

Study on Management Methods of Budgetary Estimation Adjustment of Highway Construction

【作者】 程兴新

【导师】 王选仓;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 公路工程建设项目,由于规模大,建设周期长,技术复杂,人财物消耗大,从立项、设计、建设到交付运营,其建设项目费用呈现一种动态地变化,且波动较大;另外,随着社会经济发展,建设环境变化,由于设计理念提升、物价上涨等原因,导致公路建设费用控制较困难,造成工程决算与概算相差较大,超概现象较为普遍,在某种程度上影响了公路工程的发展。如何对公路建设费用超概进行良好的管理,已成为当前应考虑的重大问题。在这种背景下深入系统地开展对公路工程概算调整管理方法的研究,意义重大。本文针对公路工程造价管理及管理过程中存在的问题,结合我国公路工程建设的实际情况,‘对公路建设费用超概进行全面的分析研究,主要研究内容有:(1)明确了公路工程建设各阶段造价的作用与意义,提出了投资决策阶段造价控制方法,阐述了施工阶段造价控制方法,总结了公路建设行业概算调整的相关程序,指出了我国公路造价控制存在的问题;(2)根据我国38条、陕西省7条超概公路的超概情况,深入分析了全国典型省份暨陕西省公路超概情况,剖析了公路超概原因,并研究了不同超概因素对公路超概的影响程度。(3)详细汇总了近年来涉及征地拆迁的法律法规,对全国暨陕西省公路的用地指标进行了分析和比较,总结了征地拆迁费用攀升的原因,研究了近年来公路建设新理念对公路建设费用的影响,得出了不同建设新理念对公路建设费用超概的影响程度。(4)深入研究了公路建设项目设计变更产生的原因及变更内容,指出了设计变更管理过程中存在的问题,得出了设计变更对公路建设费用超概的影响程度;从公路技术标准、国家有关政策、建设期贷款利息等方面详细分析了国家宏观经济政策调整对公路建设费用超概的影响程度;分析了材料价格相关政策法规,量化了材料价格对公路建设项目超概的影响程度。(5)从实际应用的角度出发,确立了公路建设费用超概比例的单项指标评价和基于区间数海明距离决策的超概费用比例综合指标评价,并进行了实例分析。(6)对铁路、市政及水利水电行业概预算调整原因、内容进行了研究并结合实例分析了公路相关行业概预算调整内容及其比例,综合分析各种超概原因,总结了概算调整的内容,针对公路建设项目施工特征提出了四个调概时间点,研究了概算调整的方法,提出了调概的编制原则及相应的调概方法,在以上研究的基础上,提出了概算调整管理方法的建议。综上所述,本文首次全面系统对我国暨陕西省公路建设费用超概情况进行了深入研究,得出了相应变化规律,系统研究了概算调整的内容与方法,提出了概算调整管理方法的建议,研究成果对我国和陕西省公路工程概算调整管理具有重要指导意义。

【Abstract】 Due to large-scale and long construction period, complex technology and high human property consumption, the funds of highway construction projects objectively present dynamic changes from the project establishment, design, construction to operation. In addition, with the social economic development, in case of changes of the construction environment, promotions of design concept, inflation of prices and other reasons, Highway construction cost controlling is very difficult, resulting in a large difference between project cost of the final accounts and the estimated cost approved by the state, which affects the development of highway to some extent. How to deal with highway budgetary overrunning has become an important issue for construction unit. In this context carrying out the research of the Management methods of Budgetary Estimation Adjustment becomes significant.In order to solve the problems in the management of highway construction costs and practice, the overrunning highway construction costs are analyzed in this paper comprehensively and thoroughly, which combines with our country’s actual conditions. The main research contents include:(1) The role and meaning of each period’s cost is realized, and the cost control methods in the investment decisions period and the construction period, some relevant procedures to adjust the budget estimate at construction of highways are also proposed in this paper, then summing up presented problems in control of cost in highways.(2) Based on the 38 highways of our contry and 7 highways of Shanxi province, the budget-overrunning highway situations has been analysised in this paper, the main reasons of ultra-budget has been summed up in depth. In addition, the different impact brought by different factors has also been studied in this article.(3) The laws and regulations about land expropriation in recent years are introduced. The land expropriation indicators of Shanxi Province with the national are compared in this paper, which lead to the reasons of the rising cost of land acquisition demolition. And then new concepts about road construction in recent years are studied; a conclusion that different constructions concepts have different influence degree in highways over estimate has been drawn in this paper.(4) This paper deeply researches the reasons and contents of the design change in highways projects, analyzes the problems existed in the progress of design change management and draws the influence degree of the design change over cost on the highway construction. From the road technical standards, national related policy, the loan interest of construction period and the methods of fixed preparation, the effect of national macroeconomic policy adjustment on the cost of highway construction is analyzed in detail. The relevant regulations and policies about prices of construction materials are analyzed; the influence of construction materials prices on the highway construction project is quantified in this paper.(5) From the view of practical point, the proportion of road costs over almost single index evaluation and the cost ratio of almost super-comprehensive index evaluation decision-making based on interval number Hamming distance are established, and the practical examples are analyzed.(6)The reason and content of budget adjustments in railway engineering, municipal engineering, and Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering industry is researched, and the content and the proportion of budget estimate with the example of highway-related industries is studied in this paper. From these two aspects, the paper analyzes variable reasons of exceed without exception comprehensively and summarizes the content of budget adjustment. This article also bring out the notion of four time points based on characteristics of the road construction project proposed transfer; the principle and methods of budget adjustment are proposed based on the study of budget adjustment methods. With the efforts of certain studies, the advice on management methods of the budget adjustment is put forward.Through analysises, this article puts forward regularities of overrunning highway construction costs in different period and standard. The contents and methods of budget adjustment are researched and the advice on management methods of budget adjustment is proposed in this paper. It is of very important guiding significance for the budget adjustment management of the future construction project.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】F542;F284;U415.13
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】970
  • 攻读期成果