

Research on Marketing Decision and Competition-Cooperation Strategy in the Course of Customer Loyalty Migration

【作者】 向峥嵘

【导师】 唐守廉;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文基于研究顾客忠诚的基本驱动因素和顾客忠诚的进化机理,建立了企业业务相关多元化过程中的顾客忠诚迁移的概念模型,提出了现阶段主体业务的顾客忠诚,在业务扩张和业务转换的情况下,向新阶段业务的顾客忠诚迁移的模式。重点从投入产出的角度,利用实物期权方法研究顾客忠诚迁移过程中的营销时机决策,利用博弈分析外部资源的整合问题。具体内容如下:(1)建立顾客忠诚迁移的概念模型。明确企业在相关多元化条件下的业务扩张和业务转换,通过感知质量、顾客价值两个基本驱动因素影响顾客忠诚。提出了企业在业务扩张和业务转换的过程中,现阶段主体业务的顾客忠诚向新阶段业务迁移的模式。提出企业业务相关多元化的营销投资I,会对产品或服务的感知质量、顾客价值两个顾客忠诚的基本驱动因素,产生营销投资项目的项目价值V=V(感知质量,顾客价值,I)。(2)考察与感知质量因素相关的产品声誉的随机特性,以营销时机为决策变量,建立了顾客忠诚迁移过程中交叉营销策略实施时机决策模型,研究相关条件下的交叉营销项目的期权价值,得出了企业采用交叉营销策略来进行新阶段扩张业务推广的最优时机。通过仿真,考察了模型参数对交叉营销策略实施效果及实施时机决策的影响。(3)考察顾客价值因素和营销投入因素的随机特性,以营销时机为决策变量,建立了顾客忠诚迁移过程中的转换营销时机决策模型,得出了转换营销策略实施的最优时机。通过仿真,考察了模型参数对转换营销的实施效果和实施时机决策的影响。(4)研究业务相关多元化条件下,上游企业推动顾客忠诚迁移过程中进行外部资源整合时与下游企业的博弈关系。1)应用完全信息条件下的静态博弈分析,分析了顾客忠诚迁移过程中上游企业和下游企业竞合策略。2)应用两阶段动态博弈分析,分析了顾客忠诚迁移过程中上游企业和下游企业竞合策略。3)应用演化博弈的理论,分析上游企业群体与下游企业群体在顾客忠诚迁移过程中的竞合策略。

【Abstract】 Based on the study of fundamental drivers and evolution mechanism of customer loyalty, this dissertation establishes the conceptual model of customer loyalty migration in the course of business related diversification and puts forward the migration model from currently main business to new business under the circumstances of business expansion and business transformation. This dissertation researches marketing timing decision in the course of customer loyalty migration with real option approach and issues regarding external resources integration with game theory from input-output perspective.(1) Conceptual model of the customer loyalty migration is advanced. Business expansion and business transformation in related diversification will influence customer loyalty from two fundamental drivers which are perceived quality and customer value. It puts forward the migration model from currently main business to new business under the circumstances of business expansion and business transformation. In addition, the paper points out that the marketing investmentⅠfor the related diversification will generate project value of the marketing investment projectⅤ=Ⅴ(perceived quality, customer value,Ⅰ)(2) A decision-making model of cross-selling strategy implementation in the course of customer loyalty migration at the business expansion stage is established by studying the stochastic feature of perceived quality related product reputation with marketing timing as the decision variable. By studying the option value of the cross-selling project in related conditions, it comes to the optimum time to use cross-selling strategy to expand business. Besides, through simulation, it studies the effects of model parameters on results and decision-making of cross-selling strategy implementation.(3) A decision-making model of the transformation marketing timing in the course of customer loyalty migration is established on the basis of studying the stochastic feature of customer value and marketing investment with marketing timing as the decision variable. It comes to the optimum time to implement the transformation marketing strategy. Besides, through simulation, it studies the effects of model parameters on results and decision-making of the transformation marketing strategy implementation.(4) Competition-Cooperation Game relationship between upstream enterprise and downstream enterprise in the course of integrating external resources for promoting customer loyalty migration under the condition of business related diversification is discussed.1) Competition-Cooperation strategy between upstream enterprise and downstream enterprise is analyzed in the course of customer loyalty migration; 2) Competition-Cooperation strategy between upstream enterprise and downstream enterprise is analyzed with dynamic game theory in two phases; 3) Competition-Cooperation strategy between upstream enterprises and downstream enterprises is analyzed by making use of evolutionary game theory.

  • 【分类号】F274;F224.32
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】555
  • 攻读期成果