

【作者】 孟献华

【导师】 李广洲;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 作为化学史的价值,很重要的一个方面就是在学科教学中的体现。它能够解决以逻辑方法为主的传统教育中的一些固有问题,如忽视科学知识形成过程、缺少对科学方法的重视等。然而,与近年来“探究教学”、“教学联系生活”等理科教育教学理念的大力提倡和积极实践相比,化学史在教学中应用的研究,大多停留在教师个人经验总结、泛泛的价值论述阶段。许多时候,表现为教学研究成果相似或重复,对化学历史真实发生过程的分析难以深入,甚至存在片面或错误的理解。所以,这里既需要对相关教育教学理论基础的理性认识,也需要实践者对化学历史本身的深入了解。·国际科学史教育的发展沿革显示了科学史教育的目的演化历程,即从激发学生成为科学家的兴趣——理解科学活动——掌握科学研究方法——理解知识背景和科学本质,这有助于充分理解化学史在化学教学中可能起到的多重作用。·近年来,学科教学中融入学科历史的尝试呈上升趋势,其研究多数集中于教学作用述评、教学模式开发和教材中相关内容的分析等。上述各方面的文献分析,可以作为本研究意义的深入阐述。·现时期科学史及其教学意义的复兴,源于20世纪中叶开始的现代科学哲学对科学教育领域的涉足。科学史为科学进步提供了真实的分析案例,也可以回答诸如“什么是科学”、“如何理解科学的真理性”等问题。对化学教师而言,通过本学科历史的深入了解,有利于理解学生学习中可能遇到的障碍和科学地进行教学设计。这2方面的认识构成了本研究的理论基础。在选取科学哲学和学习心理学相关研究领域有代表性的观点加以诠释后,提供了化学动力学理论发展的历史性分析,作为对科学哲学知识观的具体说明;构建了化学微观概念形成的历史和学生概念发展之比较,作为学习心理和历史发生联系的实证研究。·为避免仅仅从提高学生学习兴趣的角度使用化学史,论文的第5章以问题提出——分析问题——解决问题的形式,重点论述了化学史在学生科学素养形成中可以起到的3个方面作用。它们从具体到概括的顺序依次为:作为阐明科学研究方法的学科知识意义,作为理解科学本质的科学认识作用,作为昭显科学人文价值、促进学生科学观培养方面的作用。这一部分研究,尽量从化学历史发生的本来面貌中归纳出具有借鉴意义的教学启发。在建立了化学史教学理论基础和全面理解它的教育价值后,第6章解决的是如何在教学中落实相关理念的问题。本部分首先构建了一个用于指导化学史融入课堂教学设计或分析教学的框架,从中概括出利用化学史实施教学必然涉及的6个要素,即历史情境、研究性问题、历史材料、交流/对话、知识与认知、科学与人文。其次,通过对比关于历史内容在教学中使用时可能存在优点和不足的各种论述,总结出有针对性的4个教学原则:历史与逻辑相结合、客观性与简约性相结合、知识性与方法性相结合、历史性与现实性相结合。最后,作为具体的说明,给出了3个各有侧重的教学案例,分别说明学科历史在教学中的使用,如何体现历史发展促进学生认知发展、形成学生正确的学科认识和一定的科学哲学观念。

【Abstract】 Teaching the history of chemistry helps a lot to address the lingering issues in logic-centric education system, i.e., the absence of attention to the formation of scientific knowledge or the acquisition of scientific methodology. While the industry is today preaching science education concepts including exploratory teaching and real life-oriented teaching, the teaching of chemistry is so far more around the teacher’s personal experience and non-systematic view of the history. That explains the similarity in teaching research conclusions, the lack of depth in the analysis of the history of chemistry and sometimes even misunderstandings. Therefore, the knowledge about the history of chemistry is as important as teaching skills.In the evolution of teaching the history of science, the purposes have expanded from merely inspiring the student to be a scientist to encouraging the student to understand scientific activities, learn the right methodology and the background knowledge and to understand the nature of science, which are exactly the targets of teaching the history of chemistry.The efforts in the industry in recent years around embedding history into teaching, and the researches on teaching results, new teaching model and content design have been very valuable to this study.The renewed attention to the history of science and its significance to teaching can date back to mid-20th century when philosophy of science had its impact on science education. The history of science offers real life case studies and answers questions like "what is science" and "what is truth" etc. Proper knowledge about the history of chemistry can assist the teacher to anticipate the challenges faced by the students and design teaching accordingly.Based on above theories, this study comments on the mainstream opinions on the philosophy of science and the psychology of learning. It also discusses the evolution of the chemistry dynamic theory as a case study on the philosophy of science, and compares the evolution of chemistry micro concepts and the development of students’cognition to build a practical bridge between the two.Chapter 5 illustrates the potential three benefits of the history of chemistry for students’science literacy, i.e., mastering scientific methodologies, understanding the nature of science and forming the proper view of science, which go beyond merely creating interest in the students. The analysis draws upon the facts in the history of chemistry to inspire teaching. After elaborating on the theory of teaching the history of chemistry and its significance, this essay addresses the implementation in real life teaching in Chapter 6. This chapter offers a framework for embedding the history of chemistry into the design of classroom teaching, and discusses the six major elements in chemistry teaching, i.e., history context, motivation, historical facts, interaction, knowledge and cognition, and science and humanity. After listing the cons and pros of history teaching, this chapter summarizes four teaching principles, i.e., combination of history and logic, that of objectivity and simplicity, knowledge and methodology, and history and reality. Lastly, this chapter provides three case studies to highlight the value of history in chemistry teaching in helping students develop cognition, the right view of chemistry and the philosophy of science.
