

Constraint of Orientation of Verb on Intra-sentential Anaphora of Third Personal Pronoun and Reflexives in Chinese

【作者】 邱明波

【导师】 戴耀晶;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 现代汉语语言学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文以动词的指向为切入点,研究现代汉语第三人称代词和反身代词的句内回指问题。基本思路是:从最小的聚合关系与组合关系开始考察,逐步增加参数,不断替换参数,根据新增参数在动态的组合中对代词回指产生的影响的不同,对参数进行次范畴化,各类参数的次范畴化完成了,制约代词回指的因素也就揭示出来了。采用的方法是次范畴化、格式法、替换法。动词的指向是指动词所代表的动作或关系及于个体或个体的领域。在认知语法所谓的能性过程中,能量从施事发出,最终到达受事,从施事到受事,是能性的指向;在非能性过程中,虽然没有具体的能量流,但仍有抽象的关系,它反映了实体间的一种不对称,在观察、认识过程中,从感事到对象,这是观察的指向;在影响过程中,从致事到受事,这是因果的指向;在有方向的动作中,从动作者到朝向目标,这是动作方向的指向。动词的指向投射于句法,往往形成主谓宾结构。动词所代表的动作或关系由主语所代表的主体发出,及于宾语所代表的个体或个体的领域。动词的“指向”实际上反映了动词与其它句子主干的组配矩阵。在主谓宾句中,动词一般指向宾语。如果宾语是[+独存]性NP,动词的指向往往表示主体所发出的动作作用于个体;如果宾语是[-独存]性NP/AP/VP,甚至是小句S,动词的指向往往表示主体所发出的动作作用于个体的领域。其中,个体可能就是主体自身,这时个体往往用反身代词指代;个体也可能不是主体自身,而是客体他身,这时个体往往直接用普通名词指称,也可以用第三人称代词指代。以[±指向自身][±指向他身]、[±指向自身的领域][±指向他身的领域]、[±指向自身的非领域][±指向他身的非领域]6对语义特征为标准对动词进行次范畴化,可以形成动词的指向的分类系统。动词的“指向”包括内容与方向两个维度。动词指向不同的内容在句法上表现为动词带不同的宾语,形成不同的格式,我们因此分出直接指向、间接指向和关涉指向三大类;动词指向不同的方向反映动作主体与动作所及客体之间的同指或异指关系,因此把动词的指向分为外向、内向、双向三大类。把动词指向的内容次类和方向次类相互进行配对,就得到了单个格式层面动词的指向的9个次类。动词的“指向”是第三人称代词和反身代词回指的强制约因素之一,抓住动词的指向可以解释一大部分回指问题。在动词的指向理论框架内考察汉语第三人称代词和反身代词的回指,我们分别把“他”和“自己”代入格式中的X,并用以上6对语义特征对动词进行次范畴化,就得到了制约第三人称代词和反身代词的回指的动词分类系统S他和S自己,从而归纳出汉语第三人称代词和反身代词的句内回指规律。在对汉语第三人称代词和反身代词的回指进行考察的基础上,我们再以动词的指向的12对语义特征:[±指向自身他][±指向他身他]、[±指向自身自己][±指向他身自己]、[±指向自身的领域他][±指向他身的领域他]、[±指向自身的领域自己][±指向他身的领域自己]、[±指向自身的非领域他][±指向他身的非领域他]、[±指向自身的非领域自己][±指向他身的非领域自己]为纲,在多个格式层面把动词的两个子分类系统S他和S自己合起来对比分析,可以得到复杂外向动词、复杂内向动词、复杂双向动词、单纯外向动词、单纯内向动词、单纯双向动词6大类若干小类,形成动词的指向的复杂网络总系统S(S=S他US自己),最终达到给现代汉语动词系统定“向”的目的。又由于动词的指向的语义特征直接反映了动词指向的内容和方向,所以根据动词的总分类系统S,可以归纳出汉语第三人称代词与反身代词的分布规律。本文共六部分,主要内容如下:第一部分回顾现有代词回指的研究文献,分析它们的成就与不足,并在此基础上确立本文的研究思路和方法。第二部分为本文的理论框架,交待动词的指向概念、动词的指向的认知模型、动词的指向的语义特征的提取、动词的指向的次范畴化操作流程,并得出单个格式层面动词的指向的分类系统。第三部分主要以格式2/3/4为例,考察动词的指向对汉语第三人称代词的句内回指的制约情况,得到动词的指向分类子系统S他,归纳出“他”的回指规律。第四部分主要以格式5/6/7为例,考察动词的指向对汉语反身代词的句内回指的制约情况,得到动词的指向分类子系统S自己,归纳出“自己”的回指规律。第五部分综合第三、四部分的考察结果,在多个格式层面形成动词指向总的分类系统S(S=S他US自己),为现代汉语动词系统定“向”,总结出汉语第三人称代词和反身代词的分布规律。第六部分为结语,总结本文的主要内容,指出本文的不足及今后需进一步做的工作。

