

Study on the Integration of Regional Economic Development and Transportation System of Shaanxi Province

【作者】 徐阳

【导师】 郗恩崇;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 交通运输业是国民经济的基础产业,在国民经济中发挥着不可或缺的作用。交通运输是连接生产、分配、交换、消费的纽带和影响社会、经济发展的关键性因素。伴随着人类文明的发展与科学技术的进步,交通运输也经历了由原始运输到现代化运输的蜕变。交通运输在现代社会、经济中的作用与日俱增。与西方发达国家相比,我国现代化交通运输的发展起步较晚,虽然经过飞速的发展,现代化交通运输体系已经初具规模,但是距离社会经济发展和社会主义现代化建设的要求还存在一定的差距。探索适应我国当前社会经济发展需要的现代化交通运输体系,具有重要的理论和实践意义。伴随着国际分工的不断深化和经济全球化的不断加强,区域一体化已经成为世界经济发展不可逆转的趋势和潮流。世界大多数国家都将区域一体化作为促进区域经济发展,提升区域竞争力的必然选择。从“十一五”规划开始,我国就将区域一体化作为推动区域经济发展的主要策略。在21世纪新一轮的改革浪潮中,区域一体化将扮演极其重要的角色。作为区域经济大系统中的一个子系统,交通运输与区域经济存在着密不可分的关系,两者既相互促进,又相互制约。区域交通运输一体化成为区域一体化发展的客观基础和必然要求。陕西地处我国西北地区的门户,是连接西北和中东部区域的枢纽和桥梁。优越的区位条件使陕西省成为西部大开发战略的核心区域和前沿地带。陕西在西部大开发中担负着承接与辐射的双重职能。《关中一天水经济区发展规划》的出台,不仅为陕西经济的发展提供了难得的机遇,也赋予陕西在西部区域经济一体化发展中“领头羊”的历史使命。陕西区域经济一体化的发展要求与之相契合的一体化交通运输体系作为基础和支撑。目前陕西经济和交通运输一体化的发展尚处于起步阶段,还存在许多问题,需要在理论和实践上进行不断深入的研究和探索。本论文以我国与陕西省区域经济和交通发展的现状作为研究背景;以区域经济学和交通运输经济学的相关理论作为理论平台;以探索适应区域经济发展要求的交通运输体系为研究主线;以构建基于区域经济一体化模式的区域一体化交通运输体系为目标,主要做了以下研究工作:第一,梳理了交通运输和区域经济的相关理论,对区域发展梯度理论、辐射理论、区域一体化理论、城市圈域经济理论和区位理论进行了评析。通过对以上理论的融合,结合所研究的问题,提出对区域经济和区域交通运输体系发展的认识:区域经济一体化是区域经济发展的主要目标;城市圈域经济是区域经济一体化实现的主要载体和基本模式;区域交通运输体系的构建既要考虑作为外围性因素的区域经济的影响,也要考虑作为内源性因素的区位条件的作用。第二,对区域一体化交通运输体系的涵义、特点、内容和动因等问题进行了较为深入的剖析。并引介国内外典型的城市圈一体化交通运输体系进行范例分析,为陕西省区域一体化交通运输体系建设提供有益借鉴。第三,在定性研究的基础上,以陕西省作为实证对象,利用相关性分析法、主成分分析法、灰色预测法,对区域经济与交通运输体系的相关性,综合评价和适应度以及区域经济与交通运输体系的发展预测进行了定量分析。第四,在以上研究的基础上,对陕西省区域经济一体化的结构和布局进行了探讨,同时对与之相配合的区域一体化交通运输体系的构架与实施对策提出了见解和建议。本论文作出了以下四个方面的创新贡献:第一,通过区域经济发展和区位选择的视角来研究交通运输问题。第二,提出基于区域经济一体化发展的区域一体化交通运输体系的基本模式。第三,利用数学模型,对区域经济与交通运输体系的相关性、适应性和发展预测进行了定量研究。第四,提出了陕西区域经济一体化发展的基本布局和基于此布局的一体化交通运输体系的发展构想。

