

Old Famous Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine Professor Duan Fujin Treatment Experience of Research Bi Zheng

【作者】 张绍峰

【导师】 李冀;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 方剂学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 通过回顾性的临床研究,以中医药理论为指导,采用观察法、比较法及数理统计法,对名老中医段富津教授治疗痹证的经验,进行归纳和总结。首先,对痹证进行了古代文献学研究,总结不同时期医家、医籍对痹证病名、病因病机、辨证论治等方面的认识,纵向对痹证的认识有一个整体把握。其次,对痹证进行了现代文献学研究,总结现代对痹证的理论研究、临床研究、实验研究及少数民族医学研究情况,横向对痹证的现代研究进展有一个整体了解。以上两个方面为整理和总结段富津教授治疗痹证的辨治规律提供了理论依据。通过分析489例痹证患者医案的辨证论治方法,以及对段富津教授治疗各证型痹证基础方加减药物的频次进行统计分析讨论,概括总结了段富津教授诊治痹证的临证经验及学术思想。1.风湿痹证用羌活胜湿汤加减。2.风湿血瘀证用身痛逐瘀汤加减。3.风湿表虚证用防己黄芪汤加减。4.风湿久痹证中的肝肾两虚、气血不足证用独活寄生汤加减,气虚证用升阳益胃汤加减。5.风寒湿痹证用蠲痹汤加减。6.气血虚痹证用黄芪桂枝五物汤合当归四逆汤加减。7.寒湿痹证用白术附子汤加减。8.湿热痹证用四妙丸或宣痹汤加减。9.风湿热痹证用当归拈痛汤加减。10.血虚痹证用趁痛散加减。

【Abstract】 Through the restropective review of the clinical studies, with the guide of the Chinese Medicine theories and also by the way of observation, comparison and mathematical statistics, to summarize and conclude the treatment experiences of Rheumatism(Bi Syndrome) of an old famous doctor of the Traditional Chinese Medicine, professor Duan Fu-jin.Firstly, to carry out the research of the ancient literature of Rheumatism and to sum up the knowledge of Doctors and the Medical Books of different periods about the names of this disease, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment, and other aspects of Rheumatism. From a straight point of view, which comes up with an overall understanding about the knowledge of Rheumatism.Secondly, to do the findings about the present studies of the literature of Rheumatism. To summarize the modern studies about the theoretical, clinical, laboratory and the minorities’mecical aspects of Rheumatism. From a horizontal view, which establishes a comprehensive understanding about Rheumatism.The above two aspects provide the arrangement of the information and bring up a conclusion about Rheumatism. These lead to a treatment rule which supports a theoretical evidence for Professor Duan Fu-jin to treat Rheumatism.By looking at the 489 cases of different syndromes of Rheumatic patients’medical records with varying treatment methods together with the statisitical analysis, and also about the frequency of the modification of drugs upon the based prescription that treated by Professor Duan Fu-jin, thus, coming up with the summarization of his clinical experiences and academic thinkings as follows:1. Rheumatism casued by wind and dampness:by using Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Decoction modification.2. Rheumatism casued by wind-dampness-blood stasis:by using Shen Tong Zhu Yu Decoction modification.3. Rheumatism casued by wind-dampness-surface deficiency:by using Fang Ji Huang Qi Decoction modification.4. Liver and kidney deficiencies and lack of blood and Qi of Rheumatism caused by long time wind and dampness:using Du Huo Ji Sheng Decoction modification; Qi deficiency:by using Sheng Yang Yi Wei Decoction modification5. Rheumatism caused by wind-cold-dampness:using Juan Bi Decoction modification.6. Rheumatism caused by Qi and blood deficiencies:using Huang Qi Gui Zhi Wu Wu and Dong Gui Si Ni Decoction modification.7. Rheumatism caused by cold and dampness:using Bai Zhu Fu Zi Decoction modification.8. Rheumatism caused by heat and dampness:using Si Miao Pill or Xuan Bi Decoction modification.9. Rheumatism caused by wind-heat-dampness:using Dang Gui Nian Tong Decoction modification.10. Rheumatism caused by blood deficiency:using Chen Tong Powder modification.

  • 【分类号】R249.2;R255.6
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