【Abstract】 This dissertation focuses on the constraint on the intra-sentential anaphora of third personal pronoun and reflexives in Modern Chinese by Orientation of Verb. The fundamental train of thought is to research on the problem beginning from minimal relations of aggregation and combination, and finally to make clear how the syntax component influences the intra-sentential anaphora of the pronoun in dynamic combination by increasing parameters and controlling parameters step by step.We induces the dynamic combination of verb and the pronoun and other branches in sentence into Orientation of Verb, and tries to establish Orientation of Verb as a semantic-syntactic category.Based on the property of it’s orientation, verbs can be categorized in terms of six standards:[±aiming at oneself], [±aiming at others], [±aiming at own dominion], [±aiming at other dominion], [±aiming at own non-dominion], [±aiming at other non-dominion], and we can get the subcategorization system of verb.We can also talk about the subcategorization system of verb on dimensions of "content" and "direction". According to the different contents of the Orientation of Verb, we subcategorize verbs into direct Orientation of Verb, indirect Orientation of Verb and involved Orientation of Verb. And according to the different directions of the Orientation of Verb, we subcategorize verbs into extroverted verb, bidirectional verb and introverted verb. With the permutation and matching of the contents and directions of the Orientation of Verb, we can get the night subcategories of verb.The introverted verb can only [+aiming at oneself] or [+aim at own dominion], thus it constrain the antecedent of the pronouns to be the actor. The introverted verb means the actor conducts an action, which is involved with one aspect of the argument. The extroverted verb has the features of [+aiming at others] or [+aiming at other dominion], and it can be further divided as different kinds. When [+aiming at others] or [+aiming at other dominion], it constrain the antecedent of the pronouns to be others. The bidirectional verb have the features of both [±aiming at oneself] and [±aiming at others], or both [+aiming at own dominion] and [+aiming at other dominion]. They can be further divided into many sub-classes in terms of anaphora inclination. This kind of words always get the antecedents into ambiguity. And involved Orientation of Verb has it’s speciality.This paper includes six parts. The first part summarizes the achievements of the anaphora of pronoun in past 30 years and introduces the theory methods, subjects to be researched and corpus of this paper. The second part introduces the concept of the Orientation of Verb, including it’s cognitive model, the extraction of it’s semantic features, the operation of it’s sub-categorization and it’s preliminary taxonomy. The third part investigates the constraint on the intra-sentential anaphora of Chinese third personal pronoun by Orientation of Verb, and obtains the subsystem including "TA"of the orientation of verb, and induces the rules of the anaphora of the third personal pronoun in the sentence. The forth part probes mainly into the constraint on long-distance binding of reflexives in Modern Chinese by Orientation of Verb, and obtains the subsystem including "ZIJI"of Orientation of Verb, and induces the rules of the anaphora of the reflexives in the sentence. The fifth part integrates the studies of the third and the fourth part, and further induces the complete category system of Orientation of Verb, summarizes the distributed rule of the third person pronoun and the reflexive pronoun in Modern Chinese. The sixth part draws conclusions and points out the shortage of this paper.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】694