

Suday of Drug Used Characteristics and Prescription-formulating Principle in Cholasma

【作者】 陈筑君

【导师】 金宏柱;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 1.研究目的本课题通过对历代涉及黄褐斑治疗方药具有代表性的古医籍和现代临床治疗黄褐斑有效的内服及外用方的文献数据进行收集、整理和归纳,建立相关数据库,利用现代数据挖掘技术和统计学分析方法,力求揭示黄褐斑方药证治规律,为黄褐斑的中医临床、科研提供一定的理论基础。2.研究方法本课题收集《备急千金要方》、《千金翼方》、《肘后备急方》、《外台秘要》、《太平圣惠方》、《御药院方》、《普济方》、《圣济总录》等具有代表性的古代医籍关于黄褐斑的外治和内治法方剂:以及1990-2009现代临床文献报道关于黄褐斑外治和内治法涉及肝郁气滞证、瘀血内阻证、脾虚湿阻证、肝肾阴虚证治疗案例。以频数统计方法为主,初步统计出黄褐斑古代及现代内、外治法用药特点及组方规律。3.研究结果本课题对所收集的黄褐斑治疗具有代表性古代医籍所涉方剂以及现代临床文献报道文献,从用药频率、药物功效等方面进行统计分析,发现古代外治方中使用频率较高的药物有白附子、白芷、川芎、白蜜、鸡子白、细辛;现代外治方中使用频率较高药物有白芷、白附子、白及、当归、茯苓、白僵蚕;古代内治方使用频率较高的药有白芷、茯苓、藁本、细辛、白附子、甘草、当归;现代内治法中肝郁气滞证使用频率较高药物为柴胡、当归、茯苓、白芍、白术、甘草、香附;瘀血内阻证使用频率较高的药物为当归、红花、柴胡、桃仁、川芎、香附、丹参;脾虚湿阻证使用频率较高的药物有白术、茯苓、当归、党参、甘草、川芎;肝肾阴虚证使用频率较高药物有女贞子、熟地、当归、山药、旱莲草、丹皮。此外,药物功效分类统计发现黄褐斑古代及现代内、外治法以祛风、补益、活血、理气类药为主;外治法中常配蜂蜜、鸡蛋清和动物组织等多种基质调敷使用;古代方中出现23首单方,其中以密陀僧、益母草、杏仁等药单用为主;古代医家常使用当归、川芎、白芷、白附子、白茯苓等白色或带白字为主的药物;古今医家适当巧用以细辛、白附子、杏仁、皂荚、杜衡等为主的有毒药物;古代医家善用矿物类药,其中以密陀僧、丹砂、铅丹等药为主。4.结论本课题对有代表性的古代医籍和现代临床报导关于黄褐斑内服及外用治验方进行系统的整理分析并加以研究,揭示了其用药特点、组方规律等,为黄褐斑的中医临床、科研提供了一定的理论基础。

【Abstract】 1.ObjectiveThis topic colleted ancient prescriptions and modern clinical cases about Cho lasma,then we arranged and inducted the datas, used analysis, induction and ma thematical statistics to do some preliminary research on drug used characteristic s and prescription-formulating principle. Thus it can provide the theoretical basi s for clinical study, and to establish foundation of diagnostie standardization on syndromes which is more objective, applieable and operable.2.MethodThe topic colleted ancient prescriptions including Bei Ji Qian Yao Fang,Zhou Hou Bei Ji Fang,Wai Tai Mi Yao,Tai Ping Sheng Hui Fang,Yu Yuan Yao Fan g,Pu Ji Fang,Sheng Ji Zong Lu etc. and modern clincal cases from 1990-2009 about Stagnation of liver qi, Bleeding resistance Card, Spleen dampness card, L iver and Kidney Yin Deficiency of Cholasma. Then we established initial datab ase, throughing frequency statistics,to research on drug used characteristics and prescription-formulating principle.3.ResultsThis topic colleted ancient prescriptions and modern clinical datas,analyzed the frequency of herbs and effectiveness of classifications etc.We found the outside treatment prescriptions of ancient high frequency herbs are BaiFuZi,Bai Zhi,ChuanXiong,BaiMi,JiZiBai,XiXin; outside treatment prescriptions of modern high frequency herbs are BaiZhi,BaiFuZi,BaiJi,DangGui,FuLing,BaiJiangCan;insid e treatment prescriptions of ancient high frequency herbs are BaiZhi,FuLing,Ga oBen,XiXin,BaiFuZi,GanCao,DangGui;The stagnation of liver qi of inside treatm ent prescriptions of modern high frequency herbs are ChaiHu,DangGui,FuLin g,BaiShao,BaiZhu,GanCao,XiangFu; the bleeding resistance card of inside treatm ent prescriptions of modern high frequency herbs are DangGui,HongHua,Chai Hu,TaoRen,ChuanXiong,XiangFu,DanShen;the spleen dampness card of inside tre atmentprescriptions of modern high frequency herbs are BaiZhu,FuLing,DangGui, DangShen,GanCao,ChuanXiong; the liver and Kidney yin deficiency of inside treatment prescriptions of modern high frequency herbs are NvZhenZi,ShuDi,Da ngGui,ShanYao,HanLianCao,DanPi. In addition, the main herbs of effectiveness of classifications are QuFeng,BuYi,HuoXue and LiQi class. The honey,eggand a nimal fat are used as matrix in inside treatment prescriptions of modern.MiTuoseng,YiMucao and XingRen are used separate in ancient prescriptions.Da ngGui,ChuanXiong,BaiZhi,BaiFuzi,BaiFuling etc white herbs were used in ancie nt prescriptions. Toxic drugs such as XiXin,BaiFuzi,XingRen,ZaoJia,DuHeng are often used in ancient and modern prescriptions. Mineral drugs such as MiTuos eng,DanSha,QianDan are often used in ancient prescriptions.4.ConclusionThe subject analyzed and study ancient prescriptions and modern clinical datas, revealed the drug used characteristics and prescription-formulating principle, then it provides a theoretical basic for clinical treatment for Cholasma.

  • 【分类号】R275
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