

Experimental Investigation of Rockburst Behavior of Oriented Sandstone

【作者】 聂雯

【导师】 何满潮;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 岩土工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文利用深部岩爆模拟实验系统,模拟了受层状结构影响的砂岩岩爆破坏特征。论文详细描述了砂岩岩爆前后卸载而的裂纹扩展及颗粒弹射,并据高速摄影图片绘制了颗粒弹射路径,选用实验时岩石颗粒弹射速度和实验后的块体频率分形结果对岩爆强度做出评价。结合声发射时频分析技术分析了岩爆过程中的能量迁移,列出实验过程中声发射信号在不同加载阶段不同频率阶段的幅值变化特征及Gutenberg-Richter的b值变化,研究声发射预测岩爆的可能性。采用微观断口及宏观断口的分形方法来分别定量分析岩爆后断裂碎片的微裂纹和表面粗糙度。另外,本论文改进了DDA2D中的块体模型,将块体的线弹性本构关系改为为弹性-脆性-理想塑性关系,利用平面应变假设,重现了不同结构砂岩在岩爆时岩石内部的损伤及裂纹扩展过程。

【Abstract】 Rockburst is a violent rock failure process which poses a significant threat to human safety in mining and tunnelling construction. In this thesis, the rockburst behaviour of sandstone affected by its bedding orientation is investigated. A modified triaxial rock testing apparatus is used to create the rockburst boundary conditions. Two parameters, the fractal dimension of mass-frequency distribution of rock fragments and the velocities of ejected fragments, are recommended to define the rockburst severity. The magnitude variations and b-value variations of the acoustic emission signals are used to express the energy transformations during rockburst. In addition, the fractal analysis is induced to show the propagation of microcrack and ruptures on the surface of sandstone specimens in micro-and macro-scale. DDA2D is recommended to simulate the rockburst progress and a new elastic-brittle-perfect plastic model is built for the block deformation. All those results can contribute for the further study of rockburst mechanism.
