
红刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)生长、体色和体壁生化成分的初步研究

Study on Growth, Body Color and Biochemical Composition of Body Wall of Red Sea Cucumber (Apostichopus Japonicus)

【作者】 姜森颢

【导师】 董双林;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 水产养殖, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本研究以红刺参为实验材料,通过一系列野外养殖实验,研究了不同水深(自然光强)、不同底色和底质对红刺参生长和体色的影响,相同养殖条件下青、红刺参的生长,不同类型参礁对红刺参生长的影响,以及相同养殖条件下青、红刺参体壁的生化成分(营养相关)。主要结果如下:1.水深(自然光强)对红刺参生长和体色的影响本实验研究了水深对红刺参生长和体色的影响。设计了20cm,50cm,100cm,150cm和200cm五个不同的水深的吊笼处理进行实验。结果表明:水深150cm处红刺参总生产量最大(319.13g),且在此深度实验期间平均特定增长率(SGR)与生产量始终保持为正值,水深200 cm的红刺参存活率最高(93.3%)。回归分析结果表明,光强与SGR呈极显著的正相关关系,回归方程为:SGR= 9E-08L2 -0.0004L+ 1.0758 (n = 40, r = 0.60, P < 0.01);水深对体色的的影响在实验后期的3个月(911月)显著地显现(P < 0.05),即水深越深红刺参体色R值越小,变化率越大。相对其它水深,150cm处红刺参体色保持更好。2.底色(背景颜色)对红刺参生长和体色的影响本实验研究了底色对红刺参生长和体色的影响。设计了红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、白和黑色七个不同底色的吊笼处理进行实验。结果表明:底色对红刺参生长的影响在实验后四个月(912月)开始变得显著(P < 0.05)。黄底色养殖的红刺参总生产量最大(367.90 g),蓝底色养殖的红刺参总生产量最小(75.65 g);底色对体色的作用在实验后期的3个月(911月)开始显著(P < 0.05)。实验结束时红刺参R值大小的具体顺序为:蓝>黄>黑>白>橙>红>绿。相对其它背景色,黄色底色红刺参体色保持更好。3.不同底色和底质对红刺参生长和体色的影响本实验研究了池塘养殖条件下底色和底质对红刺参生长和体色的影响。共设计了蓝、白和橙三个不同底色的围隔处理,以及泥底和白沙底两个不同底质的围隔处理进行实验。结果表明:底色-生长实验中底色对实验红刺参的体重及其SGR的影响显著(P < 0.05),实验结束时,红刺参体重的大小顺序为:白>橙>蓝;底质-生长实验中,白沙底和泥底围隔中红刺参体重均逐渐增加。实验结束时,白沙底红刺参的SGR显著高于泥质底(P < 0.05);底色-体色实验中,不同底色围隔之间红刺参的BCCR差异并不显著(P > 0.05)。实验结束时,R值大小顺序为:蓝>白>橙;底质-体色实验中,红刺参R值及BCCR在白沙底与泥底围隔之间的差异均不显著(P > 0.05),泥底围隔中红刺参体色呈逐渐加深趋势。红刺参体色在实验过程中均保持了红色。4.青、红刺参的生长和不同类型参礁对红刺参生长的影响采用围隔实验研究了相同池塘养殖条件下青、红刺参的生长情况和不同参礁类型对红刺参生长的影响。设计了相同条件的两组围隔进行青、红刺参对比生长实验,不同参礁类型的两组围隔进行红刺参生长实验。结果表明:实验开始的一个月(910月),红刺参日特定生长率(SGR)显著高于青刺参97.50 % ( P < 0.05 );越冬期间青刺参SGR显著高于红刺参(P < 0.05);红刺参春季生长速度比冬季有明显地增加(P < 0.05 );实验结束时,红刺参总生产量为青刺参的45.65%;青、红刺参最终存活率分别为:(29.06±2.77) %和(21.25±2.04) %;回归分析表明,青、红刺参SGR与水温均呈显著的相关关系。红刺参的Wt与SGR在新型参礁与传统PVC管型参礁之间的差异并不显著(P > 0.05)。5.青、红刺参体壁生化成分的研究本实验利用同一池塘中不同围隔,即相同养殖条件下研究了青刺参和红刺参体壁中多种生化成分(营养相关)的组成与含量。结果表明:青、红刺参体壁一般生化成分(营养相关)中水分含量最高(90.50 %,91.70 %),粗蛋白(49.00 %,49.61%)、灰分(28.34 %,30.02 %)和总糖(2.94 %,3.01 %)次之,粗脂肪(2.71%,2.60 %)含量最低。显著性分析表明,红刺参的出皮率、体壁水分和灰分含量(干品)均显著高于青刺参(P < 0.05);青、红刺参体壁含有氨基酸18种,各种氨基酸含量无显著性差异(P > 0.05),青刺参体壁必需氨基酸、呈味氨基酸、药效氨基酸占氨基酸总含量的百分比分别为:(33.98±1.46) %、(51.94±2.96) %和(46.49±2.32) %,红刺参分别为:(32.85±1.49) %、(52.99±1.46 ) %和(46.95±0.29 ) %,二者必需氨基酸的氨基酸分和化学分均小于100,且第一限制氨基酸均为赖氨酸(FAO/WHO评价模式);青、红刺参体壁分别检出主要脂肪酸10种,显著性分析表明,青刺参体壁中MUFA-16:1和SFA- 20:0的含量显著高于红刺参(P < 0.05),而红刺参AA的含量则要显著高于青刺参(P < 0.05);在检测的10种维生素中,青、红刺参体壁均含有的7种维生素为:VB1、VB2、VB3、VB9、VB12、VC和VE,VC含量最高,VB9含量最低。红刺参体壁中VB3含量显著高于青刺参(P < 0.05);红刺参类胡萝卜素总量[(0.29±0.05) mg/100g]显著高于青刺参[(0.09±0.01) mg/100g] (P < 0.05);青刺参体壁中Fe元素含量较高[(4.83±0.13) mg/kg],红刺参Zn元素含量较高[(6.86±0.05) mg/kg],显著性分析表明,在检测的6种微量元素(Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu、Cr和Se)中,红刺参体壁Zn、Cu和Se的含量均显著高于青刺参(P < 0.05)。总体而言,红刺参营养品质高于青刺参。

【Abstract】 A series of outdoor experiments were conducted to investigate effects of water depth (natural light intensities), substratum color and substrate on growth and body color of red sea cucumber; Growth of green and red seacucmber under the same cultured conditions; Effects of different settlement substrata on growth of red sea cucumber; Biochemical composition and content (Nutrition-related) of body wall of green and red sea cucumber under the same cultured conditions. The main results were presented as the following:1. Effects