

Analysis of Ecological Water Requirement and Ecosystem Health Assessment for Lake Wuliangsuhai

【作者】 姜忠峰

【导师】 李畅游;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 农业水土工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 湖泊作为地球上水资源的重要载体之一,是沿湖区域国民经济和社会发展的重要基础和保障。受全球气候变化影响和人类不合理利用威胁,湖泊正面临着严重的退化和水环境恶化问题,湖泊生态系统遭受严重破坏,导致部分服务功能降低甚至丧失。本文以地处干旱半干旱地区的乌梁素海为研究对象,综合分析了乌梁素海的水环境质量、湖区蒸发蒸腾量、生态环境需水量、调水补水方案、湖泊生态系统服务功能和生态系统健康状况。首先,将可变模糊集理论引入水环境综合评价中,分别运用数学模型和生物指标模型对乌梁素海水环境进行了评价,结果表明乌梁素海目前水质污染严重,处于富营养化状态,水环境状况已不能满足其部分功能需求。其次,鉴于乌梁素海湖区蒸发蒸腾量是研究湿地生态需水量关键耗水项之一采用经验的方法进行估算显然已经不能满足确定乌梁素海生态环境需水量的要求,本文通过野外试验和模型模拟相结合的方法,确定了乌梁素海不同区域的蒸发和腾发量,并建立了明水区和芦苇区蒸发量与陆地E601型蒸发器蒸发量的相关关系,在生长季节,芦苇区腾发量大于明水区蒸发量,Kp均值为1.43,.沼泽区腾发量小于明水区蒸发量,Kp均值为0.89,结合遥感解译的面积,估算出乌梁素海年总蒸发量为58900万m3,在此基础上,基于三个不同目标,对乌梁素海生态环境需水量进行了分析计算,结果显示,在现有排干来水情况下,乌梁素海补排水量平衡时生态需水量为3782.31m3/a,考虑盐分和总磷平衡时的生态需水量分别为15019万m3/a和162877万m3/a,水质改善时,盐分和总磷1年达地表水环境质量标准(GB3838-2002)IV类水标准的生态需水量分别为57100万m3和186930万m3,盐分和总磷10年达标的生态需水量分别为48550万m3和155900万m3,根据乌梁素海优化调水补水模型,结合湖泊实际状况和流域水资源分配,提出了现状条件、2015水平年和2020水平年乌梁素海水量调度运行方案,并提出了现状条件、2015水平年和2020水平年乌梁素海水量调度运行方案,以满足乌梁素海生态系统服务功能,其重要性依次为:调节功能-供给功能-支撑功能-景观功能。最后,应用压力-状态-响应(PSR)模型构建湖泊生态系统健康评价指标体系,以熵值法确定指标权重,建立湖泊生态系统健康评价模型,选用综合健康指数法(CHI)首次实现乌梁素海生态系统健康状况评价,结果表明乌梁素海生态系统健康处于中等偏好水平。最后探索性的提出了乌梁素海综合整治方案。

【Abstract】 Lakes are one of the important water bodies that is closly linked to the regional economic and social development. However, some of them are exercising the problems of environmental degradation and deterioration due to the impacts of global climate change, and human activities etc. As a result of this, the lakes have been gradually loosing their functions. Lake Wuliangsuhai is located in an arid and semi arid area. It has been contaminated by the discharge of irrigation water, domestic and industry waste waters with relatively high concentrations of TP and TN. This paper analyzed its environmental quality, amount of water lost through evaporation and transpiration, ecological water requirement, replenishment program, eco-service functions, and ecosystem health conditions.The variable fuzzy set theory was applied to comprehensively evaluate the water environment quality of Lake Wuliangsuhai in which both mathematical models and biological indicators were evaluated. The results indicated that the lake had been seriously contaminated by means of eutrophication and heavy metals. As a result of this, it could not meet the requirements of some environmental functions as before.As water losses through evaporation and transpiration is one of the key water balance terms, a set of field tests were carried out to determine the losses. During the growing season, the losses were higher in reed area than that in the open water area with an average Kp of 1.43. While the losses in swamp area were lower than that in the open water area with an average Kp of 0.89. The total annual losses within Lake Wuliangsuhai were estimated as 589 million m3. According to the estimation of the losses, the ecological water requirement of Lake Wuliangsuhai was analyzed for 3 different planning cases. The estimated ecological water requirement were 3782.31m3/a in the case of maintaining the current inlet water amount,15019 million m3/a and 162877 million m3/a in the case of maintaining the current concentration of salts and total phosphorus respectively,57100 million m3 and 186930 million m3 in the case of reducing the salts and total phosphorus concentrations to Class IV of the national standard in one yea respectively (48550 million m3 and 155900 million m3 in ten years respectively). Based on the estimations, the optimal replenishment model at present,2015. and 2020 were proposed for Lake Wuliangsuhai to meet the requirements of ecological service functions, which were adjusting functions of inflow and outflow. water supply function, supporting function, and landscape function.Overall, Impact-State-Response model was used to set up the ecosystem health assessment index system for Lake Wuliangsuhai. The index weights were determined with entropy method. The comprehensive health index method was used to access its ecosystem health. The results show that Lake Wuliangsuhai was in the middle level health level.

  • 【分类号】X171;X826
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】455
  • 攻读期成果