

【作者】 朱晓红

【导师】 谭顶良;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 学习动机是引起、维持学生学习行为并使之趋向既定目标的动力倾向。没有学习动机,也就没有学习行为。正由于学习动机在学习活动中有如此重要的作用,所以自教育心理学这门学科问世以来,心理学家们就从来没有停止过对学习动机的研究和探讨,涌现了形形色色的学习动机理论,也留下了许多堪称经典的实验研究范例。但这么多年来,关于学习动机的研究一般都集中在解决“为什么有动机”这样的问题,而很少有人问津“为什么没有动机”即“动机缺失”的问题。直到20世纪90年代,国外学者开始集中关注这一问题并进行了有关实证与理论研究。因此,与主流学习动机研究较为漫长的时间相比,关于学习动机缺失的研究应该说是一项比较新的课题了。当前学校中,老师们最感棘手的问题之一就是有相当一部分学生“不爱学习”,即学习动机缺失,这个问题也一直是困扰很多学生家长的一道难题。学习动机缺失问题已成为我国学校教育领域一个突出和重要的问题。近十年来,我国陆续有研究者在教育实践中注意到了学习动机缺失现象,开始对此问题进行研究。但在国内权威或核心的心理学刊物上都看不到关于“学习动机缺失”的研究论文,所有关于学习动机缺失的研究都发表在教育类期刊杂志上。它们有着一个共同的特点,即,在这些研究中看不到对国外同类文献的研究综述,也缺乏明确的心理学理论基础,对学习动机缺失也没有给出明确的概念界定和结构探讨,仅仅是对教育实践中出现的学习动机缺失现象进行经验性的描述与解释,或者借用几个动机心理学的名词进行解释,都不是严格意义上的心理学研究。因此,对学习动机缺失问题进行研究具有理论和实践的双重意义。而学习动机缺失的测量和评估应该是学习动机缺失研究中的一个关键问题。因为它不仅反映了研究者对学习动机缺失内涵、结构的理解,还为进一步大规模的实证研究奠定了基础,更为我们了解个体学习动机缺失的状态、类型以及影响学习动机缺失的各种因素及其作用机制提供了可能。因此本研究以“学习动机缺失量表的编制”作为研究主题,以此作为学习动机缺失研究的切入点,可以以点带面,提高研究功效。研究共分六章。第一章为“研究概述”,主要阐述本研究的缘起、意义、目标和方法。第二章为相关理论问题的探讨。这章对与编制中学生学习动机缺失量表有关的理论问题进行一一探讨,同时也是对与所讨论问题相关的文献作出综述。在此基础上,提出本论文作者对这些问题的具有创新性的基本看法,同时指出本研究的一些基本前提,确立学习动机缺失量表初步的理论框架,并制定学习动机缺失量表编制的原则,为编制学习动机缺失量表作理论准备。第三章为中学生学习动机缺失量表的编制。这章为本研究之重点,比较详细地描述了编制学习动机缺失量表的全过程。首先,根据作者提出的学习动机缺失结构理论构想,以及对部分中学生与中学教师的开放式问卷调查、借鉴国外有关量表对测题进行收集,在此基础上编制了中学生学习动机缺失量表第一稿。经试用后对量表进行修改,然后进行下一轮测试。经过一次次不断的试测、分析、测题的反复修改,最终确立了学习动机缺失量表的结构,并经验证性因素分析得以证实。经项目分析、信度和效度检验,得到了具有良好测量学特征的学习动机缺失量表。第四章为中学生学习动机缺失量表的应用。量表试用的过程也是对量表质量、特性的再检验过程,因此从某种程度上讲它也是对第三章的进一步完善。本章以已编制成的学习动机缺失量表为工具,对苏南、苏中、苏北三地的中学生样本进行了测试,揭示了当前江苏省中学生学习动机缺失的现状以及不同地区、年级、性别、学习成绩水平学生学习动机缺失水平状况。此外,还检验了父母、教师、同伴的自主、胜任、归属支持以及父母文化程度、父母职业、家庭经济收入等等因素对学习动机缺失的影响。同时,对于每个地区的样木都进行了验证性因子分析,结果均表明,学习动机缺失量表具有良好的构想效度。测量等同性检验表明,该量表同时适用于男、女两性被试以及江苏省不同地区的被试样本。第五章为总讨论。这章在量表应用的基础上对该量表的结构、量表的各种特性作进一步分析和探讨。指出量表的特点与作用,为人们提供量表使用指导。另外,还探讨了学习动机缺失学生的教育与训练策略问题。第六章为总结和展望。这章对本研究进行了总结,指明了研究的创新之处和特色,并对研究中存在的不足进行了探讨,对今后的进一步研究方向作出了展望。本研究对学习动机缺失的操作性定义、学习动机缺失的结构、学习动机缺失的影响因素等问题提出了自己独特的理论见解,在此基础上形成了关于学习动机缺失的理论构想。本研究的最主要成果是由研究者编制的符合各方面测量学要求的“中学生学习动机缺失量表”,国内目前尚无同类量表。该量表的编制不仅为大规模的学习动机缺失调查、为学习动机缺失的影响机制研究提供了科学、方便、快捷的工具,而且,为学生个体了解自身学习动机缺失状况提供了可能。根据量表结果,可以对学生开展有针对性的学习指导与教育干预,重新激发起学生的学习动力。

