

【作者】 觉醒

【导师】 徐洪兴;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国哲学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 近代中国佛教的复兴,演绎出了持续一个世纪之久的“人间佛教”运动。海峡两岸佛教在“人间佛教”的旗帜下,把关注社会,融入世事,切入现实,贴近百姓生活作为当今佛教发展的主轴。大陆佛教最近三十年来,都市化进程的加快,都市中佛教的影响力越来越大,正是观察到这种现象,我称之为“都市佛教”,并以其作为本文研究的对象。本文的主体内容共分六章:第一章“当代中国的人间佛教的研究”,对当代人间佛教所指向的对象及其内容作了初步的概括,并通过对其起源和在海峡两岸的不同发展现状也作了简要的考察,目的是突出人间佛教本身的特点及作用;第二章“人间佛教发展的新形式——都市佛教的出现”,通过分析人间佛教在当代的发展,提出其所面对的问题,并根据现实的情况提出“都市佛教”概念,目的是为化解当前人间佛教的困境提供一个可能的选项。同时对近年来都市佛教的研究现状和取得的成果作一概要性介绍;第三章“都市佛教及其特点”,提出“都市佛教”的概念以对当前都市佛教的现状作初步的界定,分析其与相关概念间的几组关系,着重考察了都市佛教的组织活动方式及都市佛教的特点;第四章“都市佛教的地位与功用”,考察分析了都市佛教在当代社会政治、经济、文化中的地位,考察其对社会所具有的多种作用,目的是通过三、四两章的考察分析,使我们对都市佛教能有个全面的把握;第五章“从适应到批判——都市佛教的超越性价值”着重对都市佛教的不共世特征进行考察,分析它在快速发展的社会中,如何处理与社会各个方面的关系,如何应对社会的现代发展,保持其批判性和超越性的特征;第六章“从信持到发展——都市佛教的未来”,侧重对都市佛教未来发展的要求和方向进行分析,对保证都市佛教未来发展方向所应注重的内容作了粗浅的说明,强调都市佛教未来发展中必须注重的内容。通过对“都市佛教”的考察分析,我们认为,作为人间佛教发展的新形式或新阶段,“都市佛教”还处在不断的实践和探索中,但它对中国佛教发展的影响已开始显现,并且随着我们城市化的进展,它的地位和作用将会更加突出,值得我们持续观察和深入研究。

【Abstract】 Lasting for about 100 years after the Buddhism renaissance in China, Buddhism in both sides of the strait are oriented by Humanistic Buddhism. In the recent 30 years, urbanization in China’s mainland has made great progress. More and more areas are urbanized, and the influence of Buddhism in these areas get more and more powerful.Buddhism with such role in China’s mainland, which I called "Metropolitan Buddhism", has been taken as the topic analysed in my dissertation.The main body of my dissertation consists of 6 chapters. The first chapter, "Humanistic Buddhism studying in modern China", in which I trace the footprints of Humanistic Buddhism in both sides of the strait, highlight its characteristics and what it focus on; In the second chapter "The appearance of Metropolitan Buddhism as a new form of Humanistic Buddhism in modern China", I derive the conception of "Metropolitan Buddhism" after I analyse the problems Humanistic Buddhism faced. Which I think could resolve part of these problems. Then, I give an outline of the situation of Metropolitan Buddhism studying in the recent 10 years in China’s mainland. In the third chapter "Metropolitan Buddhism and its characteristics", I make a tentative definition of the concept of "Metropolitan Buddhism", analyse its relationship between several concepts, and give an investigation on its activities styles and characteristics. In the fourth chapter "The Role and its functions of Metropolitan Buddhism", I give an investigation on its role in politic, economy and culture, analyse its functions to the society. The fifth chapter "The transcendence and holy values of "Metropolitan Buddhism", deals mainly with the transcendence and holy values of "Metropolitan Buddhism". Which tells us in order to conserve its transcendence and holy value, how the "Metropolitan Buddhism" deals with the society in different aspects. In the sixth chapter "The future of Metropolitan Buddhism", I give my opinion what we should focus on to keep "Metropolitan Buddhism" develop in the right direction based on my analysis. After giving analysis and investigation on "Metropolitan Buddhism" in my dissertation, I think, as the new form of Humanistic Buddhism, Metropolitan Buddhism is still in its developing procedure, many of its characteristics are flexible. But, it will definitely play more important roles in modern Chinese Buddhism with the urbanization policy of our government taken in practice. It worth being studied in the coming future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】B948
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】2883