

【作者】 陈晓红

【导师】 杨明;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国文学批评史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 方东树是桐城派重要的古文家、诗论家,也是清代中后期的一位理学家。方东树强调诗歌创作要以切身体验和真情实感为基础,要“求真与立诚”,要求作为创作主体的诗人以追求自家面目为创作理想。他崇古黜俗,反对流易,追求厚重。他的诗歌理论著作《昭昧詹言》评述了从汉魏至唐宋元历代的诗人诗作,试图构建一个以杜甫、韩愈为中心的学诗典范系统。本论文以集中体现了方东树诗学思想的《昭昧詹言》为主要的研究对象,兼及方氏文集中的序跋、书牍(主要是诗序)等与诗学相关的著作,旁及方东树其他论著,以及桐城诸老等人的相关著述,方氏本人的诗歌创作,以期全面、系统地研究方东树的诗学。全文共分为五章,内容如下:绪论部分,综述方东树诗学的研究现状,以及研究方东树诗学的意义和本论文的研究设想。第一章方东树的生平、交游、著述与思想。主要介绍了方东树的生平、思想以及著述概况,他的交游及门生弟子情况。从方东树的交游可以探知他所处的时代的文化氛围,学术与文学风气,进而可以更加全面了解方东树的性情与为人,帮助我们更准确地概括其诗学。第二章方东树的诗学活动与诗学取向。介绍了方东树的诗歌创作情况以及诗学理论与批评著作《昭昧詹言》,总结了方氏的三点诗学取向:一是基本价值立场是正统儒家价值观;二是提出学诗应该涵养本原,应该多读书、多穷理;三是评析诗歌持有以文论诗的审美取向。第三章方东树的诗歌批评。论述了方东树评析魏晋南北朝以及唐宋诗人诗作的具体诗歌批评实践情况。第四章方东树对明清诗学的批评。概括总结了方东树对明、清,主要是清代的几个主要诗学派别,如神韵诗学、格调诗学的批评,以及对袁枚及性灵诗学、对桐城刘大櫆、姚范、姚鼐的批评。第五章《昭昧詹言》的诗学价值及其在诗学批评史上的地位。总括了方东树的诗学思想,论述了其诗学著作《昭昧詹言》的诗学价值及其在诗学批评史上的地位。

【Abstract】 Fang Dong Shu,an important author of the classical Chinese Article and poetic theory as well as a Neo-Confucian in the middle and late Qing Dynasty. Fang stressed that poetry should take based on personal experience and true feelings, should Qiu-zhen (searching for expression of self) and Li-cheng (expressing honesty), and pursue own unique features as a creative ideal. He praised classical poetry and be against vulgar poems in pursuit of solemn. His theoretical works of poetry Zhao Mei Zhan Yan, aims to explore poems and poets from Han Wei to Tang Dynasty and creat a orthodox geneaology of poetic history with Du Fu and Han Yu As the center.This dissertation’s the research object is Zhao Mei Zhan Yan that embodys poetic theory of Fang Dong Shu, and Fang Dong Shu’s poems as well as forewords (mainly about poems), relevant works in relation to poetry and other works of the Tong-cheng School in order to analyse a thorough and systematic study of Fang Dong Shu’s poetic thoery.The whole dissertion consists of five chapters. As follows:In preface, giving research status of Dong Shu’s poetic thoery and the study of meaning and plans.The first chapter of his life, friends, Writings and thinking. It mainly deals with his life and thoughts.His students were also introduced. From his friends we can ascertain the cultural atmosphere of his time, know the academic and literary general mood, understand Fang Dong Shu’s temperament. These help us more accurately summarized its poetics.Chapter Two about his poetic activities and poetics tendency.The chapter Introduces his poems and poetic theory works, Zhao Mei Zhan Yan,and summarises three key points. One is the basic value position is orthodox Confucian values, Second is Strengthening foundation and reading more. Three is "Yi-wen-lun-shi"(intepreting poems with prose mode) aesthetic orientation.Chapter threee is Fang Dong Shu’s criticism practice of the chinese poems discussed from Wei and Jin dynasty to Tang and Song dynasity.Chapter Four Fang Dong Shu’s poetic criticism in the Ming and Qing dynasity. It Summarized the poetic criticism of the main poetic factions,such as the verve of poetics, style poetics, Yuan Mei and his poetic thoery,and Liu dakui, YaoFan as well as YaoNai of the Tong-cheng School.Chapter five is the poetics value of Zhao Mei Zhan Yan and its position of history in poetics criticism. This chapter sums up poetic thought of Fang Dong Shu, discusses the poetics criticism in value and has its value in the history of literary criticism.

【关键词】 方东树诗学《昭昧詹言》
【Key words】 Fang Dong ShuZhao Mei Zhan YanPoet
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】478