

The Study of the Methods in Undergraduates’ Mental Health Promotion

【作者】 张瑞星

【导师】 赵山明;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 近些年来,大学生群体的心理健康问题是社会关注的热点之一,高校的心理健康辅导工作也越来越引起重视。论文的主旨是:通过分析我国大学生心理问题特征、接受心理辅导偏好等,借鉴传统的认知疗法、阅读疗法,在信息化时代的背景下,建立一种操作简便、效果明显的心理治疗方法——信息平衡心理疗法,宜适用于大学生群体的心理健康辅导。论文构建了信息平衡心理疗法的基本理论体系。疗法认为人的某些心理问题是由非适应性观念所引起,非适应性观念是指大学生所持有的与客观现实不匹配而导致心理问题的观念。这种观念的产生是由于信息的不均衡或信息量过少所导致。信息平衡疗法假设信息的各方面越趋于平衡,个体所持有的观念适应性越强;当信息趋于不平衡时,就会形成偏颇的、非适应性观念,一旦客观现实与非适应性观念相冲突,个体就会出现心理问题。疗法认为人的观念、信息与心理三者之间存在着互动关系,依据信息传播心理的选择性注意、选择性理解、选择性记忆以及认知心理的局限搜索原理,观念影响人对信息的选择,信息又对观念的形成与转变产生影响,所形成的观念最终影响一个人的心理状态。持有非适应性观念的个体,在搜索信息时往往倾向于搜集支持自己观念的信息,这些信息对非适应性观念起到强化作用,从而对人的心理产生负面的影响甚至出现心理问题,不良的心理状态又影响人对信息的选择与理解,从而进入一种不良的循环状态。通常情况下,在无外界干预措施时,一个人一旦进入则很难走出这种不良循环。为打破该循环,疗法从信息的调整作为切入点,补充对立信息或拓展信息范围,通过信息环境的改变而促使大学生非适应性观念的转变,促使信息——观念——心理三者的循环向良性方向发展。论文建立了信息平衡心理疗法的操作方法及辅导程序。对于适用人群,从查找大学生的非适应性观念入手,根据非适应性观念的内容确定对立观念,选取支持对立观念的信息(对立信息)。论文总结了探查非适应性观念的常用技术,包括条件假设法、关注点剖析法、连锁推论法、观念追踪法、主题词检索法等。信息平衡疗法实施的载体是心理辅导人员开出的信息处方,论文制定了信息处方的原则,设计了信息处方的格式。通过信息处方的实施,将对立信息由浅入深地梯度呈现给大学生,该过程是大学生对信息理解、领悟并使观念发生转变的过程。为提高心理辅导效果,论文设计了不同形式的家庭作业,包括信息领悟自助表、角色体验自助表、观念相信和自我痛苦自助表、观念追踪表等,完成家庭作业的过程对个体领悟信息起到指导与督促作用。通过执行信息处方使大学生意识到自己观念的不适应性,重构动机并积极主动地使自己的非适应性观念向适应方向转变。在信息的影响下,观念的转变分为三阶段:依从阶段、同化阶段、内化阶段,论文提出了观念转变的角色深化理论,即转变的过程要经过角色的演变,依次是旁观者角色、过渡角色、主人翁角色,三角色与三阶段相对应。三个阶段的顺利过渡并最终实现观念的内化,是信息平衡疗法的最理想效果。论文分析了观念转变过程中的多种影响因素,包括信息传递各要素的特点、信息接收者的人格特征、受暗示性强度、情绪状态等。另外,心理效应在信息传递及领悟的过程中也在隐匿地起着作用,包括角色深化效应、强化效应、安慰剂效应、从众效应、反馈效应、瀑布效应等,这些效应对疗效的影响可能是积极的也可能是消极的。论文充分考虑了观念转变过程中的影响因素,针对如何有效地运用各影响因素的积极作用提出了建议。论文运用模糊数学积分建立了心理评估综合模型。心理健康的评估是心理治疗的起点与终点。模糊积分的特点是对重视度高的因素,若其得分高,则对系统的评判值就高;若其得分低,则对系统的评判值就低,该特点符合了对心理评估的要求。心理健康从五个方面进行评估,包括持续时间(T)、社会功能(SF)、自我痛苦(S)、抑郁评分(SDS得分)和焦虑评分(SAS得分),运用德尔菲调查法由10名精神心理专家确定各因子的权重,通过模糊集分的计算方法对心理健康状况进行综合评估,评估得分采用百分制,分值越高表明问题越严重。论文开发了信息平衡心理疗法的信息资源数据库。为便于专业人员在大学生心理健康辅导工作中应用信息平衡心理疗法,开发了基于MySQL数据库和PHP技术的信息资源数据库网络版软件。资源库可以容纳各类治疗性信息,具有开放性、互动性的特点,用户能够便捷地查找与下载信息,为本疗法的实施与普及提供了的保障。论文提出的信息平衡心理疗法强调充分利用大学生的自我心理修复能力,治疗的过程反映了大学生个人自主领悟的过程。借助于现代信息社会的信息资源与网络资源,该方法节约了心理辅导工作人员的时间耗费,大学生可以自主地选择治疗的时间和场所。治疗程序的相对客观性也为突破心理辅导者个人经验及其人格影响的限制提供了条件,使心理治疗向实证方向走近了一步。本疗法的局限性表现在信息的等级标准确定难度较大、治疗过程过度依赖大学生本人的意愿、治疗过程的干扰因素较多等缺憾。论文从基本理论、适用范围、心理评估、治疗程序、家庭作业、注意事项等方面建立了相对完整的心理治疗体系,研发了内容丰富、便捷实用的信息资源数据库。提出的信息平衡疗法简便易行,可以在一定程度上缓解目前我国高校心理辅导工作人员的水平参差、数量不足的矛盾,具有在高校心理干预领域推广的价值。

【Abstract】 The mental health of the graduates has been focused by the society. And the work of undergraduates’ mental health has been highlighted in recent years. The Information Balanced Psychotherapy(IBT) is established in this study on the basis of the Cognitive psychotherapy and the Bibliotherapy. The IBT was provided considering the various factors, which include the characteristic of the undergraduates’mental problem, the capability of the undergraduates to grasp the information, the preference of the undergraduates’psychological consulting, and so on. The IBT is designed for the mental promotion of the undergraduates in the university.The basic theory of the IBT has been developed. The theory proposes that the mental problem is produced owing to the unadaptable idea, which is not match to the actuality. The production of the unadaptable idea is owing to the unbalance between the different informations or the informations is too little. The more balanceable of the information one has recieved, the more adaptable of the idea. When the informations one received and grasped are unbalaceable between each other, the biased view will be produced. Once the view conflicts with the real condition, the mental problem