在重金属污染的风险。3.从菌丝生长速度分析,添加油脂废渣的培养基对各品种的菌丝生长影响不同。添加了油脂废渣培养基的平菇、姬菇2个品种中,菌丝在生长速度和满瓶时间上与对照相比呈现微弱劣势;金针菇、黄背木耳和香菇3个品种中,油脂废渣添加量在5%-20%范围内,菌丝生长速度和满瓶时间与对照相比都有明显的优势,可有效的促进菌丝生长,缩短制种周期。4.从食用菌子实体产量、生物学效率分析,加入5%油脂废渣的培养基质对平菇、姬菇子实体的生长发育最好;加入15%油脂废渣的栽培基质对金针菇子实体的生长发育最好;在培养基质中加入40%的油脂废渣栽培黄背木耳效果更好:在培养基质中加入10%的油脂废渣栽培香菇效果最好。5.不同培养料配方的食用菌产品效益对比分析,凡添加了油脂废渣的所有品种不同处理中,与对照相比,净产值和单位成本报酬经济指标都高,特别是添加了40%油脂废渣培养基栽培食用菌均能获得最高的经济效益。6.从综合因素考虑,适合平菇、姬菇、金针菇、黄背木耳生长的培养基最适宜配方为:油脂废渣40%,棉籽壳39%,粗木屑20%,麦麸0%,石灰1%;适合香菇生长的培养基适宜配方为:油脂废渣40%,粗木屑53%,麦麸5%,硫酸镁1%,石膏1%。通过试验结果得出如下结论:1.油脂废渣培养基营养全面,碳氮比适宜,可为食用菌生长提供丰富的碳源和氮源物质。凡是加入了油脂废渣的所有处理,均能正常发菌,成功培养出食用菌的子实体,可见油脂废渣是一种新型代料资源,可替代部分棉籽壳、麦麸等传统食用菌栽培原料。2.油脂废渣培养基可缩短菌种制种周期。油脂废渣中所含的磷、钾矿质元素对食用菌的生长起着重要的促进作用。3.油脂废渣培养基可以降低菌种污染率。油脂废渣中所含的大量有机质、腐殖酸对食用菌有生长刺激作用。4.油脂废渣栽培食用菌虽然在某些处理中产量并不突出,但因原料成本低廉,净产值和单位成本报酬指标较高,从而产生较大的经济效益,并减少对环境的污染,在食用菌生产上具有极大的市场应用潜力。

【Abstract】 Spent bleaching clay (SBC), the by-product of edible oil refining industry, has been widely used as organic solid waste resource overseas. In recent years, developed countries’technology in extracting, separating and refining of SBC bioactive substances has been increasingly perfected. However, the research and development of SBC utilization in China is still in the beginning stage with primitive processing production, simple technology, and lower-purity product. The production process is accompanied by large energy consumption, heavy pollution, and low yield and poor performance of products. In some technically backward areas, SBC is used as fertilizer, or even abandoned as waste. On the one hand, the SBC has been accumulated in large quantities for no use in a long term polluting the environment, and no technically and economically effective methods have been found to use it. On the other hand, with the rapid development and increasing market competition of the edible mushroom industry, it is quite urgent to find low-cost alternatives for mushroom substrate. Hence, how to use SBC as resource in the edible mushroom industry is of significant realistic significance.This paper aimed to transform the industrial waste-SBC into a valuable material, use it as a resource to replace cottonseed hull, wheat bran and other costly traditional cultural materials for the cultivation of several mushroom species greatly promoted and applied in production, and select the substrate formulae suitable for the growth of various edible mushrooms in order to lower the production cost of edible mushrooms, reduce environmental pollution and improve economic benefits.Therefore, by designing comparative experiment of culture media with different varieties and treatments, the author conducted a feasible study on the utilization of SBC as resource in edible mushrooms and discussed its technological and economic feasibility.The main research methods were as follows.1. Analyzed the feasibility of SBC in the production of edible mushroom based on the measurement and results of the nutrients of SBC, secondary and micro-nutrients by nutritional composition test method; 2. Analyzed the safety of SBC in the production of edible mushrooms based on the measurement and results of heavy metal content in SBC by heavy metal element test method:3. Conducted a productively comparative experiment on 5 mushroom varieties-pleurotus ostreatus, shimeji, flammulina mushroom, auriailaria polytricha and shiitake mushroom by adding different proportions of SBC into the edible mushroom medium by microorganism processing technology; 4. Compared the growth rate, growth potential, contamination rate of mycelium in each medium, as well as the yield, biological conversion and other aspect of fruiting body by measuring and recording methods; 5. Evaluated statistical significance of test data with SPSS software by statistical method and adopted One-way Analysis of Variance to analyze the difference of the same variety subject to different treatments; 6. Analyzed the resource application effect of SBC as edible mushroom medium and selected the suitable substrate formulae containing SBC by the method of comparison.The following three factors were considered in the design of medium screening test.1. The experiment adopted 5 edible mushroom varieties and set 6 Formulae:1 CK and 5 SBC of 5%,10%,15%,20% and 40% to replace some of the cottonseed hull and wheat bran in the CK as nutrient source, and conducted a visual screening comparison of mycelial growth in the culture media with different proportions of SBC.2. The experiment investigated the efficiency