of water depths (natural light intensities) on growth and body color of red sea cucumberIn the experiment, red sea cucumbers were cultured at depths of 20 cm, 50 cm, 100 cm, 150 cm and 200 cm. The results showed that there was the max production (319.13g) on the depth-150 cm, and SGR, Production of this depth were positive from beginning to end. There was the highest survival rate(93.3%) on the depth-200 cm. Regression analysis showed that light intensity and growth were significantly positive correlation, The regression equation was: SGR = 9E-08 L2 - 0.0004L + 1.0758 (n = 40, r = 0.60, P < 0.01); The effects of water depth on body color was significant (P < 0.05) in the last three months (September to November), namely, water was deeper, R value was smaller. Comparing with other water depths, at the 150 cm depth, the body color of red sea cucumber was better.2. Effects of substratum colors on growth and body color of red sea cucumberIn the experiment, red sea cucumbers were cultured in suspending cages with different substratum colors(red, orange, yellow, green, blue, white and black). The results showed that the effects of substratum colors on growth of experimental red sea cucumbers became significant (P < 0.05) in the last four months (September to December). There was the maximum total production(367.90 g) on the yellow substratum, the minimum total production (75.65 g) on the blue one. The effects of different substratum colors on the body colors of red sea cucumbers were significant (P < 0.05) in the last three months (September to November). At the end of the experiment, the order of R values was: Blue > Yellow > Black > White > Orange > Red > Green. Body color of red sea cucumber on yellow substratum was better.3. Effects of different substratum colors and substrates on growth and body colors of red sea cucumberIn the experiment, red sea cucumbers were cultured in the enclosures with different substratum colors(Blue, White and Orange), or different substrates(mud and white sand). The results showed that: in the substratum colors-growth experiment, effects of substratum colors on body weight and SGR of red sea cucumber were significant(P < 0.05). At the end of the experiment, the weight order was: White > Orange > Blue; In the substrates-growth experiment, the body weights of red sea cucumbers on white sand and mud substrates both increased, and at the end of the experiment, SGR of white sand substrate was significantly heigher than the mud one (P < 0.05); In the substratum colors-body color experiment, differences of BCCR among enclosures with different substratum colors were unremarkable(P > 0.05). At the end of the experiment, R value sequence was Blue > White > Orange; In the substrates-body color experiment, differences of R values and BCCR between white sand substrate enclosures and mud ones were both unremarkable(P > 0.05). Body colors of red seacucumbers in enclosures with mud substrates were gradually deeper. During the experiment, body colors of red seacucumbers all maintained red.4. Growth of green and red sea cucumber and effects of different settlement substrata on growth of red sea cucumberIn the experiment, green and red sea cucumbers were cultured in enclosures of mud substrta to investigate their growth situations; and red sea cucumbers were cultured in the enclosures of