

【作者】 李萌

【导师】 顾晓鸣;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 旅游管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 上海是中国最大的经济中心城市,也是最能体现近代以后中国发展变迁历程的国家历史文化名城。上海文化有个性、有特色,发展文化旅游是上海建设世界著名旅游城市的必然路径,是有战略意义的。本文首先对上海文化旅游相关问题的研究成果进行了系统的考查与分析,明确了上海文化旅游的本质内涵及其内容所指;其次剖析了文化创意产业理论,深入论述了文化旅游与上海都市旅游、文化创意与上海文化旅游之间的深层关系;继而从现实出发全面分析了上海文化旅游资源基础、上海文化旅游发展现状及存在问题;而后在此基础上,对上海文化旅游创新发展的总体思路、发展目标、发展战略、创意路径与策略等问题提出一系列思考与构想;最后以“上海之根、都市新城”——上海松江区为例进行了实证研究。文章按照管理学学科的要求,在对相关理论文献做综合、深入分析的同时,为获取尽可能多的原创性一手文献资料做了大量调研工作,付出了艰苦努力。是组织复旦大学旅游系部分学生就上海文化旅游的市场发展背景问题专门做了700份规模的市场问卷调查,获得大量的有效信息;二是对国内10位文化、旅游领域的专家做了专题访谈调查,深化了对上海文化旅游发展问题的认识;三是对上海所有区县旅游局领导做了专题访谈调查,全面、深入地了解了区县文化旅游发展现状;四是对作者工作的松江区的文化旅游发展问题做了集中的一线调研,形成了完整的案例,从实证分析的角度丰富了文章的研究维度。基于文化创意视角提出的上海文化旅游发展理论的创新点主要有:一是从“文化交往”的角度揭示了文化旅游的社会文化属性,把文化旅游作为建构、表达、阅读城市“文本”及“文化空间”的新途径,在文化旅游与城市发展的深层动态关系中揭示其自身的运行逻辑;二是把社会文化分析、经济产业分析有机融合,提出了“想象性资源、实体性资源、活动性资源”的上海文化旅游资源新框架,以及文化旅游发展中的文化资本战略;三是把文化创意作为一种指向未来的新的旅游产业发展观、新的发展方式与手段内化于上海文化旅游的发展过程;四是从全球交往语境下城市根本价值的角度,对上海城市价值进行再认识、再解读、再表达,明确上海作为“中国城市化、现代化、全球化最佳样本”的价值定位,提出“发现上海、体验上海、理解中国”的上海文化旅游新的形象理念;五是沿着“文化旅游价值的生成”、“人与地方的文化交往”两条主线,按照“文化吸引——文化体验——文化表达与传递——文化欣赏、接受与反馈——新的文化吸引”的运行路径,指出上海需要提炼城市根本价值构建新形象、优化文化旅游空间格局、打造文化旅游核心吸引物体系、完善文化旅游服务体系、加强文化旅游市场营销、推进文化旅游区域合作、深化旅游与文化产业的融合发展。作为从文化创意新视角全面研究上海文化旅游发展问题的积极尝试,本文存在以下局限与不足:对上海历史文化的研究深度不够,可能影响对上海城市文化精神、文化性格的准确把握;跟国际著名文化旅游城市之间的“对标研究”还不够深入详细;从视觉文化、象征(符号)经济、消费文化角度对上海文化旅游景观、文化旅游产品、文化旅游解说等的研究需要深化;对文化创意、文化旅游生产、社会文化变迁三者之间内在动态关系的分析还不够深刻。

【Abstract】 Shanghai is renowned as the largest economic center as well as the state-level city of historic culture which witnesses the great changes and development of China since modern times. The thesis outlines as follows:initially clarify the essence of cultural tourism by systematically investigating and analyzing the research findings related to cultural tourism at home and abroad. Secondly, on the basis of analyzing the theory of culture creativity industry, shed profound light on the underlying relations between cultural tourism and urban tourism, cultural creativity and cultural tourism of Shanghai, hence to make an analysis of the cultural tourism resource base, present situations and problems with respect to the development of culture and cultural tourism in Shanghai. Thirdly, put forward a series of proposals and solutions to the issues such as overall guidelines, objectives, strategies, and creative methods. Finally, do an experimental research by the case study of Songjiang district, known as the root of Shanghai and the booming city of the metropolis.According to the requirement of management subject, related theory literature has been deeply analyzed and summarized, meanwhile in order to obtain as much innovative first hand literature as possible, a lot of effort and massive survey and research work have been poured into the thesis. Firstly, with the support of students in tourism major of Fudan University,700 questionnaires on the topic of market development background of Shanghai cultural tourism have been collected and massive effective information has been acquired. Secondly, the recognition of the development of Shanghai cultural tourism has been deepened due to the feature interview survey with 10 domestic specialists in the field of culture and tourism. Thirdly, feature interview survey also includes the responsible officers of all district tourism bureaus in Shanghai so that current development situation of cultural tourism in districts can be comprehended entirely and profoundly. Fourthly, focusing on the cultural tourism development topic in Songjiang District in which the writer works, a comprehensive investigation has been made to form an integrated case which enriches the research dimension from the perspective of demonstrative analysis.Basis on cultural and creative perspective, the following are main innovative points of Shanghai cultural tourism development theory. Firstly, unveil the social, cultural properties of cultural tourism, from the perspective of cultural intercourse, and unmask the operating logics of cultural tourism, existing in the underlying dynamic relations between the cultural tourism and the urban development, by regarding the very tourism as a new avenue to construct, express and interpret Shanghai. Secondly, naturally combine the analysis of social culture and economic industry, and come up with a new framework of cultural resources in Shanghai, described as ’the imaginary, substantial and active resources’, as well as the cultural capital strategies. Thirdly, specify the cultural creativity as a new outlook and manner regarding the future tourism industry, internalized during the course of its development. Fourthly, re-comprehend, re-interpret, and re-express the city value given the globalization, and meanwhile, consolidate Shanghai’s status as the most vivid example of Chinese urbanization, modernization and globalization. Fifthly, point out that it’s imperative for Shanghai to abstract the city’s underlying value for constructing the new image, building upgraded image, optimizing the dimensional pattern of cultural tourism, improving the essential components of attractions system of culture tourism, upgrade service system of culture tourism, enhancing and optimizing tourism marketing, pushing on the regional cooperation of cultural tourism, deepening the joint development of tourism and culture industry, guided by the two major concepts,’the consequence of cultural tourism and the profound culture communications of tourists and destination’, in accordance with the following procedures,’attraction-experience expression and delivery-appreciation, acceptance, feedback-new attraction’.As a positive trial on the developing issues of Shanghai cultural tourism from the culture innovation perspective, the thesis contains shortcomings and limitations which listed below:a lack of deep research on historical culture of Shanghai which may influence the exact understanding of urban cultural spirit and characteristic of Shanghai; a lack of deep and detail "contrast research" with famous global cultural tourism cities; there is a demand to deepen the research from the perspective of visual culture, symbol economy, consumption culture on the cultural tourism landscapes, cultural tourism products, cultural tourism interpretation etc.; a lack of profundity in the analysis of internal dynamic relationship among cultural creativity, cultural tourism production and social culture transition.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】34
  • 【下载频次】8571