

【作者】 陈苏

【导师】 崔之清;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 台资企业是两岸经贸交流的一种重要方式和载体。顶新集团(康控公司)是台商投资大陆食品业的标杆企业,在业内具有举足轻重的地位。研究顶新集团(康控公司)对深刻把握两岸经贸交流具有重要学术和现实意义。顶新集团由台湾彰化的一家油脂加工作坊发展成世界上最大的方便面生产企业、大陆饮料市场的霸主,返台控股味全企业,同时涉足零售连锁业、餐饮连锁业、物流业、地产业等,取得了巨大的商业成功。顶新的未来目标是成为“全球最大中式方便食品及饮品集团”。顶新集团正在培养家族和非本家族的接班人,逐渐淡化企业的家族色彩。顶新通过引进国际策略联盟伙伴,不仅在紧急关头度过了危机,而且引入先进的生产技术和企业管理,推动企业发展上了新的台阶。通过引入IT技术,顶新集团的企业管理更加科学化、规范化。顶新集团在方便面产品取得成功后,实施多元化的产品战略,以占领内地不同地区不同口味的消费者市场。引入国际先进的质量管理系统,产品质量信誉卓著。大手笔投入广告宣传活动,倾力打造具有浓郁民族色彩的著名食品品牌;同时,努力从事公益活动,捐资助学、赈灾助贫、节能减排、赞助两岸教育文化交.流,精心打造和维护顶新良好的企业形象。顶新集团通过通路革命和通路精耕,成功地构建了一个深入城乡的市场体系,牢牢地控制了市场终端。通过合理的价格策略,顶新集团既保住了自己的市场霸主地位,又始终保持合理的利润率。通过策划各种营销活动,顶新集团的产品在市场上获得了巨大成功。顶新集团通过鼓励移民扎根和整体迁移,派任台籍干部和招募大陆边远地区从业人员,并逐步实现干部本土化。集团每年都投巨资进行人力培训,与高校、科研院所合作培养人才,同时,大规模赞助优秀学生出国留学。对员工的管理宽严相济,员工对企业忠诚度高,形成较强的企业凝聚力。顶新集团在人力资源方面的长期积累是其在大陆商业成功的主要原因之一总而言之,顶新集团善于把握大陆改革开放的可贵机遇,抢占先机,投资大陆,开创了企业第二春;用心经营,开拓大陆内需市场,使企业迅速发展壮大;实施品牌战略、通路革命、自主研发技术、强化人力投入,是顶新集团始终站在时代潮头、永葆生机和活力的关键所在。顶新集团的成功经验对大陆台资企业的科学发展具有重要借鉴价值。

【Abstract】 Taiwan-invested enterprises are important media of the trade between the Mainland and Taiwan. Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp. distinguishes itself in the field as a first solar of the Taiwanese enterprises on the Mainland. Because of this, doing research on the company does make theoretic and realistic sense to help people understand the cross-strait economic relationship.Ting Hsin International Group was developed from a small lipid processing individual workshop. Up to now, the Group has obtained the over lordship in the world market of producing instant noodles and in the Mainland beverage-producing industry, besides being involved in retail chain industry, restaurant chain industry, logistics, real estate market, etc. What’s more, it has succeeded in controlling interests of Wei-Chuan International Incorporation. The Group is aimed at becoming the largest instant Chinese food and drink bloc.The Group is now cultivating the successors inside and outside the family, gradually weakening the direct family effect on the company. Meanwhile, by introducing international strategy alliance partners, the Group has not only managed to overcome crises, but also brought in advanced manufacturing techniques and business management, making its development stepping on a new stage. The introduction of IT techniques has made the management more scientific and normalized as well.After achieving success in the instant noodle production, the Group implements multiple product strategies to dominate the various consumer markets with different tastes in different areas. Its products enjoy a high reputation due to its introduction of international advanced quality control system. On the other hand, the Group works on the advertising campaign with a large sum of fund, building a well-know food brand with distinctive national and folk features, while fostering and maintaining a good and healthy company image by taking an active part in commonweal activities, such as donating to help poor students, relieving the people in disaster and poverty, saving energy and reducing emission and sponsoring cross-strait educational and cultural communications.The Group has successfully constructed an in-depth urban and rural market system and gripped the market terminal through the pathways revolution and pathways intensive cultivation. By the reasonable price strategy, the Group has both kept its market dominance, and maintained reasonable profit margins. By the means of various marketing activities, the Group’s products have achieved great success in the market.As for the training of personnel, the Group encourages the migrating settlement and integral migration, leading to many Taiwanese managers being sent to the Mainland and more employees from the remote areas on the Mainland working in the company. And the Group is realizing cadre localization step by step. The Group annually invests much in manpower training and works together with universities to train qualified people. It also provides for extraordinary students great financial assistance in oversea study. Its employees show great faith in the company in return for the managing policy of temper justice with mercy. In short, human resource accumulation contributes to the company’s business success on the Mainland.In conclusion, the Group’s investment on the Mainland has brought it second-round chance, through its keen insight into and full use of the Mainland’s reform and opening up policy. The Group manages cannily and exploits domestic market to step up its development. Moreover, the implementation of brand strategy, pathways revolution, independent technical research and development, and strengthening human input are the keys to making the company always stand in the forefront of the times and maintain its vitality and energy. Thus, the Group’s success is of great reference value to the scientific development of Taiwanese enterprises on the Mainland.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】F426.82
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1746