different settlement substrata to investigate the effects of settlement substrata types on their growths. The results showed that: In the initial one month, SGR of red sea cucumber was significantly higher than green one 97.50 % ( P < 0.05 ). In winter, SGR of green sea cucumber was remarkably higher than red one ( P < 0.05 ), conversely. At the end of the experiment, total production of red sea cucumber was 45.65% of green one. The final survival rate of green and red sea cucumbers were: ( 29.06±2.77 ) % and ( 21.25±2.04 ) %, respectively. Regression analysis showed that SGR of green and red sea cucumber were both significant correlation with water temperature. Differences of Wt and SGR of green and red sea cucumbers between new and PVC pipe type settlement substrata were unremarkable (P > 0.05).5. Biochemical composition of body wall of green and red sea cucumberBiochemical composition and content (Nutrition-related) in body wall of green and red sea cucumber under the same cultured conditions were investigated in the experiments. The results showed that: The moisture contents in body wall of green and red sea cucumber were maximum(90.50 % and 91.70 %) among general biochemical compositions (nutrition-related), crude protein (49.00 % and 49.61 %), ash (28.34 % and 30.02 %) and carbohydrate(2.94 % and 3.01 %) were less in sequence, content of crude fat was minimum. Notability analysis showed that: Body wall production, moisture and ash contents of red sea cucumber were significantly higher than green one (P < 0.05); There were 18 amino acids in body wall of green and red sea cucumber, differences of these amino acids content between green and red one were unremarkable (P > 0.05). Percentages of Essential amino acid, Flavor amino acid and Drug amino acid in total amino acid of green sea cucumber were: (33.98±1.46) %, (51.94±2.96) % and (46.49±2.32) %, respectively. And red sea cucumber were: (32.85±1.49) %, (52.99±1.46 ) % and (46.95±0.29 ) %, respectively. The Amino acid score and Chemistry score of green and red one were both less than 100, and the first limiting amino acids of them were both Lysine; There were 10 fat acids in body wall of green and red sea cucumber. Notability analysis showed that: Contents of MUFA-16:1 and SFA-20:0 in green one were significantly higher than red one (P < 0.05), but AA content in red sea cucumber was remarkably higher than green one (P < 0.05); In 10 detecting Vintamins, there were both 7 ones in body wall of green and red sea cucumber, which were: VB1, VB2, VB3, VB9, VB12, VC and VE. Contents of VC and VB9 were maximum and minimum, respectively. VB3 content in red sea cucumber was significantly higher than green one (P < 0.05); Total carotenoid content of red seacucumber [(0.29±0.05) mg/100g] was significantly higher than green sea cucumber [(0.09±0.01) mg/100g] (P < 0.05); In body wall of green sea cucumber, Fe element content was higher [(4.83±0.13) mg/kg], and in body wall of red one, Zn element content was higher [(6.86±0.05) mg/kg]. Notability analysis showed that: In the detected 6 trace elements(Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu、Cr and Se), Zn, Cu and Se contents in body wall of red sea cucumber were all significantly higher than green one (P < 0.05). On the whole, the nutrition quality of red sea cucumber was better than green one.