【Abstract】 Transport industry is the basic industry of national economy, and plays indispensable role in it. Transportation is to connect the production, distribution, exchange, consumption and impact of social ties, the key factor in economic development. With the development of human civilization and progress of science and technology, transportation has also transformed from the original transport to the modern transport. In modern society and economy, the effect of transportation is increasing. Compared with Western countries, the development of China’s modernization of transport started late. Despite the rapid development, the modern transportation system has begun to take shape. But from the social-economic development and modernization requirements, there is still a gap. Exploring the modern transportation system, which can adapt to the current requirements of social and economic development, has important theoretical and practical significance.With the deepening of international division of labor and strengthening of economic globalization; regional integration has become an irreversible trend and fashion of world economic development. Most countries in the world have chosen it as the inevitable measurement to promote regional economic development and enhance regional competitiveness. Hence the "Eleventh Five-year Plan", our country has promoted regional integration as a major regional economic development strategy. In the new wave of reform of 21st century, regional integration will play a very important role. As a subsystem of regional economic system, there exists a close relationship between transport and regional economic. Both of them promote each other, but also restrict the other. Regional transportation integration has become the object basis and inevitable requirement of regional integration.Shaanxi Province locates in the gateway of Northwest China, and is the hub and bridge to connect Northwest, Central and Eastern regions. Advantageous geographic conditions for Shaanxi province has made it become the core region and front zone of the Western Development Strategy. Shaanxi shoulders dual functions of undertake and radiation in the strategy.<Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone Development Plan> has released. The plan has not only provided a rare opportunity for the development of Shaanxi province, but also given Shaanxi the historic mission, which is to be the leader in the development of western regional integration. Shaanxi requires for the development of regional economic integration, aligned with integrated transport system as the basis and support. At present, the integration of economy and transport of Shaanxi province are still in the early stage. There are still many problems in theory and practice need to be researched and explored constantly in depth.The thesis took the development status of regional economy and transportation of China and Shaanxi province as the background, the Transport Economics and Regional Economics as the theoretical platform, exploring for the transportation system, which adapt to the requirements of the development of regional economy as research main line, constructing the regional integrated transportation system based on the regional economic integration as the target, the main research work to do as following:First, the review theories of the Transport and Regional Economics, the evaluation on gradient theory, radiation theory, regional integration theory, metropolitan theory and location theory. Through integration the above theories, combing with the research question, presented the new understandings on the development of transport and regional economy that regional economic integration is the main objective of regional economic development, metropolitan economy is the main carrier and basic model to achieve regional economic integration, the construction of regional transportation system should not only consider the external factor as the impact of regional economy, but also the endogenous factor as the role of location condition. Second, made more in-depth analysis on the theory of regional integration and urban circle, the relationship between transportation and regional economic development, the meaning, characteristics, content and motivation of regional integration transport system, and also introduced the typical integration transport system of domestic and international metropolitan as the beneficial reference for the construction of regional integration transport system of Shaanxi province. Third, On the basis of qualitative analysis, the thesis took Shaanxi province as empirical object, and used Correlation Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Grey Prediction to made quantitative analysis on the correlation, comprehensive evaluation and fitness of regional economy and transport system, as well as the development forecast of them. Forth, based on the above research, the thesis discussed on the structure and layer of regional economic integration of Shaanxi province, and then put forward the views and suggestions on the framework and implements measures of the compatible regional integration transportation system.The thesis made four innovations as following:first, through the perspective of regional economic development and location choice to study the transportation problems. Second, proposed basic mode of the regional integration transportation system based on regional economic integration. Third, using mathematical models to made quantitative analysis on the correlation, fitness of regional economy and transport system, as well as the development prediction of them. Forth, proposed the basic model of regional economic integration of Shaanxi province, and the regional integration transportation system based on it.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】F512.7;F127
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1831
  • 攻读期成果