

Three-Dimensional Seismic Exploration Technology for Thin Coal Seam

【作者】 胡朝元

【导师】 彭苏萍;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 地球探测与信息技术, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 在以往的三维地震勘探工作中发现,薄煤层受上覆厚煤层的屏蔽作用,振幅变弱,振幅和相位在横向上变化剧烈,这些特征给薄煤层构造解释带来严重的多解性。针对该问题,以淮南张集煤矿为例,通过交错网格有限差分模拟、高密度地震勘探研究,取得精度较高的地质成果,研究表明:基岩界面与地表形成的多次波与11-2煤反射波几乎是在同一时间到达检波器,引起11-2煤层的反射波振幅变化较大。上覆13-1煤层的屏蔽作用,引起11-2煤的反射波能量较弱。这两种影响因素引起11-2煤层的振幅弱,振幅和相位在横向上不稳定。采用了高密度地震勘探方法进行采区地质构造的精细探查,根据张集煤矿对勘探区东北角的地质构造验证,薄煤层11-2煤落差在3米以上的断层与开采结果吻合,可靠性高,表明高密度地震勘探进一步提高了地震勘探的精度,具有示范意义。

【Abstract】 Previous three-dimensional seismic exploration finding that the amplitude of the thin coal seam become weak, and its amplitude and phase rapid change in the horizontal by the shielding effect of the overlying thick coal seam which making the solutions of structural interpretation of thin seam of coal serious multiple. To solve the problem, this article takes zliangji coal in Huainan for example and made high accuracy geological results with the research of staggered-grid finite difference simulation and high density seismic exploration. The results show that, multiple waves processed by the bedrock interface and the surface reach the detector almost at the same time with reflected wave of the coal 11-2 and cause its reflection amplitude larger change. Shielding effect of coal 13-1 made the reflected wave of coal 11-2 weak energy. By the method of high density seismic exploration to fine exploration geological structure in the mining area to further improve the accuracy of the seismic exploration and with exemplary, authentication in northeast of zhangji coal is high reliability induct that the fault in coal 11-2 that drop above 3 meters coincide with mining results.

  • 【分类号】P631.4;P618.11
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】608
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