

Research on China’s Sport Event Volunteer Service

【作者】 黄桑波

【导师】 李建国;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育社会学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 北京奥运会志愿服务模式重大成功,标志着我国体育赛会志愿服务工作进入崭新的阶段。为了更进一步地了解我国赛会志愿服务工作,本研究以北京奥运会志愿服务模式为参照对象,以2010年广州亚运会、2011年厦门国际马拉松赛和2010年厦门大学运动会等三类不同赛会志愿服务状况为调查对象,分析我国体育赛会志愿服务的现状及其发展的驱动机制,构建我国不同类型体育赛会的志愿服务模式,为我国体育赛会志愿服务的可持续发展提供参考。通过研究,得出如下结论:第一,体育赛会志愿者是指由赛会组委会组织招募,经合法注册并接受培训,以赛会的名义在指定的时间和岗位上义务从事赛会服务的人员。体育赛会志愿服务是指以赛会志愿组织的名义,由赛会志愿者提供的服务。?第二,不同赛会志愿服务的招募和培训方式有很大差异,赛会志愿组织存在着专业化程度低,提供服务机会少的缺点;影响志愿者服务参与的因素是“提升自我”和“价值体现”;赛会志愿者的收益预期是“评奖就业好处”和“专业技能提高”,他们的服务心理体验大多是积极的。第三,我国赛会志愿服务受到赛会规模、组织机构和资金投入等三种因素的影响,这些因素与赛会志愿者的供求关系密切相关。内在的责任心和外部的约束力是赛会志愿者完成任务的重要保证,便捷参与方式、制定统一的认可制度、有效的激励保障机制是赛会志愿服务可持续发展的动力。第四,我国体育赛会志愿服务大致分为大型体育赛会志愿服务、中等规模赛会志愿服务和小型体育赛会志愿服务等三种类型,不同类型的体育赛会服务有着不同的发展模式,它们在招募培训、组织管理和激励保障等环节上都存在很大差异,体现了不同赛会组织对社会资源动员能力的差异。第五,我国体育赛会志愿服务的驱动机制包含四大要素,即“参与促进”、“组织发展”、“服务教育”和“权益保障”。以体育赛会志愿服务的驱动机制为支点,以正式组织和非正式组织作为杠杆的两端,根据驱动要素在不同类型体育赛会所起的作用,把我国体育赛会志愿服务分为“政府主导模式”、“共管型模式”和“社会主导模式”。第六,我国大型体育赛会志愿服务模式运行要依靠政府主导手段,而政府主导与志愿精神的本质是冲突的;但在赛会志愿服务发展的初级阶段,这种模式对于我国体育赛会志愿服务的制度化、规范化和法制化发展奠定了坚实的基础。第七,我国中等规模体育赛会志愿服务模式在借鉴大型体育赛会志愿服务模式的基础上结合赛会特色,呈现模式特征的区域化,模式运行的合作化,模式保障的社会化;但在发展过程中,要避免行政手段的过度介入,实现正式组织与非正式组织的合作共管。第八,我国小型体育赛会规模小,志愿者需求量少,志愿服务工作简便灵活;但由于受到资源和制度的双重约束,这种社会主导型模式的社会动员能力不强,专业化程度低,政府可通过委托服务的形式支持小型赛会志愿服务的发展。

【Abstract】 The volunteer services pattern of Beijing Olympic Games, which symbolizes that China sports volunteer services enter a new stage, gains a significant success. For a better understanding of China sport event volunteer services, this paper takes Beijing Olympic sport event volunteer services pattern as the reference object by investigating the three kinds of different sport event volunteer services, which are 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games, 2011 Xiamen International Marathon Match and 2010 Xiamen University Games. It also analyzes China sport event volunteer services situation and the development mechanism, constructs different types of China sport event volunteer services pattern and serves the sustainable development reference for China sport event volunteer services.This paper strives to draw the following conclusions:First, China’s sport event volunteers refer to those who are recruited, registered and trained by a sport event organization committee before accepting the assignment of the committee. China’s sports event volunteer refers to the services which are provided by the event volunteers.Second, the recruiting and training in various sport event volunteer services differ greatly. The sport event organizations are lowly specialized and there is few opportunity in it; The factors affecting the participation are“the promotion”and“the value manifest”. The volunteers anticipate gaining appraisal employment and enhancing professional skill, therefore they are mentally positive.Third, the sports event scales, the organization agencies and the funding invested, which are closely related to the sport event volunteers’supply and demand, influence China sport event volunteer services. The intrinsic responsibility and exterior binding force are the important guarantee for the sport event volunteer. Besides that, the convenient participating way, the unified approval system and the effective safeguard mechanism are the sustainable motivation.Fourth, there are three types of scales in China sport event volunteer services, the large-scale, the moderate-scale and the small-scale. Sport event volunteer services of different types differ in the recruiting and training, the organization and management, the drive and safeguard, and so on, so they have different development models, which reflect the different organization mobilization ability to the social resource.Fifth, there are four main driving mechanism in China’s sport event volunteer services, which are“Participation Promotion”,“Organization Development”,“Service Cultivation”and“Rights Protection”. Take the sports event volunteer services drive mechanism as a pivot, the lever’s both sides by the official organization and the unofficial organization, with the drive mechanism as a fulcrum, we construct three patterns of China’s sports event volunteer services——“the Government leading Pattern”,“the Cooperation Pattern”and“the Social leading Pattern”according to the essential drive factor played at the different type sports event.Sixth, the large-scale sports event volunteer service pattern must depend on the administrative intervene, but the administrative method and the volunteerism essence is conflicting. In the sport event volunteer service initial stage,this pattern contributes the solid foundation to China sport volunteer services’ institution, standardization and legalization.Seventh, the moderate-scale sports volunteer services patters presents the pattern characteristic regionalization, the pattern movement cooperative, and the pattern safeguard socialization by using the large-scale one as a source of reference. But in the developing process, it must avoid the excessive administration involvement to realize the government strength and the social strength cooperation.Eighth, as its name indicates, the demand for volunteers is little and the volunteer work is flexible. But under the resources and system restraints, this social pattern has weak mobilization and low specialized degree. The government may support small sport event developing through entrusting volunteer service.

【关键词】 中国体育赛会赛会志愿服务模式
【Key words】 ChinaSports eventEvent volunteer servicePattern