

Network Construction and Performance Evaluation of Business Incubator

【作者】 周建华

【导师】 高阳;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 企业孵化器作为一种孵化和培育科技型初创企业的新型经济组织和政府支持科技创新、推进区域创新体系建设的政策工具,自诞生之后的半个世纪来,在世界各国得到了广泛采纳和实际运用,并得到了长足发展。企业孵化器作为一种制度安排,随着区域经济环境和产业基础环境的改变,从概念内涵到运作模式都发生了巨大变化,网络化发展成为当今企业孵化器发展的方向和主要趋势。科学构建区域性企业孵化器网络、加强企业孵化器网络成员关系治理、有效提高整体网络运行绩效、努力增强区域科技创新孵化能力等一系列问题,是理论研究和实践工作者面临的重大课题之一。作者结合工作实践,在系统分析有关企业孵化器研究成果和借鉴相关理论的基础上,对企业孵化器网络结构和成员关系进行了系统研究,并以长沙市企业孵化器网络发展为例,对企业孵化器网络结构属性、绩效评价等方面开展了实证研究。主要工作和创新如下。(1)基于大量文献研究和案例分析的基础上,从地理概念和区域创新体系建设角度出发,给出了企业孵化器网络的概念界定和内涵特征,系统构建了企业孵化器网络结构基础模型。在此基础上,详尽阐述了企业孵化器网络结构组成、网络成员之间交互关系以及企业孵化器网络结构属性等理论问题。这些理论构建可指导实现区域科技创新资源的有效整合和区域内各类企业孵化器的协同发展,也将大大增强各类企业孵化器的整体孵化功能和区域产业培育功能。(2)将传统模式下的企业孵化基本功能向前拓展和向后延伸,并借鉴企业成长理论与区域产业发展理论,构建了企业孵化器网络模式下“四级”孵化与“三重”评估相结合的网络孵化服务模式。“四级”孵化主要包括科技成果孵化、初创科技企业孵化、潜力型企业加速孵化和新型产业孵化,这四个层面呈递进耦合关系。建立了以科技成果价值评估、初创科技企业成活率评估和潜力型企业产业化评估为主要内容的“三重”评估机制,以保证企业孵化器网络整体孵化的有效性和孵化资源的匹配性,并提高区域科技创新资源的利用率。基于企业孵化器网络的“四级”孵化、“三重”评估的网络孵化模式,可实现从科技成果孵化到区域战略性新型产业培育的整个产业链孵化,诠释了企业孵化器网络的价值与功能。(3)借鉴企业成长理论和企业资源理论,构造了企业孵化器网络模式下孵化企业的孵化成长绩效函数。并以此为基础,推导出多种状态下孵化企业之间、企业孵化器与区域内其它孵化企业之间、其他网络成员与企业孵化器之间的交互行为特征和效果,得出了相关结论和启示。这些结论为管理和协调企业孵化器网络成员之间的合作竞争关系,提高企业孵化器网络整体营运能力和孵化效果提供了理论支撑和解决途径。(4)构建了企业孵化器网络绩效评价指标体系和评价模型。以长沙市企业孵化器网络为例,基于改进的S-C-P产业网络研究范式,从网络结构、网络行为、网络产出等三个方面着手,采用文献借鉴、专家咨询和主成分因子分析等方法构建和筛选出企业孵化器网络整体绩效评价指标体系,采用层次分析法(AHP)建立了相应的绩效评价模型并进行了实证分析。运用社会网络分析(SNA)理论和方法对长沙市企业孵化器网络规模、网络密度、凝聚性、成员联结度等结构属性进行系统评价,从而建立了完整的区域性企业孵化器网络运行监测和评价体系。通过该方法的实际运用,可对区域企业孵化器网络发展进行有效监管与适时调整,也为相关部门的评价实践提供了评价模型与方法。

【Abstract】 As a new economic organization incubating and nurturing technology start-ups and a policy instrument governments use to support technological innovation and promote regional innovation system, business incubator has been widely accepted and applied, and has a greater progress for half a century since its birth. Business Incubator, as an institutional arrangement, has tremendous changes from concept to operation mode as regional economic environment and industry basic environment change. Internalization becomes the main direction and trend of current business incubators’ development. Constructing a regional business incubator network scientific, strengthening the relationship among members of business network incubator, improving the overall network operation performance effectively, elevating incubation ability of regional technology innovation and other issues, are the major tasks in our theory and practical research. On the basis of analyzing research on business incubator and related theories, the author studied the structure and membership of business incubator network systematically, and carried out empirical research on structure properties and performance evaluation of business incubator network by taking Changsha as an example. Major work and innovation are as follows:(1) Based on extensive literature research and case studies and from the perspectives of geographical concept and regional innovation system, concept defining and content characteristics of the business incubator network are proposed, and its basic structure model is conducted systematically. On this basis, incubator network composition, interactions among members, structure properties and such theoretical issues are elaborated. These theoretical constructions realized effective integration of regional innovation resources and joint development of various business incubators in the region, and also greatly enhanced the overall incubating function of various business incubators and the function of regional industry training.(2) The basic functions of business incubators under traditional model are expanded forward and extended backward, and the incubating service model of combing "four grades" incubations and "triple" assessments under business incubator network model is constructed by drawing on firm growth theory and regional industrial development theory. "Four grades" incubations include incubation of technological achievements, incubation of technology start-up, incubation of potential enterprises’ acceleration and incubation of new industries, and these four levels present progressive relations. The "triple" assessments—assessment of technological achievements, assessment of start-ups’ survival rate of assessment of potential firms’ industrialization—are constructed to ensure the overall effectiveness of incubation and matching of incubating resources. The process from incubation of technological achievements to incubation of the whole industry chain of regional strategic new industries is utilized, and the value and function of business incubators network is interpreted.(3)The incubating growth performance function of business under incubator network model is conducted by learning from business growth theory and business resources theory. And on this basis, behavioral features and effects of interactions among incubating businesses, between business incubator and incubating business, between other members and business incubator under various conditions are derived, then related conclusion and inspiration are arrived. This provides a theoretical support and solutions for us to manage and coordinate the cooperative and competitive relationships among members of business network incubator and to improve the overall operational capacity and incubating effect of business network incubator.(4)The performance evaluation system and evaluation model of business incubator network are built. Taking Changsha business incubator network for example, based on improved S-C-P industrial network paradigm, from the three perspectives of network structure, network behavior and network output, the business incubator network performance evaluation system is framed by using reference literature, expert advice and principal components analysis, and corresponding performance evaluation model is established by using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and empirical analysis is conducted. Meanwhile, the structure properties such as size, cohesiveness, association degree of members of Changsha business incubator network are evaluated systematically by using social networks (SNA) theory and method, thereby a complete monitoring and evaluation system of regional business incubator network is established. The practical application of this method leads more effective monitoring and timely adjustment of development in the regional business incubator network, also provides an evaluation model and method for evaluation practice of the relevant departments and managers of business incubators.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期