

Study on Space Distribution Evolution of Rural Settlement

【作者】 谭雪兰

【导师】 段建南;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业遥感与资源利用, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 土地利用/土地覆被变化研究是全球环境变化的重要组成部分,目前众多国家的政府机构、科研部门与社会团体都在关注和研究这一问题。长沙市是一个典型的山区丘陵城市,农村居民点用地规模大、数量多、布局分散且紊乱,随着“两型社会”建设步伐的加快,提高资源的集约与节约利用水平,实现区域的社会经济可持续发展是长沙市亟待解决的关键问题。因此,加强长沙市农村居民点空间布局演变研究,探索其农村居民点空间布局演变的规律及驱动机制,对于保护耕地资源、优化农村居民点空间布局、促进农村土地资源的集约与节约利用都具有十分重要的理论与现实意义。本论文以长沙市农村居民点空间布局演变为主线,以地理学、经济学和社会学等学科的相关理论为支撑,采用系统分析法、综合分析法、层次分析法和线性加权和法、多元计量模型、GIS统计软件及景观生态学方法,探讨了长沙市近20年来农村居民点空间布局演变的轨迹、驱动机制和发展模式、调整方案。研究发现长沙市农村居民点用地面积由1989年84300.44hm2增加到了2009年的109534.88hm2,平均斑块面积由0.425hm2增加到了0.531hm2,斑块密度由0.167个/hm2增加到0.174个/hm2,斑块面缘比由1.546增加到1.676,分维数由1.679降到1.672,说明长沙市农村居民点规模、斑块密度不断增加,斑块形状日趋规则。不同地貌类型区农村居民点空间布局的差异明显,平原区农村居民点平均斑块面积、斑块密度优于丘岗区和山区。20年来,农村居民点空间布局适宜性水平逐步提高,由0.7845提高到0.8295。而驱动长沙市农村居民点空间布局演变的主要驱动因子包括社会经济发展、农村工业化、农村居民环境三大类。利用最近邻点指数对长沙市农村居民点空间布局模式划分,聚集型乡镇17个,随机型乡镇99个,均匀型乡镇1个。最后提出了长沙市农村居民点空间布局优化的方案即发展型乡镇46个,控制性乡镇60个,拆并性乡镇11个,并提出了相应的调控措施。

【Abstract】 Study on Land use and Land Cover Change (LUCC) is an integral part of global environmental change. At present, many government organizations, scientific research departments and social groups are concerned about and studying this very topic. Changsha City is a typical city in the district of mountains and hills; With a serious situation of large land-use scale, large quantity, scattered and disordered layout of its rural residential, As the pace of building Two Types of Society accelerates, it becomes a crucial and urgent problem for Changsha to improve the intensive and economical use of resource and to set up a sustainable society as well as economy. Therefore, it is very important to strengthen the research on the spatial layout evolution in the rural residential areas.The main line of this essay, which is supported by geography, economics and sociology with the methods of system analysis, comprehensive analysis, GIS statistical software and Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), linear weighted method, multi-linear regression model and landscape ecological method, it probes the cores, driving mechanism, developing pattern and the optimization program of Changsha’s evolution of spatial layout of the rural residential area during the last 20 years.The continual increase in the area, scale and density in Changsha’s rural residential spatial layout is found out by the research, so as to the more regular form of the spots. The area increased from 84300.44 hm2 to 109534.88 hm2, average plaques area increased from 0.425 hm2 to 0.531 hm2, plaques density increased from 0.167a/hm2 to 0.174a/hm2, face margin ratio increased from 1.546 to 1.676, fractal dimension reduced from 1.679 to 1.672.The research also revealed a promotion on the rationalization of rural residential areas’spatial layout in spite of its obvious distinction in different terrains and landforms. average plaques area and plaques density in plain area is better than that of hilly and mountainous area. For 20 years, the suitability level of rural settlement spatial layout gradually improved, improved from 0.7845 to 0.8295.The main driving factors of the evolution of spatial layout in Changsha’s rural residential areas included economic development, industrialization in the rural area and rural residential environment. Then this paper divided the spatial layout pattern of Changsha’s rural residential areas into three types, that is Gathering Type, Stochastic Type and Well-distributed Type, respectively with the number of 17,99 and 1.Finally, it proposed the optimization scheme of Changsha rural residential areas spatial layout to be 46 Development Type,60 Control Type and 11 Break and Combine Type,meanwhile put forward the corresponding control measures.
