

【作者】 田雪梅

【导师】 臧志军;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中外政治制度, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 近代国民的构建是国民国家建设的基础和重要内容。既有权利意识又有国家意识,同时具备民族特质和公民特质,是国民的内在属性。国民权利、国家归属和国家认同构成近代国民的三大支柱,“去地域化”、“去奴仆化”是近代国民形成的条件。“去地域化”是最基本的条件,“去奴仆化”是最本质的特征。幕藩体制下的日本民众从本质上是臣民,处于政治统治的客体地位。明治新政府面临着将臣民转变为近代国民的重要任务。福泽谕吉、森有礼等人提出了关于国民铸造的系统化构想,他们的思想和政策极大影响了日本国民形成的进程。明治政府所要铸造的是具有国家意识、能够实现富国强兵和对外扩张路线的国民,因此在实践中采取了自上而下的国家强制的方式。通过一系列制度化措施和方式,成功地创造出日本式的国民化渠道,催生了近代日本民众对国家的忠诚和认同。甲午战争彻底改变了以前国民发展的路径,是近代日本国民“民族”特质形成的重要标志。社会底层民众的希望,是要向将自己变成具有公民权利和自由的国民,由此采取了自下而上地对政府的强权专制进行抵抗以促使其开放权利的方式。自由民权运动在国民形成方面发挥了巨大作用,国民的“公民”特质得以铸造出来。大正时代的民众运动是民众要争取成为国民的第二波抗争,“公民”特质有了进一步发展。两种国民铸造动力作用的结果是,来自政府方面的影响力远远大于来自自由民权运动及以后的大正民主党人的影响力。大正民主社会转瞬即逝,刚成长壮大起来的“公民”特质被扼杀,从而出现从国民向臣民的悲剧性回归,日本近代国民铸造在很大程度上变成为国家臣民的铸造。从明治到大正,近代日本国民的形成过程集中体现的主要特点是:横纵轴交错与时空交互的结合体;实践过程的压迫性;明显的阶段性与不均衡性;对外与“他者”差异化的强化与利益诱惑。近代国家的制度性保障、近代国家统一市场的形成、四位一体的文化教育整合机制、领导阶层的与时俱进与有效引导,是近代日本国民成功铸造的主要经验。江户时代发达的教育和已经存在的市场化的经济形态为近代日本国民的铸造提供了客观条件。统治者为了帝国扩张的需要,以国家权益之名压制民众权利,打着民族自立的招牌推行对外扩张,实施国际压迫,不仅将民众引上国家臣民的歧路,也将国家推向灭顶之灾,这是近代日本国民铸造的深刻教训。近代日本市民社会发育的不成熟是导致这种教训的重要原因。

【Abstract】 The most basic and crucial content of a nation state building is the construction of nations in the modern times. The inner attribute of a nation is a combination of the sense of rights, national identity, ethnic traits and the particularity of citizen. The rights of a nation, national belongings, and national identity together form the three pillars of the modern nations. The three forming conditions of modern nations are "de-regionalization",which is the elementary one, "de-serflization",which is the essential feature and "de-isolation",which is the ideal index.Essentially, the Japanese people were liege subjects in the position of politically ruled in Bakuhan System. The new Meiji government was facing the critical challenge of turning liege subjects into a modern nation. Fukuzawa Yukichi, Mori Arinori and others proposed a systematical blueprint of nation-building and their ideas and policies had greatly influenced the process of the Japanese nation founding.The aim of Meiji government was to build a nation, which should 1) has the sense of national identity,2) make the country prosperous and strong, and 3) outward expand itself. Hence, it adopted a compulsory top-down mode in practice. Through a series of institutional procedures and methods, the Meiji Government successfully created a Japanese characterized path of nationalization and catalyzed the Japanese nation’s loyalty and identification to the country. The Sino-Japanese war of 1894 drastically changed the former nation development path, becoming an important milestone during the formulation of modern Japanese national characteristics.The lower class appealed to turn themselves into nations which had civic rights and freedom; therefore, it resisted the government’s might autarchy from bottom up to stimulate the government offering civic rights. The movements of freedom and civil rights played a dominant role in the construction of the nation, and the "nation" characteristics could thereby be forged. The mass movements of Taisho period were the second wave of the people becoming the nation. After that, the "civic" feature of "nation" was further developed. The result of these two forces which competing each other in the process of nation-building was that the government overwhelmed the mass movements and the subsequent efforts of Democratic Party members in Taisho period. The democratic society of Taisho period flashed away and the spark of nation’s "civic" feature was put out; and as a consequence, Japan went through a tragic regression, from nation to liege subject. At a great extent, the construction of the nation is reduced to liege subjects growth.From Meiji to Taisho, the main features of the Japanese nation formulation can be named as followed:1) interlacing periodically and geographically,2) oppressing during practical process,3) apparent interim and imbalance,4) strengthening the difference between Japan and the "others", and 4) resisting the lure of lucre. The main experiences of the successful nation building are the institutional security of modern times, the national uniform market, the quaternity integration mechanism of cultural education, and the leading class’s pacing with the times and efficient guiding. The developed education system and existing market economy provided the substantial conditions of Japanese nation’s molding. For the sake of empire expansion, the ruler suppressed the civic rights in the name of national rights, carried out a national tyranny under the name of nation independence, and implemented a worldwide oppression. All these eventually led the nation into the way of liege subject and also led the country to a catastrophe. This is the most valuable lesson learned from the construction of the modern Japanese nation. The immaturity of civil society of modern Japan is the important reason for the lessons.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】K313.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1345