will formed. The IBT proposes that the idea, information and psychological status interacts each other. In the information dissemination psychology, there are factors including selective attention, selective understanding, selective memory, which will influence the selection of the information. And there is another significant theory in cognitive psychology, which is limited search. Under the function of the former theories, the idea that one has hold will influence the selection of the information, and the information will affect the the forming and the changing of one’s idea, and the idea will impact the mental health. A person who holds the unadaptable idea will search the familiar information to support his or her original idea. This will strengthen the original unadaptable idea. And the client will enter into the swart circle. Usually without the external intervention, it is impossible to come out from the circle. In order to break the circle, changing the information was thought to play the role as the interposing point. The therapeutic principle is that the IBT is to search the unadaptable idea. And check the opposite idea, provide the opposite information, ultimately change the unadaptable idea, and urge the information-idea-psychology circle to the better. As a result, the mental state will be perfected.The operating process of IBT has been designed. For applicable clients, the first step is to search the unadaptable idea. To check the concrete content of the unadaptable idea existing in the clients’thought, the skills have been developed, which include Conditions Hypothetical Method, Concerns Analysis Method, Chain Inference Method, Idea Tracking Method, Keywords Searching Technology, and so on, Then the idea which is opposite to the original unadaptable idea will be determined, which is also called opposite information. After the informations that support the opposite idea are searched, the psychological counsellor prescribes the theraputic information, which is Information Prescription(IP). The IP is the core of the IBT.And the requirement of IP has been designed in the study. With the application of the IP, the informations will be presented step by step to the client, which will be more and more deeply in the thought. Besides the information data that should be read or watched, some kinds of other homeworks can be arranged to the clients, which will play the auxiliary function. Several homework form has been designed, including information digestion self-help table, role experience self-help table, ideas believe and self pain self-help table, ideas tracking form etc. The process of completing the homework is just the process of guiding and supervising the individuals to comprehend the information. Under the function of the theraputic information, three stages will go through, which are compliance stage, assimilation stage and internalize stage in sequence. The Role Deepening Theory was put forward in this study. The thoery proposes that the process of grasping the view of the external information include three roles, which are onlookers role, transition roles and master role, three roles correspond to the three phases. The smooth transition of the three phases and the final realization of the internalization of the provided informations, are the most ideal result of the IBT. The clients will realize the inadaptability of the original concept in his or her thought, reconstruct the new motive, and change the unadaptable concept toward the adaptability. In