

【作者】 尚正永

【导师】 张小林;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 城市形态是城市化空间过程的重要表现,不同尺度水平上的城市空间扩展、功能空间演替、群组空间融合必然导致城市空间形态的剧烈演变,对快速城市化背景下城市空间形态演变进行研究,具有重要的现实意义。本文以江苏省淮安市为例,基于GIS空间分析技术,从多尺度的视角,选择大中小三个空间尺度和不同的时间尺度,集成多种定量分析方法,分析城市空间形态演变的格局、过程与机制,提出城市空间形态优化发展的对策建议。论文共分八章。第一章为绪论。说明论文的选题背景、研究意义、研究目的、研究内容、思路框架、研究方法、研究区域与资料来源、论文的可能创新与特色,对城市空间、城市形态以及城市空间形态等相关概念进行辨析界定。第二章为国内外相关研究进展与理论基础。回顾国内外相关研究进展并进行评述与展望,在此基础上梳理相关理论,构筑城市空间形态演变研究的理论基础。第三章为城市空间形态演变的尺度特征与分析方法。在分析城市空间形态尺度问题的源起、城市空间形态演变的尺度特征以及尺度关联的基础上,构建城市空间形态演变多尺度研究框架,确定城市空间形态演变多尺度研究的分析方法。第四章为城市空间扩展与外部形态演变。通过分析城市空间扩展时空差异,计算紧凑度指数、分形维数、形态指数等,分析城市外部形态的变化特征,总结城市空间扩展模式,揭示城市空间扩展与外部形态演变的机制。第五章为城市用地变化与功能空间演替。分析城市功能用地的结构变化与相互转换,分析工业、居住与公共设施等主要功能空间演替的格局特征,提炼空间结构演变的模型,探讨城市功能空间演替的土地市场机制。第六章为城市组合发展与群组空间演变。在定性分析淮安城市组合发展与演变特征的基础上,基于可达性技术,分析群组空间主要功能用地可达性时间分布规律,探讨行政区划调整、城市道路交通和城市新产业空间成长对群组空间形态演变的作用机理。第七章为城市空间形态演变的特征综合与优化调控。在综合集成大中小三个尺度水平上城市空间形态演变特征的基础上,梳理城市空间形态的演变轨迹,比较不同尺度空间形态演变的相互关系,提炼城市空间形态演变的特征图谱。探讨理想城市空间形态的目标和原则,结合淮安城市空间发展的实际,分析城市空间形态演变趋势和优化重点,提出空间形态优化的策略建议。第八章为结论与展望。在总结论文研究结论的基础上,指出论文可能的创新点及存在问题,展望今后进一步研究的努力方向。通过研究,本文得到的结论为:(1)在中尺度水平上,城市空间扩展的时间变化与空间分异特征明显,城市空间扩展与外部形态演变有较强关联性,圈层式扩展与扇翼式扩展的交替作用导致城市外部轮廓由星状向块状形态演变,城市空间扩展受到诸多因素的综合作用,并与道路建设、房地产开发、GDP、人均GDP以及中等以上教育发展水平线性相关;(2)在小尺度水平上,城市功能用地结构变化剧烈,并导致城市功能空间的演替,城市核心区居住和商业金融服务业功能突出,城市边缘区工业用地与大型公共设施用地相对集中,中间地带用地相对均衡,土地市场机制对功能用地变化与空间演替具有驱动作用;(3)在大尺度水平上,城市组合发展导致城市群组空间趋于融合,两个城区轴向粘连发展,群组空间功能用地可达性时间分布特征明显,行政区划、道路交通与新产业空间驱动群组空间演变;(4)不同尺度水平上的城市空间扩展、功能空间演替与群组空间融合,通过城市土地利用变化发生关联,相互联系、相互影响、相互作用,深刻地影响着城市空间形态的演变;(5)不同尺度的城市空间形态演变的主导机制差异明显,小尺度的功能空间演替主要受到市场力量的作用,大尺度的群组空间演变更多地受到来自政府力量以及一些大的结构性因素的作用,中尺度城市空间扩展则受到多种因素的综合作用;(6)“三淮一体”发展是淮安城市空间形态演变的基础,城市空间形态演变经历了城镇分散发展、主城区形成与群组型城市形成三个阶段。城市空间形态优化调控要基于理想城市形态理念,突出城市空间的历史传承与协同整合,发挥经济推动、规划协调、交通引导、土地调控、生态约束和制度保障的综合作用。论文可能的创新点主要为以下方面:基于对城市地域结构尺度层次性和城市空间形态演变尺度依赖性的理解,尝试从尺度视角构建了城市空间形态演变研究的分析框架,拓宽了城市空间演变研究的视角;进一步集成了基于GIS平台的城市空间形态演变研究的方法与技术,尝试将HP滤波法、可达性技术、缓冲区分析等引入到城市空间形态演变的分析过程并验证了方法的有效性。

