

Study on Technical and Tactic Characteristics of Modern Men’s Boxing

【作者】 王德新

【导师】 吴瑛;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 拳击运动是一项世界性的运动,弘扬着人类不断向大自然、向困难、向命运和向人类极限挑战的勇气和精神。2008年北京奥运会上,我国拳击运动员取得了2枚金牌,1枚银牌和1枚铜牌的好成绩,实现了奥运史上拳击金牌零的突破。但与世界拳击强国相比,无论是拳击运动的理论体系还是实践运用上仍有一定差距,需要我们进一步总结和完善。对现代拳击运动技战术的研究,是我国拳击运动不断发展的客观需要。拳击运动遵循着事物是永恒发展与普遍联系这一客观规律,发展的主要特征表现为,技战术体系、竞赛规则等都在不断丰富与完善,训练理念、训练手段和训练方法等不断创新,“求精”、“求变”、“求新”和“求悟”已成为各国拳击教练追求目标。对现代拳击运动技战术的研究,有利于我国拳击运动的可持续发展。运用现代拳击技战术数据采集与智能分析系统和多媒体技术,对国内外优秀拳击运动员的技战术特征进行全面细致的分析,能及时而准确的掌握世界优秀拳击运动员技战术特征,科学构建拳击运动的技战术体系,有效做到知己知彼,百战不殆,为拳击运动员的训练与竞赛提供直接指导,为了解世界拳击运动的发展提供科学支撑。本研究运用文献资料法、访谈法和录像解析法等研究方法,就现代拳击运动技战术特征基本理论进行研究,同时运用现代信息技术对具有代表性的不同打法类型运动员的技战术特征进行实证分析。经研究分析,本文得出的主要结论如下:1、现代拳击运动的制胜因素主要表现为:以“快”为主,以“快”制胜;能攻能守,技术“全”面;“连”续作战能力强;主动求“变”,灵活应“变”;“准”确预判,“准”确击打;击打有“力”,注重进攻效率;团队“控”制,突出整体。2、现代拳击运动的技术分为非制约性技术和制约性技术。制约性技术包括进攻技术、防守技术和反击技术三大类,拳击技术的运用效果会受到对手出拳的速度、力量、击打部位、击打路线、击打距离、击打时机和击打节奏等要素的限制;而非制约性技术包括基本姿势和移动技术,技术运用于对手的表现关联不大。3、现代拳击运动战术由进攻战术、防守战术、反击战术和相持战术构成。在进行战术设计时应遵守:灵活多变原则、战术创新原则、战术熟练原则、“知己知彼”原则等。现代拳击运动战术运用随着对手打法的变化而变,随着场上局面的变化而变,具有超前的预判性、战术计划的周密性和极强的针对性。4、现代拳击打法风格已经从共性的发展到了突出个性的时期,没有两个运动员的技战术风格是完全一致的。目前现代拳击运动分为远距离打法特征、组合拳打法特征、重拳打法特征、近距离打法特征和反击打法特征五种打法特征。它们在技战术方面表现出不同的特征。1)远距离打法技战术特征善于从远距离发起进攻,以直拳和摆拳为进攻技术,速度快,步法灵活,移动平稳不失重心,防守严密,不给对手破绽。在与组合拳打法特征运动员和近距离打法特征运动员比赛时,较容易被对手近身,一旦失去距离优势,将无法正常发挥技战术水平。2)近距离打法技战术特征善于运用灵活的步法和身体的闪躲,逼近对手,达到破坏对手进攻距离和节奏的目的,与此同时利用组合拳和重拳在近距离攻击对手,表现出良好的体能;在与远距离打法特征运动员交手时,一旦采用紧逼打法时,围攻步法跟不上对手的移动就会出现被对手牵制的情况,容易让对手在此设伏得点。3)重拳打法技战术特征比赛中移动较少,多采用滑步围攻的方式把对手逼到拳台围绳角落,在较舒适的中距离范围内使用重拳攻击对手,出拳准确率高、力量大,不为对手的进攻节奏波动而起伏。一旦全面攻击不见效,由于攻势力度大,体力消耗过大,容易暴露出速度、力量的暂时不济,给对手制造了反击的机会。4)组合拳打法技战术特征以进攻为主,防守为辅,采用推进式移动在中距离以连贯的组合拳攻击对手,连续性强、击打点多、攻击范围广、轻重拳分明。往往由于进攻猛烈,持续时间长,体力耗能较大,一旦进攻失败,容易让对手反击得点。5)反击打法技战术特征以试探性的进攻为辅,以反击为主的一种经验型的打法。在准确无误的判断对手进攻意图后,善于发现对手的薄弱环节,能针对不同进攻拳法迅速实施有针对性的反击,具有一定的灵活性和随机性。一旦反击落空,瞬间手臂的防守姿势过低,暴露出一定的破绽,反过来又给对手的反击提供了机会。5、本着全面性原则、技战术统计信息与比赛视频相关联原则和可持续性原则,我们设计了拳击技战术信息采集分析系统,该系统由4个模块构成:信息管理模块(队员信息、比赛信息)、视频编辑模块、技战术数据模块与智能分析模块。现代信息技术在体育运动实践中的应用,既是一项需要高新技术和理论研究支撑的科学研究,也是一项通过有效的组织,更好地为体育运动实践服务的工作。6、2008年北京奥运会国家拳击队五位主要竞争对手的技战术特征各不相同,邹市明08北京奥运会主要对手蒙古运动员普列布道尔吉?塞尔丹巴的技战术特征更倾向于远距离打法特征;张小平08北京奥运会主要对手俄罗斯运动员贝特比耶夫的技战术特征更倾向于近距离打法特征;张志磊08北京奥运会主要对手意大利运动员罗伯托-卡马雷莱的技战术特征更倾向于重拳型打法特征;徒孙穷08北京奥运会主要对手古巴运动员索托隆戈的技战术特征更倾向于组合拳打法特征;李洋08北京奥运会主要对手乌克兰运动员瓦西里-洛马琴科的技战术特征更倾向于反击型打法特征。在此基础上,我们提出了我国拳击运动进一步发展的建议,表现为:1、根据研究目的,本研究仅分析现代拳击运动的技战术特征,在研究过程中发现若能将技战术的训练特征进行研究,将有利于我国拳击运动发展进一步发展,建议后人在这一领域进行研究。2、因篇幅及研究时间有限,在实证研究中,没有对所有指标进行差异性检验,建议后人进一步研究,完全反应不同类型打法运动员所有技战术指标的得点差异,探寻他们各自的技战术运用特征。3、建议拳击管理中心建立更大的各年龄段、各级别国内外拳击运动员的视频信息库,为备战大赛、为我国拳击运动发展提供科学研究信息保障。

