

【作者】 顾栋

【导师】 赵东元;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 无机化学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 有序介孔碳材料具有大的比表面积和孔体积、高的机械稳定性和表面化学惰性、良好的导电性等特点,因此在吸附、分离、催化和电化学等领域有着广阔的应用前景。以活性炭为代表的传统多孔碳材料虽然得到了广泛的应用,但是其孔径分布不够均一,而且多为尺寸较小的微孔,不利于大分子在孔道内的传输,这就限制了其在大分子吸附、锂离子电池等高科技领域中的应用。有机-有机共组装法合成介孔高分子和碳材料是近年来发展起来的介孔材料合成的新兴领域。然而,由于作为骨架的有机高分子材料热稳定性和机械稳定性较差,对骨架高分子材料要求较为苛刻,因此,到目前为止,利用有机-有机共组装法合成有序介孔碳材料的报道还很少,它的发展也较为缓慢。最近,我们课题组和国际上其他几个课题组分别报道了有序介孔碳的新合成路线,引起了人们极大的关注。然而,目前得到的介孔碳材料的结构和形貌相比于传统的介孔材料还不够丰富,机理还不够明了,而且对材料的应用研究还非常有限。因此,对有机-有机共组装合成介孔碳的方法进行深入地研究不仅可以丰富介孔碳材料的结构和形貌,也对实际应用有着重要的意义。本论文主要围绕着利用有机-有机共组装法合成介孔碳材料。主要从材料的合成、机理及性质等方面来丰富材料的种类,深入理解材料的合成机理,改善材料的性质。论文的第二章,采用水乳液的方法合成了一种具有多层囊泡状结构的介孔碳材料。我们选用低分子量可溶性甲阶酚醛树脂为碳前驱体,TEOS为硅源,三嵌段共聚物F127为模板。通过控制氧化硅和酚醛树脂的溶胶-凝胶过程,在水溶液中成功地合成出了一类具有洋葱状的介孔碳/氧化硅复合多层囊泡材料。产物的尺寸在100-250纳米之间,层数在3-9层之间。通过碱液或者HF刻蚀掉复合材料中的氧化硅组分,可以得到纯碳材料。也可以通过空气气氛下焙烧或者微波消解的方法去除体系中的有机组分,得到纯氧化硅多层囊泡。比较三种不同材料的高分辨电镜照片发现,在囊泡的层与层之间存在许多碳的连接。论文的第三章,我们详细地研究了三元共组装体系中硅物种和酚醛树脂在骨架中的复合状态,并提出了利用拆解墙壁组分的方法合成具有大隧道孔的介孔氧化硅材料。首先利用三元共组装的方法合成具有两维六方结构的“嵌段共聚物-酚醛树脂-氧化硅”三元复合材料,然后进一步使用微波消解的方法除去有机组分,原来由嵌段共聚物占据的空间形成介孔的主孔道,酚醛树脂占据的墙壁位置被拆解形成大的隧道孔。氮气吸附结果表明,材料的平均孔径达到了22.9nm,远远大于材料的晶胞参数14.2nm,暗示材料具有隧穿的孔道,结合高分辨电镜结果推测材料隧道孔的尺寸不低于9.0nm。论文的第四章,我们利用水溶液中的有机-有机共组装法合成了具有菱形十二面体形貌的FDU-16介孔碳材料。通过控制合成条件及利用超薄切片、高分辨扫描电子显微镜、扫描透射电子显微镜、冷冻扫描电子显微镜等技术对材料的结构和生长过程进行了详细地研究,证明所得介孔碳材料具有“单晶”结构。高分辨扫描电子显微镜和同步扫描透射电子显微镜(STEM)对样品的观察结果显示,FDU-16碳单晶超薄切片分别沿[111]和[100]方向的孔道排列花纹具有与体心立方结构的[111]和[100]晶面一致的排列结构,而且有序排列的孔道贯穿整个颗粒,这就说明了介孔颗粒具有“单晶”结构的孔道排列。基于实验观测结果,我们提出一个“层叠层”的生长机理来理解介孔碳单晶FDU-16的生长过程。论文的第五章,我们分别利用高温热处理和过渡金属催化的方法合成了具有玻璃碳骨架的有序介孔碳材料,将这类材料应用于锂离子电池的阴极材料表现出470mAh/g的可逆容量。与无定形碳相比,石墨材料具有更好的导电性,因此人们期望获得具有石墨化墙壁的介孔碳材料以期其具有更好的电化学性质。玻璃碳则是石墨的一种低晶化状态,它本身是由sp2杂化的碳原子组成,在两维尺度上具有石墨的片层结构,但是在第三维上几乎是无定形的。传统纳米浇铸法得到的具有品化墙壁的介孔石墨材料由于其石墨片层与孔道方向垂直,并没有表现出突出的电化学特性。利用有机-有机共组装法合成的介孔碳具有正相的介观结构,骨架连续性好于反相材料,因此如果将其墙壁做成晶化骨架有利于石墨片层沿着孔道方向生长,从而大大提高其导电性。本部分工作我们围绕着晶化FDU-15介孔碳的墙壁骨架展开研究,通过比较高温热处理法和过渡金属催化法来寻找最佳的技术方案。直接对FDU-15材料进行热处理发现,材料要到2200℃才能晶化,但是比表面积有很大下降。利用过渡金属催化法,可以将晶化温度降到1000℃,在保持结构有序性的前提下得到具有玻璃碳骨架的FDU-15材料。电化学研究表明,介孔玻璃碳具有470mAh/g的可逆容量,远远高于石墨材料372mAh/g的理论容量,在锂离子电池领域有着潜在的应用价值。论文的第六章,对全文进行了总结。