【Abstract】 Urban morphology is an important performance in the spatial process of urbanization. The urban spatial process of different scales including urban expansion, functional space succession and group spatial integration, will lead to the dramatic evolution of urban spatial morphology inevitably. Therefore, it is of important practical significance to study the evolution of urban spatial morphology in the context of rapid urbanization. Based on GIS spatial analysis techniques and a variety of quantitative analysis method, the dissertation takes Huai’an City of Jiangsu Province as an example, analyzes the pattern of urban spatial morphology evolution, the process and mechanism by selecting three different spatial scales and different time scales, and put forward the countermeasures of optimizing the development of urban spatial morphology.The dissertation is composed of eight chapters. ChapterⅠis about the introduction, including the background, research significance, purpose, content, frameworks, research methods, study area & data sources, innovation, and it also discriminates and defines the concept of urban space, urban morphology and urban spatial morphology. ChapterⅡis about literature review and theoretical analysis. Based on the literature review home and abroad, the dissertation reviews and prospects the evolution of urban spatial morphology. On the basis of the theoretical analysis, the theoretical foundation has been constracted for the study of evolution of urban spatial morphology. ChapterⅢis about the scale features and research methods of the evolution of urban spatial morphology. Based on the analysis of the origin of urban spatial morphology and scale features of urban spatial evolution, multi-scale framework of the evolution of urban spatial morphology are constructed, and multi-scale analysis method of urban spatial evolution are employed. ChapterⅣis about urban expansion and morphological evolution. On the basis of the analysis of the spatial and temporal differences in urban expansion, by calculating the compact, fractal dimension and morphology index, the dissertation analyzes the characteristics of urban spatial morphology, summarizes the mode of urban expansion and elaborates the mechanism of urban spatial expansion and external morphology evolution. ChapterⅤis about the change of urban land use and the succession of functional space. Based on the analysis of structural change in land use, the dissertation analyzes the features of succession of functional space such as the industrial, residential and public facilities, summarizes the model of spatial structure evolution, discusses land market mechanism of urban spatial function succession. ChapterⅥis about the combinative development and group spatial evolution. Based on qualitative analysis of the combinative development and evolution characteristics of Huai’an city, the dissertation analyzes time distribution discipline of the accessibility of main function land use, and studies the mechanism effect of the adjustment of administrative divisions, road traffic and new industrial space growth on of urban morphological evolution according to the real status of Huai’an city. ChapterⅦis about the characteristics and optimized control of the evolution of urban spatial morphology. Based on the evolution characteristics of urban spatial morphology from three perspectives of large, medium and small scale, analyzes the evolution of urban spatial morphology, the dissertation summarizes the characteristic spectrum of the evolution of urban spatial morphology. And it also discusses the objectives and principles of ideal spatial morphology, analyzes the evolution trends of urban spatial morphology and optimization focus. According to the development of Huai’an city, policy recommendations are proposed. ChapterⅧis the conclusion and outlook. Based on the conclusions of the research, the dissertation points out the main innovation and problems, prospects the future direction for further research.According to the research mentioned above, it comes to the conclusion that:(ⅰ) In terms of medium scale, the characteristics of the time change and spatial differentiation of urban expansion is very clear. There is a strong correlation between urban spatial expansion and external morphological evolution. It is the alternation between Circle-type expansion and fan-wing extension that lead to the external outline evolutes from the star shape to the block shape. Urban expansion had been influenced by a variety of factors, and it has a linear correlation with road construction, real estate development, GDP, GDP per capita and the high education level; (ⅱ) In terms of small scale, land use structure of urban functions changes dramatically, which lead to the succession of the city function space. The function of urban core residence and commercial & financial services is highlighted. Industrial land in urban fringe and the land use of large-scale public facilities are in relative concentration, and there is a relatively balanced land use in middle zone. Land market mechanisms have driven the land use change and spatial succession; (ⅲ) In terms of large scale, combination development of urban space lead to urban group tends to be merged, and there is adhesion development in two urban axes. The characteristics of time distribution of accessibility of function land use is distinctive, and it is the administrative divisions, road traffic and the new industrial space that drive spatial evolution of city group; (ⅳ) There are strong interacting and interrelation, through urban land use change, between the evolution process of different scales of urban space, including urban expansion, functional space succession and group spatial integration. The mutual contact and mutual influence, interaction, lead to a profound impact on the evolution of urban spatial morphology; (ⅴ)There are significant differences between the dominant mechanism of different scales of urban spatial morphology evolution. Evolution of small-scale function space is driven mainly by market forces, large-scale spatial evolution of the urban group are mainly forced by the government and some big role in structural factors, and the scale of urban expansion is limited by the combined effect of many factors; (ⅵ) The development of trinity of Huai’an is the basis for the evolution of Huai’an urban space, and the evolution of urban spatial morphology experiences such three different stages as urban decentralization, the downtown formation and city group formation. Optimal control of urban spatial morphology is based on the concept of ideal urban morphology, highlighting the historical heritage of urban space and spatial integration, playing the integrated role of economic promotion, planning and coordination, traffic guidance, land control, protection of ecological constraints and system security.The innovation of the dissertation is in the following:Firstly, based on the understanding of hierarchical structure of urban spatial scale and the dependence of evolution characteristics of urban spatial morphology, analysis framework of the evolution of urban spatial morphology is constructed from the perspective of the scale. Secondly, based on GIS platform that integrated spatial analysis techniques and methods of morphological evolution, such as HP filter, buffer analysis and accessibility techniques, are employed to analyze the evolution of urban spatial morphology.

  • 【分类号】TU984.113
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】3548
  • 攻读期成果