【Abstract】 Boxing is a worldwide sport which highlights people’s bravery and vitality. Boxing’s challenging nature and difficulty tests human limit and determination. At the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Chinese boxers won two gold medals, one silvers and one bronze medal, which was a break through for China. But in comparison to other powerful boxing countries, China needs to further analyze and improve its current systematic boxing theory and as well as its application.In order to develop China’s boxing culture, it is necessary to study modern boxing techniques and tactics. The development of boxing complies with the law that everything is in a constant state of progressive development and is connected to other objects. Boxing expresses this idea through its enrichment and improvement of its technical and tactical system. Training ideas and methods have been innovated and that refinement, reformation and enlightenment have become the targets for boxing coaches around the world.It is important to study modern boxing techniques and tactics for China to sustain its development of boxing. The author analyzed technical and tactical characteristics (TTC) of elite worldwide boxers by applying multimedia technique and Data Acquisition and Analysis System. It is a good way to learn their characteristics and to build a scientific system that applies these concepts.By applying scientific literature, interviews and video analysis, the author studied the fundamental theory of TTC of modern boxing and made an empirical analysis of boxers of different types.The main conclusions are as follows, speed and accuracy emerged as a consistent feature in matches boxers defeat their opponents by gaining more points, non-boxing techniques being strictly controlled, speed and accuracy and deterrence being the key to win.Other factors that decide victory in a modern boxing competition includes: quickness, combination of offense and defense, consecutive striking, remaining resilient, correct strategy, destructive blows and paying attention to attacking efficiency. Another aspect of technical elements in modern boxing’s technique system include visual gap, punch range, route, speed, and strength of punch. The centre of gravity and attack opportunity are also very important factors. The five main boxing styles are in-fighter, the out-fighter, the brawler, Hybrid boxers and the swarmer. Each style has its own unique techniques as well as advantages and disadvantages, Boxing tactics include the categories of defense, offence, counterattack and stalemate.Forth, Boxing Technique and Tactic Data Acquisition and Analysis System consists of four parts: information managing module, video edit module, technique and tactic data module and smart analysis module, which is an application of scientific achievement serving the sport field. The system had been successfully applied at 2008 Beijing Olympic Games in China’s boxing team, which can be use as reference for other court competition sports in analyzing technique and tactic.Fifth, in the empirical analysis on the main opponents of Chinese boxers at 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the author found their technical and tactic information and provided scientific support for competition prepare case. This is also an evidence for the analysis of the above mentioned five-style boxers.Based on the above conclusions, our first suggest is to study on boxing training characteristics will be helpful for the development of China boxing sport; secondly, limited by length and time, the current paper didn’t further explore difference between all the indexes, so we suggest to further study on this respect so as to find the boxers’characteristics of technical and tactic application; and finally, we suggest that National Boxing Administrative Center build video data base of boxers of different age and levels both domestic and abroad.

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