

【作者】 张海新

【导师】 陈广宏;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以明末清初的历史学家、诗人、散文家、学者张岱及其诗文为研究对象。张岱(1597——1689?),一名维城,字宗子,号陶庵、蝶庵、会稽外史①、六休居士②,山阴(今浙江省绍兴市)人,明末清初的历史学家、诗人、散文家、学者。“五四”新文学运动以来,经由周作人为主的一批学者的发掘与绍介,张岱以其独特的人生经历与思想价值,被认为可以作为“五四”新文学的源头活水的代表,在新文学界获得了普遍的认可。近一百年间,对于张岱的研究虽然随政治风气、学术风潮的炎热冷暖而升沉,但其作为明代杰出文学家的地位,未尝动摇。应当承认,周作人等新文学研究者和创作者对于人们认识张岱的文学成绩是有功的,但是笔者不认为新文学运动出于自己的立场与动机所塑造的张岱就是其真实面目,也不能同意全然以追溯张岱和新文学的血脉关联主导对于他的认识。本文试图通过张岱文本的研读,厘清今人基于自身文学诉求而加予张岱的增益雌黄,以返归于他所处时代的真实历史场域为基础,来正确认识张岱其人其文,从而发现张岱似乎已经熟悉了的面孔的陌生一面。本文主要在以下三个方面作了新的开拓。一、跨越现有史学、文学的学科界限,清理、校核张岱存世的文本,在比较其版本、弄清其文字差别的基础上,追溯张岱自晚清以来至二十世纪三十年代重新被发现的过程,重新审视张岱在晚明清初的文学地位,及其对中国现代文学发生所起到的作用。二、对张岱家世进行再考察,以认识其家族四代人所给予张岱的价值观和影响力,职是之故,使之在史学方面与文学方面都取得了比较高的成就,并且在内心保持了其对明王朝的忠诚。三、对张岱的诗文作品从体裁、内容、源流等方面进行了重新探讨,试图对张岱及其诗文进行重新解读,并结合其所处的时代,探讨易代沧桑与其文学风格的内在互动,使世人了解其曲折复杂的人生轨迹与其文学作品的多元丰富性。绪论部分论述张岱研究的历史与现状,主要考察张岱自入清后逐渐湮没,以及在晚清是如何重新回到文化界人士视野的过程,这其中重点考察的是周作人在“新文学源流学说”提出前后基于自己目的出发而彰显张岱及其散文的事实。第一章《著述及文本问题》考察了张岱所有存世著作,并各有侧重地加以介绍。第二章《张岱家世再检讨》对张岱家族谱系进行了重新梳理,并着重考察张天复以来山阴张家五代人在明代政治、思想、史学、文学领域崛起的过程,对明代中期以来党争环境所予张家五代人的种种影响也进行了初步探讨。第三章《人生变奏:从晚明到清初》将其一生分阶段进行论述,从其人生经历的主要节点来全面认识这位晚明清初的饱学之士。第四章《交游与文化生态》考察人际关系与文化环境是如何塑造张岱的为人与为文之道。第五章《文化性格和思想》从中国传统文化的角度透视张岱的文化性格与思想脉络,着重强调了张岱对于晋宋风度的亲近感,并尝试探讨张岱在中西文化已有碰撞、交流的情势下所具有的“世界”之空间观念。第六章、第七章则分别考察了张岱的诗歌、散文及骈文作品,以使读者对张岱的文学创作能有全面切近的了解。其中,结合笔者新发现的《和陶集》中43首诗作,对张岱与陶渊明的诗歌承继关系进行了探考。结语部分是对张岱形象的简要透视,认为明代的“性灵”风潮并不是张岱的心灵及文学旨归,而“晋宋风度”于张岱才是其心灵原乡与文学楷模。

【Abstract】 This thesis studies Zhang Dai (1597--1689?) and his poems. Zhang Dai, a historian, poet, essayist, scholar in Zhejiang Shanyin (now Zhejiang Province, Shaoxing City) of the Ming and Qing dynasties.The thesis mainly has made the new development in three aspects.First, across existing history, literature, disciplinary boundaries, cleaning, checking zhangdai’s survive in the world of the text, on the base of comparing their version of the text,understanding its semantic differences, tracing re-discovery process of Zhangdai since the late Qing to the 1930s,re-examining Zhangdai’s literature status in late Ming and early Qing, And the role which plays to Chinese modern literature occurrence.Second, re-inspecting Zhang Dai’s family background, to know the values and influence given by four generations of his family to Zhang Dai, therefore, Zhang Dai has achieved a relatively high achievement in terms of history and literature, and also, he remained his loyalty in the heart to the Ming Dynasty.Third, re-examined Zhang Dai’s prose works from the genre, content, origin and other aspects, in an attempt to re-interpretate Zhang Dai and his poetry, combined with the the times, discussed the internal interaction of the vicissitudes and his literary style, so that people could understand his loyalty and filial piety life trajectory diverse richness of literary works.The introduction mainly studied the process of Zhang Dai’s gradual annihilation since Qing dynasty, and back to the late Ming cultural sectors’visions, especially studied the process of highlighting Zhang Dai and his proses by Zhou zuoren before and after "new literature origin theory" proposed.Chapter 1,"writing and text problems," examined all the surviving works of Zhang Dai, and gave key introduction to some of them. Chapter 2, "further review of Zhang Dai Family History", re-sort the Dai family tree, focus on the rise process of the five generations of the Zhang’s since Zhang tianfu in the field of politics, ideology, history, literature of Ming dynasty, also, discussed the Zhang’s five generations affected by the party competition environment since the mid-Ming. Chapter 3,"Overview of Zhang Dai deeds", described Zhang Dai’s life as four stages, comprehensive understanding of the learned scholar in the late Ming from his life experience and the primary node. Chapter 4, "Friendship and Cultural Ecology" examined how interpersonal and cultural environment shaped the man and Literary. Chapter 5, "Zhang Dai’s cultural character and ideas" perspect Zhang’s cultural character and thought vein from the view of traditional Chinese culture. In this chapter, emphasized Zhang Dai’s ideological sense of intimacy to Jin and Song, and revealed his space concept in the situation of Chinese and Western exchange increasingly expanding. Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 were investigated by ZhangDai’s poetry, essays and prose works, so the readers could have a comprehensive understanding on Zhang Dai’s literary creation. Among these, combining with my newly discovered 43 poems in the " Reply to Tao set", the thesis explored the inheritance relationship between discussed the poems of Tao yuanming and Zhang Dai.In the part of epilogue, the author considered that the "spirituality" movement in the Ming Dynasty is not the purport of Zhang Dai’s spiritual and literary, while ideological in tone of Jin and Song is the soul of the original village and literary model of Dai.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1496