

【作者】 曹嘉涵

【导师】 吴景平;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 抗战时期的中美租借关系,是两国为共同抵御日本法西斯侵略而建立起来的以军事互助为主体的特殊经济关系。抗战爆发后,中国开始积极争取美国的军事援助,国民政府先后派陈光甫与宋子文赴美求援,并于1940年底建立起由蒋介石、宋子文主导的相对集中的求援体制。1941年3月美国通过《租借法》等法案,为中国获得租借援助扫清了障碍。而在中国成为租借受援国之初,宋子文即在美注册成立中国国防供应公司,代表国民政府接洽和落实租借援助事宜。作为非盈利性的官营企业,中国国防供应公司借助中国银行的资金与海外分支网点,由200人左右的中外籍员工队伍承担起租借物资申请、营运、存储、整理等各项职责,并为美国志愿航空队来华作战提供支持,其使命直至1944年7月方告结束,主要工作移交给中国物资供应委员会。战时美国租借援华的总额超过8亿美元,这笔无偿援助不仅对中国取得抗日战争胜利具有历史性作用,而且使中国对美外交的地位上升至前所未有的高度。接受租借援助的同时,中国亦以回惠租借形式向驻华美军人员及官方机关提供食宿服务、帮助修建机场并垫付法币。巨额回惠租借加剧了后方法币发行失控与恶性通货膨胀的局面,国统区的经济与社会为此付出了沉重代价。太平洋战争之前,美国的租借援助机制由罗斯福总统主导,但陆军部已倾向于独立评估中国国防供应公司的求援工作,同时派马格鲁德军事代表团来华监督租借物资的使用。太平洋战争的爆发,促使美国改变租借拨款方式与租借物资划拨决策权,以陆军部为首的军方势力取得租借援助主导权。塔尔萨事件发生后不久,中美军事合作全面启动,陆军部指派史迪威来华担任中缅印战区美军司令兼蒋介石的参谋长,并秘密指定其在印度接收分配援华租借物资,中国最终不得不接受失去租借物资分配权与直接申请权的现实。此后,美国的租借援华进一步成为中美间矛盾与冲突爆发的诱因之一。随着中国开始履行回惠租借义务,中美双方在驻华美军开支问题上出现新的争执。由于美国拒绝向中国提供10亿美元借款,两国未能达成正式的回惠租借协议。抗战结束前,美国通过不定期与中国协商的方式偿还了部分回惠租借援助。中美围绕租借援助问题的纷争,削弱了这对盟友间的互信,对两国军事-经济合作关系的发展造成了一定的负面影响。

【Abstract】 China-US Lend-Lease relation during the Second Sino-Japanese War was a special economic relation mainly based on mutual military aid, aiming at the foundation of an alliance against Japanese fascist aggression. China has been struggling for US military aid since the Marco Polo Bridge Incident. The Nationalist Government sent K. P. Chen and T. V. Soong successively to US and successfully set up a mechanism dominated by Chiang Kai-shek and T. V. Soong to tackle the aid diplomacy with US. When the Lend-Lease Act was promulgated and became law in March 1941, T. V. Soong, then as Chiang Kai-shek’s personal emissary in Washington, saw the possibility of China’s getting US Lend-Lease aid. He promptly established China Defense Supplies, Inc. (CDS), a business corporation registered in America, as main agency of coordinating US Lend-Lease aid to China. CDS proved to be a non-profit enterprise, with only 200 Chinese and foreign staff in function. It played an important role in applying for Lend-Lease goods and services and transferring them to China. It also made unremitting efforts to support the combating activities of American Volunteer Group (AVG), which was renowned as Flying Tigers. In July 1944, CDS dissolved under the instruction of T. V. Soong. Its remaining work was handed to China Supplies Commission (CSC). Statistic showed that US wartime Lend-Lease aid to China added up to more than 800 million dollars. America required no payment from China for this aid, which contributed a lot to China’s victory over Japan and put the significance of China-US diplomacy on an unprecedented level. China-US Lend-Lease relation was not a one way relation. China also provided US military personnel and agencies with accommodations and Fapi (Chinese National Currency) payments, building airfields for US Air Force through reverse Lend-Lease, which fostered the currency issuance and high inflation. China performed reverse Lend-Lease obligation at a great cost of her economy and society.American Lend-Lease institute was president-dominant before the Pacific War, while War Department got inclined to evaluate the work of CDS in an independent way. Then a military mission led by Brigade General John Margruder was sent to China in late 1941 to oversee the use of Lease-Lease materials. Soon after the Pearl Harbor Attack, US Congress shifted Lend-Lease appropriations to War Department. Anglo-American combined boards began to have the authority of deciding where Lend-Lease materials should go. The Tulsa Incident was a short interlude before Joseph Stilwell’s mission to China. War Department designated Stilwell as US military commander in China-Burma-India theatre, and also Chiang Kai-shek’s Chief of Staff. He was secretly ordered to be the recipient and distributor of American Lend-Lease materials in India. Since August 1942, China’s influence on Lend-Lease application and transference had been hugely diminished. Lend-Lease further became one of the inducements for China-US disputes in late 1940s. It was difficult for both countries to find a common ground in the solution of American military outlays in China. After refusing to extend a new 1-billion-dollar loan, America failed to reach a reverse Lend-Lease agreement with China. However, America reimbursed part of the reverse Lend-Lease by irregular negotiation with China before the end of war.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】K265
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】551