

Research on the Competitiveness of Chinese Manufacturing Industry Based on Informationalization and Industrialization

【作者】 王亚男

【导师】 茶洪旺;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 制造业是国民经济增长的发动机,是吸纳就业的主力军,是提升一国经济发展综合竞争力的基石。建国至今,我国制造业增长迅猛,国际地位明显攀升,吸引外资成就显著,已经确立了世界制造业大国的地位。但是制造业在高速发展中仍然存在着诸多隐忧,劳动生产率不高,产品附加值低,研发投入不够,自主创新能力不强等问题制约着制造业的进一步发展。由此可见,中国制造业大而不强,如何提升制造业竞争力成为我们亟待解决的问题。中国作为发展中国家,一直寻找着符合国情的中国式发展道路。目前发达国家已经完成了工业化阶段,跨入信息化社会,而我国尚处于工业化中期。为了赶超发达国家,发挥后发优势,我国提出了“两化融合”这一举措,以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化,两者同时推进,以此实现跨越式发展。本文着力于研究两化融合背景下制造业竞争力提升的问题。本文研究认为,首先,两化融合的重点在于制造业竞争力的提升。制造业的门类众多,部门之间分工比较细,产品门类比较全,制造业产品在国民经济和社会生活中无处不在。两化融合的发展需要装备来实现,而生产这些的设备大多数来源于制造业,特别是机器体系、控制设备、生产线等。不管是简单的电子配件还是复杂的机器设备,两化融合都需要在这些具体的平台上实现。制造业提供的这些高效率的设备左右着两化融合的发展。其次,提升制造业竞争力是两化融合的一大难点。目前我国制造业存在着劳动生产率低、资源消耗高、环境代价大、缺乏核心竞争力等问题,急需利用两化融合的举措解决这一系列问题。制造业竞争力的提升意味着制造业效率的提高,以最小的投入换取最优的产出,意味着在国际市场中的地位从低端走向高端,从中国制造走向中国创造,从而使得中国由制造业大国转变为制造业强国,走出了一条中国特色的新型工业化道路,进而赶超发达国家,这也就是两化融合的务必要实现的目标。本文从工业化、信息化、产业融合的概念入手,从多个角度深入分析两化融合的内涵。并且在梳理了我国制造业发展现状以及面临的机遇与挑战的基础上,积极借鉴西方发达国家制造业发展的成功经验,结合两化融合的内涵,提出两化融合视角下制造业竞争力提升的两个途径:一是基于成本优势的利用信息化提升制造业竞争力;二是基于差异化优势的利用生产性服务业提升制造业竞争力。最后提出了两化融合背景下制造业竞争力提升的路径与对策措施的建议。本文的一个突出特点在于:强调提高制造业竞争力不仅要考虑如何提高制造业成本优势,也要考虑另一个方面——差异化优势。结合产业融合理论,产业融合发展后增加了制造业产品的种类和功能,内生出制造业的差异化优势,而与制造业发展最为紧密相关是生产性服务业。由此,本文提出在两化融合下制造业应当通过与生产性服务业融合发展,提高制造业的差异化优势,进而提高制造业的竞争力。

【Abstract】 Manufacturing industry, as the engine of national economy and the main sector that absorbs labor force, is the basement of improving the competitiveness that economy grows. Since the founding of China, manufacturing industry has developed rapidly, with the higher position in the world and bigger scale of investment from foreign countries. China has already established the position of manufacturing power in the world. During the development process of the manufacturing industry, there are still some problems existing. For instance, lower productivity, low value-added products, the lack of R&D investment, and lack in independent innovation ability. Based on forward discussion, we can make a conclusion that Chinese manufacturing industry is the one with high production while poor in competitiveness. The problem we are facing now is how to improve the competitiveness of Chinese manufacturing industry.As a developing country, China is always searching for a Chinese characteristic development path. Comparing with developed countries’ high level of industrialization, China is on the mid-level now. In this background and the expectation of chasing developed countries’ pace, China proposed a policy named "The Infusion of Informationalizaion and Industrialization".It means achieving the leapfrog development by increasing the speed of informationalization and industrialization together. This paper aims to improve the manufacturing industry’s competitiveness based on "The Infusion of Informationalizaion and Industrialization". First, the infusion will improve the manufacturing industry’s competitiveness. The manufacturing industry is a core industry in national economics for it has many departments and products. The manufacturing industry is guarantee for the infusion, for it provides infusion with machinery systems, control equipments, production lines and so on. The development of infusion is based on all these equipments, which are produced by manufacturing industry. Second, improving manufacturing industry’s competitiveness is the difficult point of the infusion. China is facing many problems appeared in the progress of manufacturing development, and infusion is the one can resolve all these problems, such as lower labor productivity, higher waste in the use of natural resources and poorer in ability of independent innovationThe improvement of manufacturing industry means the rising of manufacturing efficiency, maximizing output by using the minimum input, the transformation of the position of international market from the lower-end to the high-end. In this way, our country will change from a big manufacturing industry nation to a powerful manufacturing industry nation.This is a new way to catch up with the developed countries. Meanwhile it is also the goal of "The Infusion of Informationalization and Industrialization".This paper wills analysis the concept of "The Infusion of informationalization and industrialization" from the definitions of industrialization, information and industrial convergence. Based on analyzing the present situation of manufacturing industry, opportunities and challenges faced by manufacturing industry, the successful experience of developed countries should be introduced. With the meaning of "the infusion of informationalization and industrialization", this paper addresses two ways to promote the competitiveness of manufacturing industry. One is improving competitiveness of manufacturing industry with informationalizaion, which is based on cost advantage. Another is taking advantage of the manufacturing service industry to promote the competitiveness of manufacturing industry, which is based on differential advantage.The outstanding characteristic of this study underlines that not only the comparative advantages but the competitive advantages should be considered. Based on the theory of industrial convergence, the manufacturing industry is added with the product categories and functions through industrial convergence, and will bring the difference advantages. For the manufacturing service industry is the most relevant sector with the manufacturing industry development. During "the Infusion of Informationalization and Industrialization", the manufacturing industry promotes the difference advantages via the integration with the manufacturing service industry.
