

Study on Action Law of Environmental Factors to Fire Zone Gas Entrainment and Disaster Induced Mechanism

【作者】 苏福鹏

【导师】 周心权;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 安全技术及工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 封闭火区是一种常见的矿井防灭火技术,但火区封闭诱发瓦斯爆炸事故时有发生。论文首先分析了煤矿火区瓦斯涌出与积聚状态,根据瓦斯上浮效应和扩散运移机理,得出瓦斯涌出后的成层分布规律及相关因素的影响。鉴于环境因素特别是大气压力变化是影响矿井瓦斯涌出和火区气体运移的重要因素,详细研究了大气压力振幅变化、压力波在井下传播速度及压力波随距离衰减,并提出了用K线图技术分析大气压力变化的新方法,这种方法不仅能够看出大气压力的总体变化趋势,而且能反映出单个时间段内的变化情况。研究揭示了大气压力变化以声速传播以及压力波随距离衰减很少的规律,并通过鹤岗现场测试对上述结论进行了验证。建立了瓦斯涌出增加速度正比于大气压力下降速度的数学模型,并通过唐山矿的现场测试对模型进行了验证;建立了大气压力随时间周期性变化的数学模型,并由该模型修正密闭墙的漏风公式;根据大气压力变化通过漏风影响火区气体运移的分析,并结合瓦斯爆炸条件,分析了向封闭火区注惰措施引发爆炸的可能性,并通过建立火灾流场的数学模型和火灾巷道的二维物理模型,用Fluent场模拟软件模拟了注惰引发瓦斯爆炸的过程。论文的研究成果对火区封闭、管理、气体取样及火区启封时机的选择有重要的指导意义。

【Abstract】 The technique of sealing fire zone is a common method of fire control. However, sometimes, this method probably may induce the possibility of gas explosion. The dissertation, first of all, analyzes the law of gas emission and accumulation state of gas in sealed zone. According to the mechanism of gas transportation and floating effect of gas, the dissertation has concluded the law of distribution as stratified way and the factors that influenced these. Considering the factor, which is the fluctuation of atmospheric pressure, is a noteworthy one that influenced the way of gas emission and gas transportation in fire zone, so the dissertation has studied the law of fluctuation of atmospheric pressure and proposed a new method which is the tech of Graph K-line using in the area of stock market-analysis. By the practical data collected in HeGang and TangShan, the data shows that the pressure travels as fast as voice-speed under ground and declines as the frequency of change of fluctuation decreasing, shows that the amplitude declines in a relative short range and the amount of gas emission increases as pressure declining. The dissertation established the mathematic model of which the cycle of pressure change. By this the dissertation amends the equation of flow-leakage of sealed wall. By analyzing the effect of law of pressure change to the way of gas transportation in fire zone, also considering the condition which induces the gas explosion, the dissertation analyses the possibility of gas explosion while injecting the inert gas. By establishing 2-dimension physical model of accident tunnel and mathematic model of fire flow and using of CFD, the dissertation stimulated the process of gas explosion during the injection of inert gas. The result of the research work did in the dissertation has supplied a important guide to the future work.