of SBC as the nitrogen substitution of wheat bran. In the experiment, SBC gradually replaced bran, with the add content of SBC increasing from zero to 10%, and that of wheat bran correspondingly decreasing from 10% to zero.3. The experiment investigated the efficiency of SBC as the carbon substitution of cottonseed hull. The proportion of SBC addition in medium had a gradient increase from 10% to 40% while the content of the cottonseed hull correspondingly decreased from 69% to 39%.Through productive experiment, the major research results were as follows.1. SBC contained rich nutrients including 31.25% organic substance,19.48% humic acid,1.32% protein,0.40% amino acid,59mg/kg effective phosphorus, and 601mg/kg effective potassium, weakly acidic with the pH value of 3.52, which was quite suitable as nutrient for edible mushroom.2. The application of SBC in edible mushroom was safe, and there was no risk of heavy metal contamination. It was determined that SBC contained trace amounts of heavy metals such as mercury (Hg)、lead(Pb)、cadmium(Cd)、arsenic(As)、chromium(Cr), the concentrations of which were respectively 5 mg/kg,100 mg/kg,3 mg/kg,30 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg, much lower than the heavy metal limitation concentrations stipulated in the normative references in organic agriculture industry’s standard in China. Therefore, it could be concluded that the application of SBC in mushroom production was safe and would not cause any heavy metal contamination.3. From the analysis of mycelial growth rate, it could be found that culture medium with SBC had different effects on mycelial growth of all treatments. The growth rate and full-bottled time of both pleurotus ostreatus and shimeji added with SBC appeared to be slightly disadvantageous compared with the CK. For flammulina mushroom, auriailaria polytricha and shiitake mushroom, the growth rate and full-bottled time were obviously advantageous compared with the CK within a certain range of SBC addition. SBC within the range of 5%-20% would effectively promote the mycelial growth and shorten the seeding period.4. From the analysis of the yield and biological conversion of fruiting body of edible mushroom, it could be found that culture medium containing 5% SBC was the most suitable for the growth and development of fruiting body of pleurotus ostreatus and shimeji; 15% SBC for flammulina mushroom,40% SBC for auriailaria polytricha and 10% SBC for shiitake mushroom.5. From the comparative analysis of mushroom efficiency with different culture medium formulae, it could be found that all varieties with different treatments added with SBC enjoyed a higher net production value and unit cost compensation of economic indicators than the CK, and culture medium containing 40% SBC enjoyed the maximum economic benefit in particular.6. From comprehensive considerations, the most appropriate culture fomula for the growth of pleurotus ostreatus, shimeji, flammulina mushroom and auriailaria polytricha was 40% SBC,39% cottonseed hull,20% thick wood shavings.0% wheat bran and 1% lime. The most appropriate culture formula for the growth of shiitake mushroom was 40% SBC,53% thick wood shavings,5% wheat bran.1% magnesium sulfate and 1% gypsum.The following conclusions can be drawn from the experimental results. 1.SBC contains comprehensive nutrients and appropriate C/N ration and can provide abundant carbon and nitrogen source materials for edible mushroom growth. All treatments containing SBC had normal spawn run and could successfully cultivate fruiting body of edible mushroom. It can see that SBC is a new material resource that can substitute part of cottonseed hull, wheat bran and other traditional cultivation materials of edible mushroom.2. SBC can shorten the seeding period of medium strains. Phosphor, potassium and other mineral elements contained in SBC play an important role in promoting the growth of edible mushroom.3. SBC can reduce the contamination rate of medium strains. The large amounts of organic matters and humic acid contained in SBC can stimulate the growth of edible mushrooms.4. Although the yield of edible mushroom cultivated by SBC in some treatments is not prominent, its low cost, relatively high net production value and unit cost compensation of economic indicators can produce relatively great economic benefit and reduce environmental pollution, endowing SBC with great market potential for application in the production of edible mushrooms.
