

Characteristics of Potassium Sulfate Deposit from Salt Lake Brine and Its Application Study on Chemical Process in Lop Nur

【作者】 李浩

【导师】 郑绵平; 彭苏萍;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文以中国新疆罗布泊盐湖卤水为研究对象,通过对盐湖卤水矿床成矿机理、矿床特征研究,掌握了地下晶间卤水分布规律及其水文地质特征;通过对卤水化学组成及化学工艺特点分析、研究,并经过卤水蒸发试验和蒸发产物合理分级得到钾混盐和光卤石,同时对两种原料采取转化—浮选和分解—浮选—洗涤的加工工艺得到软钾镁矾和氯化钾半成品,再经加水转化制取硫酸钾产品,为开发罗布泊盐湖卤水资源制取硫酸钾提供了一条崭新途径。并通过2万吨/年硫酸钾工业试验装置为“新疆罗布泊钾肥基地年产120万吨钾肥项目”提供了理论依据及设计参数,并实施产业化,把资源优势转化为经济优势,对落实国家西部大开发战略、提高我国钾肥自给率具有重要战略意义和经济效益。

【Abstract】 The paper focuses on the study of brine of Lop Nur Salt Lake in Xinjing. By studing the mineraliztion mechanism and the property of the salt lake brine deposits, property of the law of di stribut ion of intercystall ine brine and hydrogeological charateristies were understood. Analysis and research were made of the chemical compositions, the chemical process charateristics, test of brine evaporation and rational classification of the evaporated products were conducted to produce potassium mixed salts and carnallite. Meanwhile, the process of conversion-flotation and decomposition- washing was introduced to produce schoenite and semi-produce of potassium chloride, which were to be conversed to potassium sulfate by adding water, providing a new way for production of potassium sulfate by the development of Lop Nur Salt Lake brine resources. A 20kt/a potassium sulfate plant was subject to commercial tests, providing the therotical basis and design data for a 1.2mt/a potash Fertilizer project in Potash Fertilizer Base of Lop Nur, Xinjiang and has gone into commercialization. It is of the great importance and economic benefits to the national strategy for implementing the development of the west part of china and inceasing the self-supply rate of potash fertilizer by turning the resources advantage into the economic edge.
