

Study on Growth Management of University Based on Self-organization Evolution

【作者】 张辅松

【导师】 刁兆峰;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济的全球化、信息网络化和教育国际化时代的到来,高校在迎来了新的发展机遇,同时又面临着严峻挑战,机遇是可以利用国际国内两个教育市场和两种教育资源以提高其核心竞争力;挑战是高校间竞争将日趋激烈。不仅要面对国内竞争而且还要积极参与国际竞争。面对竞争何去何从,将是每个高校管理者必须面对的课题和必须回答的问题。从规模和数量上看,中国高等教育在他组织的帮助下,用几十年的时间走完了西方高等教育一百多年甚至几百年时间才走完的历程;已经由“精英”教育开始驶入一个多元化办学、而向大众教育的新时期,取得了辉煌成就。但是从质量上看却并不乐观,中国高等教育整体质量并不高,与西方发达国家相比还有相当差距,究其原因,中国高校管理具有不可推卸的责任。高校管理问题和误区主要表现在管理理念模糊——问题的根源,管理目的失当——问题的关键,管理模式落后——问题的症结,为了解决我国高校管理中出现的问题就必须从新世纪的新认识走向新的研究思路和新的理论,而本论文以成长中的高校作为研究对象,从系统科学哲学高度,运用自组织理论、管理场、教育场理论、战略管理理论、创新理论、精神量子理论等对高校系统演化和高校成长管理作了全面系统研究,具体来说主要包括:(1)论文对国内外有关研究现状进行了梳理与归纳。在此基础上总结了与本文相关的基本理论和概念,论文对高校成长等基本概念进行了深入阐述。利用高校理念精神和文化、资源与战略、制度与组织结构、人才培养与教学改革、知识创新与社会服务构造了高校成长系统的结构模型,本文认为管理创新能量是高校成长的序参量。(2)论文对高校系统自组织演化进行了分析。首先阐述了耗散结构理论及其在高校成长中的应用,然后阐明了高校系统耗散结构的生成与演化,最后探讨了高校耗散结构系统演化的归宿——非平衡混沌。(3)论文建立了高校系统资源有限增长模型和高校成长熵变模型,从质量和数量两个方面分析了高校成长过程,模拟了高校系统成长过程,并划分了高校系统熵的类型以及建立了计量的指标体系。(4)论文讨论了基于自组织演化的高校成长机制。分别阐述了高校成长的动力机制、高校成长的要素间行为协同机制和高校成长知识创新系统自组织演化机制。(5)论文阐明了基于自组织演化的高校成长路径。在分析超循环理论及其进化原理和进化机制的基础上,探讨了基于超循环理论的高校成长战略,阐明了基于超循环理论的高校战略联盟形成与演化机理。(6)论文在分析高校成长核心能力构成要素及结构模型和高校成长能力的自组织演化机理的基础上建立了高校核心能力评价指标体系和高校核心能力的灰聚类评价模型,并对模型进行了实际运用。(7)从世界高校自组织演化与成长,哈佛大学的自组织演化与成长,哈佛大学成长战略构想几个方面,应用本文理论进行了实证研究。总之,本论文的研究将会为我国高校成长管理活动提供有效的理论指导和实践指导。

【Abstract】 Along with the time’s arrival of economical globalization, informationization and education internationalization, The university both has met recent development opportunity and faced the stern challenge. The opportunity is to promote its own core competence by using the two educational markets and the two kind of educational resources at home and abroad. Challenge is that the competition among universities is more and more fierce. It is necessary for university not only to face the domestic competition but also participate in international competition positively.In the face of competition what to do and how to do will be the topic which each university superintendents must reply. Quantitive point of view, the Chinese higher education has walked the course with several dozens years with the help of other-organization which western higher edution has walked with a hundred years or even hundreds of years. It has successfully been changed the "elite" education into the mass education and made brilliant achievements. But from the quality point of view it is not optimistic.The overall quality of Chinese higher education is not high.compared with the western developed country, it has a considerable disparity..Investigating its reason,our country university management has the faced responsibility.The question and the erroneous zone of university management mainly display in management concept vague,improper management goal and backward management pattern.In order to solve the problems in university management the new concepts、new theories and new methods should be explored.As a research object of the growing university,the dissertation at an angle of system science philosophy has made a comprehensive system study on the evolution and the growth of university system by utilizing the self-organization theory,the field theory, the strategy management theory,the innovation theory and the spiritual quantum theory.The following are the main contents:(1) The dissertation describes the related basic theory and concepts based on combing and summarizing the research status at home and abroad, establishes the structural model of university growth system by using the ideas, spirit and culture of university, the resources and the strategy, the system and the organizational structure, the personnel training and the educational reform and the knowledge innovation with the social service. It thinks that the management innovation energy is the order parameter of university growth system(2) The dissertation conducts analysis on the evolution of university system self-organization. First it has elaborated the dissipative structure theory and its application in the university growth. Then it has expounded the formation and evolution of dissipative structure in university system. Finally it has discussed the law of evolution from dissipative structure system in university to non-equilibrium chaotic system(3) The dissertation has established the university system limited resources insrease model and the university growth entropy changed model from the two aspects both in quality and quantity.(4)The dissertation has discussed the university growth mechanism based on self-organization evolution. First it has elaborated the dynamic mechanism of university growth; Secondly, it has analyzed the behavior coordination mechanism among the elements of university system; Finallyit has discussed the evolution mechanism of self-organization in knowledge innovation system of university.(5) The dissertation has illustrated the university growth path based on self-organization evolution.having introducing super-cycle theory and its evolution theory and evolutionary mechanism it has expounded the university growth strategy and the mechanism of the formation and evolution in strategic alliance of university based on super-cycle theory.(6) After having analyzed the conponents, the structural model and the evolution mechanism of self-organizatiuon in university growth core competence, the dissertation has established the university core competence index system, its grey clustering evaluation model and the actual application of the model.(7) The dissertation has conducted the empirical study from the self-organization evolution and growth of Wworld University and Harvard University and its growth strategy conception.based on self-organization evolution.In a word, the dissertation will have provided the effective theory guidance and the practical guidance for our country university growth management activity.
