

【作者】 徐海军

【导师】 黄震方;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 海岛旅游是当今世界旅游业的热点和旅游研究的重点领域。本研究以国际旅游岛为研究对象,以海南岛为例,围绕建设国际旅游岛的国家战略诉求,以旅游系统理论、旅游竞争理论、旅游标准理论、旅游心理与消费行为理论、可持续发展理论为基础,通过对国际旅游岛相关案例比较分析和对入境游客感知、认知与游后行为的调查研究,综合运用了文献分析法、问卷调查法、结构分析法、因子分析、空间统计模型、主客观综合赋权法、模糊数学综合评判法等分析技术与研究方法,科学构建了基于入境旅游视角的国际旅游岛建设标准与评价体系,并运用此标准对海南国际旅游岛进行了国际化水平的评估和验证,揭示了海南国际旅游岛旅游发展的优势与不足,提出了相应的优化对策和完善措施。本研究为国际旅游岛的标准化建设提供了理论指导和方法借鉴,丰富了海岛旅游理论体系,并为海南国际旅游岛国家战略的实施和将海南早日建成世界上一流的岛屿旅游目的地提供了具有可操作性的建设标准与评价方案。本研究遵循发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的研究思路,综合多学科的理论与研究方法,采用理论与方法基础——资料收集与实地调研——实证研究——归纳总结与实践应用的技术路线,将人本主义与实证主义思想贯穿于具体的研究实施中,紧紧围绕国际旅游岛建设标准的研究主线,着重从入境旅游的视角对国际旅游岛建设标准进行了分析。研究内容共分为四大部分。第一是基础研究部分,包括第一、第二章,主要阐述研究背景、研究意义、研究目的、研究范围、研究思路与技术路线,界定了国际旅游岛及相关概念,对国内外相关研究进展进行综述,阐述了研究的理论基础;第二是标准研究部分,包括第三章至第五章,为本文的主体研究内容,通过对国际主要旅游岛相关案例比较研究,总结归纳出基本共识,进而通过对入境游客感知、认知与游后行为分析研究,选取并确定了国际旅游岛建设标准因子(指标),较为科学地构建了国际旅游岛的建设标准;第三是实证研究部分,即第六章,重点对海南国际旅游岛的建设进行了实证研究,以国际旅游岛的建设标准为依据,尝试建立了国际旅游岛的评价体系,对海南岛旅游建设现状和国际化水平进行了综合评价,提出了海南国际旅游岛建设的优化对策与完善措施,同时验证了标准的科学性、合理性和可行性;第四是结论与讨论部分,即第七章,对全文的研究进行了总结,得出主要研究结论、创新点及提出后续研究方向。本研究突破了传统的定性分析方法的局限,首次尝试了综合运用文献分析法、问卷调查法、结构分析法、空间统计模型、主客观综合赋权法、模糊数学综合评判法等方法,建立和评价国际旅游岛建设标准,体现了在标准化研究领域定量与定性分析方法相结合,为标准化研究领域提供了定量化的分析工具和数据支撑,体现了旅游标准研究领域的方法创新。研究发现:①通过对国际主要旅游岛发展特征和经验的综合比较分析,基于入境旅游视角建设国际旅游岛需要关注国际旅游业发展水平、国际旅游客源市场条件、国际旅游产品项目、国际旅游设施服务水平、国际旅游发展环境、国际旅游保障体系及国际旅游安全体系等七个主要方面。其中,国际旅游业发展水平在众多指标中权重值最大,其他指标权重相差不大。②基于入境旅游视角,入境游客感知与游后行为分析是建设国际旅游岛的重要参考。研究得出了国际旅游岛建设标准的重要因子。其中,人地感知第一主成分因子为:良好的海岛旅游业形象、异国风情的特色建筑、美观的海岛容貌、良好的休憩与放松环境、浓郁的文化风情与民俗、特色的旅游活动等。人人感知第一主成分为:方便热情的咨询服务、高水平的服务效率、良好的安全管理、规范的合同履行、完善的旅游投诉机制、当地居民的友善态度、完备的突发事件应急系统。③综合国际主要旅游岛相关案例比较和入境游客感知、认知与游后行为分析结果的基础上,科学构建了基于入境旅游视角的国际旅游岛建设标准。标准包括7个综合层、23个项目层、130个评价指标层。经过对各因子再次进行SPSS有效性检验,再次保证了各因子结果最终符合基于入境旅游视角的国际旅游岛建设标准的制定,为基于入境旅游视角的国际旅游岛建设标准研究进行了很好的理论和方法探讨。④根据研究得出的基于入境旅游视角的国际旅游岛建设标准,以海南国际旅游岛为案例地,综合运用各种技术方法,分标准基本因子具体评价和标准权重模糊评价两个层次对海南国际旅游岛现状进行综合评价,得出海南国际旅游岛综合评价得分值是14.6445,将海南国际旅游岛定格为初始型国际旅游岛,研究结果与海南岛旅游发展现状基本上吻合,进而验证了研究方法的科学性和合理性,并初步构建了建设标准的评价体系。⑤通过构建的国际旅游岛建设标准对海南岛进行的实证评价分析,提出了相应的优化对策和完善措施,对于规范、引领和促进海南国际旅游岛建设具有很好的指导作用,很好地呼应国家战略和体现应用创新。

