

【作者】 邱轶皓

【导师】 姚大力;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本文聚焦于构成蒙古帝国权力核心的主体——黄金家族、以及与其有依附关系的婚姻、贵族集团上,分别从草原-定居社会分封制度的演化、婚姻集团的构成以及二元官僚制的形成等三个层面,来考察蒙古帝国权力体系的构成与变化;并进而讨论黄金家族内部政治权力的分配,以及探讨这种分配模式与其后在各定居社会中所推行的制度之间的某种内在关联性。作者认为:一、哈刺和林从诸蒙古语部族活动范围的边缘地区,一跃成为蒙古帝国的中心,与窝阔台、拖雷家族对于蒙古帝国汗权的竞争有关。而蒙古人在定居社会中所推行的分封形态,与其对外征服的行动密切相关,同时受到政治斗争的影响。二、后妃集团作为游牧政治文化中的典型要素,在早期蒙古史中也扮演了重要角色。三、元代中枢机构两种不同身份的官僚类型,他们分别由来自游牧国家的军事组织蒙古重臣和吸收自定居社会的技术官僚组成。虽然在同一部门共事,但他们却代表了截然不同的权力基础与政治角色。在研究方法上,作者试图全面搜集目前已经出版的大部分波斯文蒙古史料,和一部分已有译本的阿拉伯语蒙古史料,在摘译、注释的基础上,通过对汉文与非汉文史料的对读、比较,尝试充分发掘双方记载的优长之处,并尽可能对其进行综合性地分析和探究。

【Abstract】 This article dwells on the ruling class and the core of power, which constituted by the Chinggis Qan and his offsprings, and the nobles from ruling tribes who attached themselves to Qan’s family. In this article, author collects, tranlats and comments the persian documents written in 13~14th century, compares them with the Chinese history works. Moreover, the article discusses the Land Apportionment in early mongol empire, the marrige parters and the Dual-Administrative structure, to discussed the fomation and the variation of the political institution in Mongol Empire. Comparing the political institutions in different khanates, the article proposes there was a homologous origins of the institution of the power assignment, which was inherited from the early era and changed later.The author indicates:firstly, as a fringe region originally, Qara Qorum was exalted as the core area of whole Mongol World Empire in final. This process indicated that the tensional relationship between the Ogedei’s and Tolei’s family. They were primary competitors of the Throne of the khanate. Accompanying with the invasion of mongols, they spread the mode of land apportionment to conquered areas. The author indicates that Land Apportionment was introduced by the mongols into sedentary society from the steppe. Consequently, this practice evinced several unique characteristics:it was not based on the traditional Chinese district system, but on the census (population-based) system developed under Mongol rule. Then, speaking from a broader perspective, political struggles within different factions of the Great Qan’s family also had a major influence on changes in apanage. Secondly, the empress, the families of marrige parters played a crucial character in early era of mongol history. Thirdly, there were two different styles of officials in the central agencies of Yuan dynasty. The mongol generals, the tribal rulers and the bureaucracies selected from sedentary societies constituted the central agencies, but they represented the different power bases and acted as different political charactors seperately.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】K247
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1155