

The Aberration of Media Power

【作者】 尹力

【导师】 丁柏铨;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 社会学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放尤其是90年代以来,中国传媒业发生了史无前例的变化,是为媒介变迁。媒介变迁给传媒业注入了生机与活力,带来了传媒业的巨大发展。然而,一个不容忽视的问题是,在媒介变迁过程中,亦出现了一系列备受指责的现象,泛娱乐化、拜金主义、绯闻炒作、庸俗恶搞、公共利益缺失等频频出现在公共媒体上,给社会带来了不小的负面效应。西方有关媒介研究的理论早已证明,媒介对社会产生影响的方式有其独特性,它虽不具有强制他人的权力,然而,人们又无时无刻都能感受到媒介对他们思想和行为的影响。也就是说,媒介具有一种无形的影响力,是为媒介权力。正是媒介变迁过程中媒介权力的畸变,也即传媒对自身影响力的不恰当运用,引发了一系列的负面效应。诚然,媒介变迁过程中出现的诸多负面效应的确与媒介市场化改革有关,但它却不是问题产生的根本原因。本文以为,要回答这个问题,就必须跳出媒介本身、在整个宏观社会的大背景下来寻找答案。三十余年来,伴随着改革开放进程的不断推进,中国社会经历了一场深刻的社会变革,这场社会变革的实质是国家、市场与社会三者关系的重构。所有社会大系统内部各子系统的变化,都与这一背景息息相关。媒介作为社会大系统中的一个子系统,它在变迁过程中产生的一系列问题,都不可能逃脱这一背景的影响和制约。正是国家、市场与社会之关系的重构没有达到理想的状态,才使国家、市场与社会之关系出现了非均衡格局,这是引发媒介变迁过程中出现一系列问题的结构性原因。具体来说就是,在现代社会里,国家、市场与社会三者之间本应处于一种势均力敌的均衡状态,由此才能达到相互制衡的目的。然而,由于种种原因,目前中国却出现了“强政府-强市场-弱社会”的非均衡格局,在这种格局中,政府极易挣脱社会(公民)的制约转而投向市场,市场也会借此而无限扩张,二者结成一种“暧昧”的“盟友”关系,最终把社会推向一种绝对弱势的境地,从而难以发挥对政府、市场的制衡作用。以此来观照今天的媒介现象不难发现,在改革过程中,媒介一方面继续履行着意识形态宣传工具的职能,与政府保持着良好的关系;另一方面,它又被推向了市场,逐渐成长为市场中的一个强势角色。在这种情况下,媒介只要履行好意识形态宣传的职能,就可以淋漓尽致地追求自身利益最大化了。而媒介一旦陷入追求利益最大化的陷阱,又缺少相应的社会力量制约、监督,就难免会把社会公共利益抛置一边,把追求经济利益摆在首要位置了。国家、市场与社会之关系解释了媒介变迁及其负面效应的宏观面相,而要完整解释这个问题,微观视角不可或缺。为此,本文从“结构-行动”互构的视角对“政府-媒介”、“媒介-受众”两种关系做出了微观分析,认为政府与媒介之间、媒介与受众之间都是一种互动关系,正是它们的互构推动了媒介变迁。全文共分为五章。第一章导论主要是说明借助国家、市场和社会之关系作为本文分析框架的原因以及“结构-行动”互构的研究视角。第二章在回顾“媒介效果研究”和“媒介批判研究”的基础上,指出媒介权力的核心在于传媒所拥有的影响力。而对媒介影响力的任何不恰当运用也即媒介权力的畸变,都将给我们社会带来负面影响。第三章对改革开放三十多年来我国媒介变迁的总体情况进行了回顾与分析,认为中国媒介改革是在政府与媒介的相互作用下展开的,正是政府与媒介之间的这种互构推动了中国媒介的变迁,作者对湖南广播电视台进行的个案研究则进一步证实了这一观点。第四章着重列举和分析了我国媒介变迁过程中出现的一些负面现象。第五章是对全文的总结性分析,对媒介变迁及其负面效应进行深度分析与总结,并在此基础上探讨其未来发展的方向。

【Abstract】 The Chinese media industry has undergone unprecedented changes, which are called the changes of media, since Reform and opening up, especially 1990s. The changes of the media industry have injected vigor and vitality, bringing tremendous development of the media industry. However, the problem can not be ignored is that with the process of the changes in the media, a series of blamed phenomena, the pan-entertainment, the worship of money, the scandal speculation,the vulgar spoof, the lack of public interests, frequently occurred in the public media, leading to some negative effects.Western theories about media studies had shown that the impact of media on society has its unique way, though it has the power to force others, however, people can feel all the time and media on their thinking and behavior. In other words, the media has a kind of invisible influence, for the media power. It is the media change the course of the influence of media on their inappropriate use of distortion caused by the media power, triggering a series of negative effects produced.Indeed, the negative effects on the process of the changes of the media connected to the market reform, but it is not the root cause of these problems. I argue that to answer this question, we must jump out the media itself and find answers in the context of macro society. The Chinese society has experienced a profound social change, which in fact is the reconstruction of the relationship among state, market and society since the continuous progress of the Reform and opening up for more than 30 years. All major social changes in various subsystems within the social system are closely linked with this background. As a subsystem, the media can not escape the impacts and constraints of this background. Because the relationship between state and society did not achieve the ideal goal, it causes non-equilibrium situation on the relationship between state and society, which is the root cause of a series problems in the process of the media. Specifically, in the modern society, the relationship among state, market and society among the parity should be in a state of equilibrium, which can achieve the purpose of balances. However, for various reasons, China now is in a non-equilibrium "strong government-strong marker-weak society" situation. In this situation, the government can easily get rid of society (citizens), turn to connect with the market, so the market will expand unlimitedly, which leads to a ambiguous ally relationship between the government and the market. According to the contemporary phenomenon, it is easy to find that the media continue to perform the functions of the ideological propaganda, keeping a good relationship with the government. On the other hand, the media also are pushed to the market, gradually grown into a strong role in the market. In this case, the media just need to carry out ideological propaganda functions well to maximize their own interests. Once the media are caught in the trap to seek their maximum benefits, it is inevitable that they throw the public interests aside, and put the economic interest in forefront of others.And the theory of the relationship between the state and the society only explains the changes of the media and their negative effects on macroscopic perspective. Trying to fully explain the problem, the microscopic perspective is still indispensable. So this paper uses the "Structure-Action" mutual construction theory to make a microscopic analysis of the "government-media", "media-audience". Text is divided into five chapters.Introduction to some of the first chapter is to specify the use of state, market and society relations as well as the reasons for this analytical framework "structure-action" each structure research perspective.Chapter II Review of Communication in the history of the "effect theory" and "critical theory" on the basis that the nature of the two main studies for the influence of the media, and this influence is actually the power of the media to discuss this article.Chapter three decades of reform and opening up the overall situation of China’s media changes were reviewed and analyzed, that the Chinese media reform in the government’s interaction with the media to start,and it is between the government and media to promote this interaction structure changes in the Chinese media, the author of Hunan Radia and TV stations of the case studies future confirmed this view.Chapter IV focuses on the media list and analysis of China’s changes in the emergence of some major problems. And chapter V is the full text of the summary analysis of media change and its adverse effects in-depth analysis and summary

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1364