

【作者】 孙玲

【导师】 杨启亮;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 工具理性、科学方法、功利追求在现代教学评价中显示出无比强大的魅力。在单一的社会教育共识和评价体制下,教学评价异化为标准化的“无差异”评价,人被数字化、抽象化、科学化,人的独立价值丧失,个体差异被抹杀。每一个人都是有差异的,教学评价是对人的评价,因此人的评价应该是尊重个体差异的评价。教学评价应该尊重个体差异,应该使差异的价值最低限度地使每个人的特性得到所有人的尊重和承认。但差异的价值并未得到足够的关注。本文试图在中国古代的和合辩证思想中寻找差异教学评价的智慧源泉,在此基础上,构建差异教学评价的理论框架,并对其提出的一系列问题及其意义进行重新诠释。差异教学评价在“以人为本”与“和合”的双重价值基础上构建,其基本内涵和要求就是在评价的过程中,运用差异的方法,即“和”与“合”的方式、方法,实现主体之间关系的协调与合作,从而保证和促进教学的发展。从理论抽象的角度来说,差异教学评价追求真善美的和合之境,从根底上说是对人自身“安身立命”的价值追求,即关于人自身的存有和发展的最终根据、标准和尺度的价值。它不是要去制定一个至上的终极律令式的标准,而是寻求多重标准之间的调适,即相互之间的契合。差异教学评价永远没有逻辑终结,永远面向未来开拓。从严格意义上讲,它只是多维构想、多重意境和多元关切,并不设置绝对的、封闭的理论体系。从实践操作的角度来讲,我们首先探讨的不是在操作层面上如何具体地实践差异教学评价,而是追寻尊重差异背后的评价精神。游戏精神基于“自由、幸福、快乐、和谐、创造、探索、超越”等价值元素之上的精神变异与思维衍生,表现出与和合文化精神观照下的差异教学评价在价值向度上的内在趋同。因此,游戏精神可作为差异教学评价理应涵摄的基本精神之一。在以游戏精神实践差异教学评价的探索中,本研究分别尝试最能体现游戏精神的游戏评价和最需要游戏精神的课堂评价这两种形式以促进差异教学评价在日常教学评价中的具体化和丰富化。

【Abstract】 Rationalism, scientific methods, utilitarianism showed their incredibly powerful charm in the modern teaching evaluation. In the single social educational consensus and evaluation system, teaching evaluation changed into the standardized evaluation ingoring difference. People were digitized, abstracted and scientific. The independent value of human being was lost and the individual difference was denied. Everyone is different. Teaching evaluation should respect individual difference. The minimum value of individual difference should be respected and affirmed by all people while it did not receive adequate attention. This thesis tries to find wisdom for different teaching evaluation in the idea of harmony and syncretism in acient Chinese culture, to construct its theoretical framework based on the idea of harmony and syncretism, and to raise a series of questions and reconstruct their significance.Based on the principles of "man as essence" and "harmony and syncretism", the different teaching evaluation is the promotion of Chinese traditional harmious and sycretic culture, the basic connotation and demand of which is to use different method, namely "harmony" and "syncretism", to achieve the coordination and cooperation of different subjects, guarantee and promote the teaching development in the evaluation process.In the view of theory construction, different teaching evaluation is in pursuit of perfect personality with truth, morality and beauty. In essence, it is the final standard or criteria of one’s being and development. It doesn’t aim to establish the ultimate standard like the supremacy of law, but seeks the adjustment amoung different and multiple standards. There will never be a logical ending in the different teaching evaluation while it is an open system. Strictly speaking, it is just a multiple theoretical construction, not an absolute and closed theory system.In the view of the practice, the most important problem of the harmonious and syncretic different teaching evaluation is not the operation, but a kind of evaluation evaluation spirit laying behind the respect for the difference. Game spirit based on some values such as "freedom, happiness, cheerfulness, harmony, creativity, exploration and transcendence" shows the same tendency with different teaching evaluation in the guide of harmony and syncretism cultural spirit, which is to pursue the ideal pefect personality. Game spirit can be one of the basic spirits of different teaching evaluation. In the process of practising different teaching evaluation under game spirit, we attempt to respectively implement game evaluation which can reflect game spirit at most and classroom assessment in urgent need of game spirit to improve different teaching evaluation in the daily teaching evaluation.

  • 【分类号】G420
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1786