【Abstract】 Ordered mesoporous carbons possess high surface areas, large pore volumes, high mechanism stability, surface chemical inertness and good conductivity. Therefore, they have potential applications in adsorption, separation, catalysis, electrochemistry, and so on. Traditionally porous carbon materials, especially active carbons, have been widely used. However, the pore sizes are not very uniform, and most of which are miropores, this limited the further applications of such materials in macromolecules adsorption, lithium ion battery and other high technique areas.Recently, organic-organic assembly is explored as a new method for fabricating mesoporous polymers and carbons. Unfortunately, only a few reports have been presented to synthesize mesoporous carbons due to the low thermal and mechanism stabilities of the polymer frameworks. More recently, our group and several other groups have developed a new method to synthesize ordered mesoporous carbons, which have attracted great attentions. However, the structure and morphology of so produced mesoporous carbons are not enough abundance, the mechanisms are not understood very well, and the applications are not widely exploited. Therefore, further investigating the organic-organic assembly method can not only abundance the structure and morphology of mesoporous carbon, but also have great promising for actual applications.This PhD thesis focus on synthesizing mesoporous carbon materials based on the organic-organic assembly method. Mainly from the synthesis, mechanism, and property to enrich the materials, in-depth understanding the synthesis process, and improve the properties of mesoporous carbon materials.In chapter 2, mesoporous carbon multilayer vesicles were synthesized through an emulsion method. A soluble low molecule resol was used as a carbon precursor, TEOS as a silica source, triblock copolymer Pluonic F127 (EO106PO70EO106) as a template. By controlling the sol-gel process of silicate and phenolic resin, a type of mesoporous carbon/silica multilayer vesicles was successfully synthesized in water solution. The product has a particle size of about 100-250 nm. By using base or HF acid to etch silica, pure carbon vesicle can be obtained. On the other hand, removing the organic components under calcination in air or microwave digestion, pure silica multilayer vesicles can be obtained. Comparing the HRSEM images of the vesicles with different components, we find that there are a lot of carbon pillars between the neighboring layers to connect the shells. In chapter 3, the location of silica and phenolic resin in the pore wall of triconstituent mesostructured material was carefully investigated and a "teardown" method to create large mesotunnels on the pore wall of ordered mesoporous silica was propounded. Firstly, triconstituent co-assembly method was used to synthesize a "block copolymer-phenolic resin-silica" triconstituent mesostructured material with 2-D hexagonal symmetry. Then, the organic components were removed by microwave digestion. The space occupied by block copolymer template was transform to the main channels of mesoporous silica, while the space occupied by phenolic resin on the pore wall was transformed to the mesotunnels. The average pore size calculated from the nitrogen adsorption data is as large as 22.9 nm, which is much large than the cell parameter of 14.2 nm, implying the existence of mesotunnels. Combined with the HRSEM images, the mesotunnels are estimated larger than 9.0 nm.In chapter 4, highly ordered mesoporous carbon FDU-16 rhombic dodecahedral single crystals with body-centered cubic structure (space group Im3m) have been successfully synthesized by employing organic-organic assembly of triblock copolymer Pluronic F127 (EO106PO70EO106) and phenol/formaldehyde resol under a basic aqueous solution. Synthetic factors in controlling the formation of rhombic dodecahedral single crystals, including reaction time, temperature, and stirring rate are explored. The optimal stirring rate is controlled at 300±10 rpm, and the reaction temperature is around 66℃. High resolution Scanning Electron Microscope (HRSEM), Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM), and a Micro-slicing Technique are applied to study the fine structures of the carbon single crystals. It certificated that the mesopores in body-centered cubic arrangement throughout the whole particle. A layer by layer crystal growth mechanism is raised based on the detailed results to explain the formation of the mesoporous carbon FDU-16 single crystals. The mesoporous carbon single crystals FDU-16 are growth up to the final size within 2 days, following by the structural rearrangement with the reaction time prolongs.In chapter 5, ordered mesoporous glassy carbons with high surface area (~890 m2/g), large pore volume (0.66 cm3/g), and enhanced reversible lithium-ion battery capacity (up to 470 mAh/g) have successfully been prepared through an in situ crystalline growth approach by using transition metals embedded in the pore matrix, such as Cr, Ni, and Mn as a catalyst at relatively low temperature (1000℃). The ordered mesoporous glassy carbons were synthesized by organic-organic assembly via evaporation induced self-assembly (EISA) method. Citric acid chelated metal ions were directly added into the synthesis batch, leading to uniform distribution in the carbon matrix. That plays an important role in the in situ catalytic formation of the mesoporous glassy carbons at low temperature. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), select area electron diffraction (SAED), Raman and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) were used to characterize the glassy carbon nature. Antiπ*-bonding and antiσ*-bonding of EELS data reveal a fluctuation tendency vertical to the pore channel direction of FDU-15, confirming the distribution of theπ-type carbon inside the glassy carbon phases. All the graphite sheets are winding around the hexagonal arranged pore channels of FDU-15 to form a thick pore wall of~5-6 nm. These graphite sheets have a two-dimensional (2D) crystalline structure but amorphous in 3D. A "short range catalytic" mechanism based on vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) model was proposed to understand the formation process of the ordered mesoporous glassy carbons. Metal Cr seems to be the best catalyst for formation of the mesoporous glassy carbons at a low carbonization temperature without damaging the mesostructure. Fe and Ni could destroy the ordered mesostructure at a high catalyst amount. While the non-catalyst method needs a carbonization temperature high than 2200℃to obtain the glassy carbons, however, their surface areas reduce a lot. The ordered mesoporous glassy carbons gives rise to excellent performances in lithium-ion battery with a reversible capacity of~470 mAh/g, revealing that the crystalline nature, large surface area, and regular mesostructure are good for their electroperformances.In chapter 6, the whole thesis is summarized.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期