【Abstract】 Island tourism is the world’s tourism hot spot and priority area for tourism research. This research studies international tourism island and constructs scientifically the construction standards and evaluation system of international tourism island based on inbound tourism perspective, selecting Hainan island as the example for servicing the demands of Hainan international tourism island strategy, based on the travel system theory, tourism competition theory, the standard theory of tourism, tourism psychology and consumer behavior theory, sustainable development theory, considered the comparison and analysis of relevant international tourism island cases, inbound tourists perception, cognition and behavior after the trip as an objective basis, supported by the technology and methodology of literature analysis, questionnaires, structural analysis, factor analysis, space statistical model, the subjective and objective integrated weighting method, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Furthermore, it uses the construction standards assess and verify the international travel level of the international tourism island of Hainan, which reveals the advantages and disadvantages of tourism development in the international tourism island of Hainan, and on this basis, proposes the corresponding optimization strategies and improvement measures. The research not only provides a theoretical and methodological reference for the construction standard of the international tourism island, but also provides a useful complement for the theoretical system of island tourism theory. More importantly, it provides the operable construction standards and assessment program for the implementation of national strategies of Hainan international tourism island, and for Hainan becoming a world-class international tourist island earlier.This study follows the research ideas of finding, analyzing and solving problems. It comprehensively uses the multi-disciplinary theory and research methods, with the technical line of theories and methods basic-data collection and field research empirical research-summarized the technical line and practical application. It reflects the ideology of the humanist and positivism throughout the empirical research and implementation,closely around the main line of the construction standards of international tourism island, and always from the analysis of the construction standard of international tourism island based on the perspective of inbound tourism. The research is divided into four parts. Part I:basic research components, including the first chapter, chapter II. Among them, the first chapter is an introduction, which describes the background, meaning, purpose, scope, definition, and research ideas and technical line; the second chapter is the review of relevant research at home and abroad. It summaries and reviews the relevant research at home and abroad, as the theoretical and basis for later study; Part II:standards research components, including the third chapter, chapter IV, V, is the main content of this article. It summarizes the basic consensus by comparing the relevant cases of the major international tourism islands in the world. It selects and determines the standards’factors (indicators) of the international tourism island by analyzing the perception of tourists and tour behavior. Thus it constructs more scientific construction standards of the international tourism island. Part III:empirical research component, including chapter VI. It focuses on the empirical study on construction of international tourism in Hainan Island, according the construction standards of the international tourism island. It tries to establish the evaluation system of international tourism island, evaluates comprehensively the present situation and international level of Hainan international tourism island, and proposes the optimal strategies and perfect measures for the construction of Hainan international tourism island, verifying that the standard being of scientific, rationality and feasibility. Part IV:conclusion and discussion component, including the research of chapter VII. It summarizes the studies of full text, draws the main conclusions, innovation and future research directions.The research breaks traditional limitations of qualitative analysis, first attempting at a comprehensive use of literature analysis, questionnaires, structural analysis, spatial statistical model, the subjective and objective comprehensive weight method, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and other methods. It establishes and assesses the international tourism island standards, reflecting quantitative and qualitative research methods combined in the standardization.lt provides a standardized analysis tools and research data support, reflecting method Innovation in the field of standards research Study finds that:①It needs to focus on seven main parts:the level of international tourism development, the conditions of international tourism market, the products of international tourism, the level of international tourism facilities and services, the environment of international tourism development, the protection system of international tourism, and the security system of international tourism. Among them, the level of international tourism development weights the most in many indicators, little difference among other indicators;②nalysis of inbound tourists’perception and tour behavioral is an important reference to build the international tourism island based on inbound tourism perspective. Among them, the first principal component factors for the perception of people to destination:a good image of island tourism, exotic architectural with features, beautiful island looks, good rest and relaxing environment, rich culture and folk customs, distinctive tourism activities and so on. The first principal component factors for the perception of people to people:warm and convenient advisory services, high level of service efficiency, good safety management, standard contract performance, and complete travel complaints mechanism, friendliness of local residents, and complete emergency response system;③According the comparison and analysis of relevant international tourism island cases, inbound tourists perception, cognition and behavior after the trip, the study builds the scientific construction standards of international tourism island based on inbound tourism perspective. The standards include seven integrated layers, 23 projects layers,130 index layers. It is reassure that the final outcome of various factors being consistent with the construction standards of international tourism island on inbound tourism perspective. It is also a good study of theories and methods for the construction standards of international tourism island on inbound tourism perspective; Based on the resulting construction standards of international tourism island on inbound tourism perspective, selecting Hainan international tourism island as a case, comprehensively using various technological approaches, the study evaluates comprehensively the status of Hainan international tourism island two levels of specific evaluation of standard basic factors and fuzzy evaluation of standard weights, and it obtains that the comprehensive evaluation score of Hainan international tourism island is 14.6445. So the study draws the conclusion that Hainan international tourism island belongs to the initial type of international tourism island, which demonstrates the methods being scientific and rational, and initially builds a construction standard evaluation system;⑤By the empirical evaluation and analysis of Hainan island with the construction standards, the study proposes the corresponding optimization strategy and improvement measures. It has a good guiding role for the specification, leading and promoting international tourism island of Hainan, and it responds national strategies and reflects application innovative better.

  • 【分类号】F592.7;F224
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】2367
  • 攻读期成果