【Abstract】 Learning motivation initiates, maintains students’learning behavior and helps them to achieve stipulated objectives. There would be no learning behavior without learning motivation. Because motivation is so important in learning activities that educational psychologists have never been stopped studying and discussing it since the birth of educational psychology. Various learning theories of motivation have emerged, and many classic examples of experimental study have been left. But over the years, research on motivation has been focused on such a problem as "why people have motivation", but few people are interested in the problem "why people have no motivation" or "why people lack of motivation". Until the 1990s, foreign scholars has started to pay attention on this issue and conducted empirical and theoretical study. Therefore, compared with the mainstream research, the study on lack of motivation is a relatively new subject. In the current schools, the teachers are facing the most difficult problems that considerable number of students "do not like learning", that is lack of motivation, the issue has plagued parents a lot of problems, too. Lack of motivation has become a prominent problem and an important issue in the field of school education. In the past ten years, researchers in China has continuously focused on this problem and began to study this issue. However, there is no related articles in the domestic authority or core psychology journals, all papers on lack of motivation have been published in education journals and magazines. These papers have a common characteristic, that is, there is no literature review, clear theoretical basis, clear definition and theoretical structure on the research of lack of motivation, there is only description and explanation according to personal experiences, or borrow a couple of motivational terms to explain the phenomena, they are not strict psychological research. Therefore, the study of lack of motivation demonstrates theoretical and practical significance. The measurement and assessment of lack of motivation should be the key issue for it not only reflects the understanding of the meaning and structure of lack of motivation, but also lays the foundation for further large-scale empirical research. Besides, it will provide the possibility of understanding the individual lack of motivation state, style, various influencing factors and mechanisms. Therefore, this study selects the "the development of lack of learning motivation scale" as a starting point, which can point to an area, improve research efficiency.The research has been divided into six chapters. The first chapter is "Research Overview", mainly focusing on the study of the origin, meaning, goals and methods. The second chapter is about the related theoretical issues. In this chapter, the author has discussed on the issues relative to the scale, and at the same time, makes a review of relevant literature. On this basis, the author has put forward innovative basic view about these issues, noting some of the basic premise of this study, establishing the theoretical framework of the initial scale, and developing the principles of scale for the theoretical preparation of a lack of motivation scale. Chapter three is about the development of lack of learning motivation scale. And it is the keystone of the research. The chapter describes the whole process of scale development. First, according to the theoretical constructs of the lack of motivation structure proposed by the author, as well as open questionnaires for the students and teachers, and learning from foreign related scales, the researcher designed the initial scale. It is revised after the application, and applied for the next turn. Again and again the scale being tested, analyzed, and improved, and ultimately established the lack of learning motivation scale structure, and confirmatory factor analysis confirmed it. After item analysis, reliability and validity analysis, it turned out to be a scale with good measurement characteristics. Chapter four is the application of the scale. The process of the scale trial is the process of re-examination of the scale characteristics and quality. So to some extent it is also the further improvement of the third chapter. This chapter, using the lack of motivation scale, tested different samples of middle school students from south, central, north regions of Jiangsu province. The results reveals the current status and styles of middle school students’lack of learning motivation, and tests different regions, grades, genders, academic levels of students’ lack of motivation, also tests the parents,teachers,peers and other influence factors related to lack of motivation. Confirmatory analysis for each region of the samples showing the lack of motivation scale has good constructive validity and measurement covariance tests show that the scale applies to both male and female subjects, and different regions of Jiangsu province. Chapter five is the general discussion. Based on the scale application, the chapter makes a further analysis for structure and characteristics of the scale, and note the characteristics and the role of the scale, providing people with scale guidance. The education and training strategies also discussed. Chapter six is summary and perspective. This chapter summarizes the research, specified the innovations and features, explores the deficiency of the research and makes the assumption for the future research.This research presents its own unique theoretical insights on the operational definition, structure, and influencing factors of lack of motivation. On this basis, formulates an distinguishing theoretic assumption. The main results of this study is the "lack of motivation scale for middle school students", which compliance with the requirements of a good scale. There is no similar domestic scale. It not only provides a tool for large-scale survey and mechanism research, but also makes it possible to let individuals understand their lack of motivation conditions. According to the scale measurements, we can develop targeted interventions and educational guidance, and re-stimulate the students’learning motivation.

  • 【分类号】G635.5;G444
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】4007