

【作者】 许蔚

【导师】 陈引驰;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 古代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 浮明道研究已历百年,尤以近數十年來之成果最為丰富,各方面的問题多已涉及,有关史跻之輪廓也大致釐清。但其中也存在一些問题,最突出的就是封基磁文献不狗重視,亚且封宗教研究学科以外的成果借鑒不足,由此產生不少失误。本输文即嘗試從基礎文献的收集整理出發,进行跨學科、领域的综合性研究,重點封遇去研究中忽视或者误解的問题予以探封。本输文共設七章,並附缘四種。第一章為學術史的回顧,封百年來的相关研究予以综述與評價。第二章通遇封一些關键性的文本予以追索與考辨,封以往學界关於南宋初浮明道成立史的误解予以辩證,封周方文及其降經活勤之史跻予以釐清。第三章主要封输文献编撰、傅記書寫與正统性構建的問题,涉及《浮明忠孝全害》、《许真君浮明宗教缘》、《浮明忠孝經傅正訛》、《太上靈寶淨明宗教錄》等四種集成性文獻的编撰背景、相互關係及相关人员、道圑的考證。第四章主要包括雨方面的内容,其一為有關唐傅奇《十二真君傅》的考證,並在利用现存所见各版本《太平廣記》封所载《十二真君傅》佚文予以校正的基磁上,封有關文本的误讀與傅訛問题予以封输;其二為有關许逐傅記在道俗雨眾中接受問题的探討,主要涉及封教内文献中差具叙述的討論以及《真君镇蛟鐵符摹刻記》、《濟瀆廟灵符碑》等石刻文献的释读與功能分析。第五章為目前学界较少涉及的浮明道祖师圖像的研究,以《静太史真君圖傅》為中心,討論其時代、刊行、性質、功能及其舆《静旌陽事蹟圖》等圖像资料的關係。第六章亦為目前學界较少涉及的浮明道医藥文献的研究,以《如意丹方》為中心,討論其產生時代、流傅演燮及其舆祖师傅記附會之意圖、與浮明道教圑活勤及與社會醫療事業發展之關保。第七章主要包括三個方面的内容,其一為有关早期孝道史的研究,主要涉及南宋浮明道成立以前的丁羲、吴猛、许遜等孝道人物及圑體的考辨;其二為有關宋元浮明道史的研究,主要通遇宫觀管理制度的封输,封宋元浮明道圑與玉隆萬壽宫祖庭之关保予以辩證;其三為有关明清以來浮明道運勤之研究,主要涉及明初浮明道承系的考證,及封明萬曆以降所出现的各種形式的浮明道運勤的初步梳理。附錄一為浮明道原始文献目缘,包括著錄、知见、入藏及稻引等四编,並封有阴著錄、流傅等問题有所辩證。附缘二为《道藏》内所见浮明道文献提要,封有关文献的時代、歸属等問题有所辩證。附錄三為《道藏》所见唐佚名撰《孝道吴许二真君傅》的整理。附錄四為有關许遜及浮明道之金石文献的彙编。

【Abstract】 The research on Jingming Dao can be traced back about a hundred years ago. Recently, the works in the field have covered most of the aspects already. And the facts of the history of Jingming Dao have been found out and reconstructed. But there are also many problems in those researches. The most important is both of the fundamental documents and the works of other research field beyond religion study have got no much attention, which causes some but false. Based on the collecting and amending or researching of the fundamental documents, this dissertation tries to solve the problems which the past omit or misunderstood, by means of cross-disciplinary. This dissertation includes 7 chapters and 4 appendixes. Chapter 1 is the reviews on the field of Jingming Dao’s research. Chapter 2 tries to reconstruct the religious and social life of Zhou Fangwen and the birth and death of his Jingming Dao in the first years of South Sung Dynasty. Chapter 3 is focused on the idea and behaviors in pursuit of the orthodoxy. Chapter 4 includes two parts. The first tries to reconsider the historical meaning of Shier Zhenjun Zhuan, by amending the text with almost all the important editions of Taiping Guangji available for us today. The second tries to figure out how the hagiographies of Xu Xun were accepted by the daoist and the people outside the church. Chapter 5 tries to analysis the illustration tradition of Xu Xun, Patriarch of Jingming Dao, by studying texts in or beyond the Daoist Canon, such as Xu Jingyang Shiji Tu, and the relationship between Xu Taishi Zhenjun Tu Zhuan and Xu Zhenjun Xian Zhuan. Chapter 6 tries to clarify the relationship between Ruyi Danfang and Dingyi Shenfang, by checking the text with the development of the Jingming Dao and serious epidemics of the early Southern Song. Chapter 7 includes three parts. The first tries to reconsider the history of Xiao Dao before the coming of Jingming Dao in South Sung Dynasty. The second tries to reconsider the relationship between Jingming Dao’s societies and Yulong Wanshougong, the so-called birthplace of Jingming Dao, in Sung and Yuan Dynasty. The last makes clear about the orthodoxy of daoist claimed for Jingming in the early Ming Dynasty, and gives a simple discuss on the Jingming Dao movement since the middle ages of Ming Dynasty. Appendix 1 is a bibliography on the primitive source related to Jingming Dao. Appendix 2 is a collection of notes on the sacred documents collected in Daoist Canon. Appendix 3 is the amended text of Xiaodao Wu Xu Er Zhenjun Zhuan, also collected in Daoist Canon. Appendix 4 is a collection of documents of stone memorials.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】516