the process of the concept transformation, there are many factors, such as the characteristic of the imformation, and the personality of the client, the characteristics of being hinted, mood, and other factors will influence the effect of the IBT. In addition, psychological effects will play a part in the information transfer and the understanding process, which include deepening effect, strengthening effect, the placebo effect, conformity effect, feedback effect, waterfall effect, etc. the fuction of these effects is uncertain, which can be positive or negative. In this study the influence factors has been taken into full account. And Suggestions were put forward in order to utilize the positive fuction of the psychological effects.The psychological assessment model has been studied using the fuzzy mathematics. The assessment of mental health is the the starting point and the ending point of the psychotherapy. The Fuzzy integral is applied to in the evaluation of mental health. The judgment value is higher when the factor is highlighted and gets high score, and the lower when the factor is ignored and get low score in fuzzy mathematics. This characteristic fit the evalucation of the mental health to the point. Mental health assessment is applied from five aspects, including the duration (T), social function (SF), suffering(S), depression score(SDS score) and anxiety score(SAS score). The weight of each factor has been decided by using the Delphi investigation from 10 mental experts opinion. The comprehensive evaluation has been developed using the fuzzy mathematics calculation. The evaluation score is present by percentage, the higher of the score, the more serious of the problem.And the database software of the information resources has been programmed in this study. It is opening to all the appropriate information and interactive between the users. The information can be searched and download in the database.It provides the facility of the application of the IBT in undergraduates.The IBT makes full use of the information resources and the network resources in the the modern society, and fully bring the psychological self-repairing ability of the undregaduates into play. It is more freely in the therapeutic time and space, counselling staff can do more work in less time. This study will push the psychological counselling towards the empirical direction, because the operation of the IBT is capable to breakthrough the limitation of the personal experience and personality features of the counsellors. The IBT has its limitation. There is difficulty to unify the criteria of the therapeutic information in the information selection. And the counseling process is excessively dependent on the clients’ own intention. Moreover, there are too factors and psychological effects to interference the treatment.As a whole, the IBT has been developed as a relatively complete psychological therapy, constructing by the basic theory, application scope, psychological assessment, treating procedures, homeworks, matters needed attention, and so on. The database provides abundant information resources for counseling. The IBT is relative simple, and it is easy to apply in the undergraduates. It provides a strategy to solve the prominent problem in the work of the undergraduates’psychological counselling, which is reflected in the much difference among the level of the university psychological counselling staff and the shortage of the staff.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期