

High Resolution Remote Sensing Monitoring of Mining Area Environment and Its Information Resources Utilization: Methods & Application

【作者】 何原荣

【导师】 朱建军; 杨顺泉; 李志伟;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 地理制图学与地理信息工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 矿产资源是工业的“血液”和“粮食”,是国民经济与社会发展的重要物质基础。然而,由于长期大规模和超强度的矿产资源开发,加上历史生态欠账较多和对矿产资源需求日益增加都给当前矿区环境保护工作带来了前所未有的压力。环境监测是环境管理的耳目,是环境管理最基础、最基本的支撑力量。面对尖锐复杂的矿区环境问题,如果监测业务跟不上,就会使得保护和治理工作措手不及、应对无方、贻误战机。为了实现《先进的环境监测预警体系建设纲要(2010-2020年)》提出的“天地一体的环境监测系统,和谐统一的环境监测格局”的升级转型,这就对现有的矿区环境监测系统的信息获取、处理、集成和综合服务等提出了新的要求。进入21世纪以来,随着遥感技术的快速发展及其商业数据销售的一些限制相继解除,高分辨率遥感影像已成为矿区环境信息获取的重要载体。特别是2006年以来,高分辨率遥感调查与监测在全国主要成矿带及矿集区的工程化实施使得矿区环境监测数据得到了内容的极大丰富以及数据量的急剧累积,但是相应的监测分析和开发利用的研究力度却存在明显的滞后和不足。为此,本文从监测分析与信息资源开发利用两个层面展开一系列的研究工作。首先,针对现有监测分析研究主要局限于空间信息提取与统计分析的问题,围绕矿区环境问题产生源头的土地破坏以及非污染和污染问题分别展开监测分析方法研究。具体内容包括:①确定矿区土地破坏遥感分类体系,建立开采面、尾矿库、固体废弃物、工矿建筑、工矿道路5类土地破坏的解译标志系统,在3S技术支持下进行室内解译和野外验证,构建传统二维图件所难以表述的遥感三维数据模型、坡度三维数据模型、汇水三维数据模型,在多源数据支持下以土地破坏生态补偿评估为应用指向研究属性信息配赋的内容和方法,引入土地利用变化测度模型建立以三维量算面积为参数的土地破坏动态变化分析模型。②设计针对矿区复合生态系统的景观分类系统,采用高分辨率遥感数据和决策树分类方法获取景观分类影像,利用Fragstats景观指数计算软件自动提取研究9个生态子区的LPI、LSI、MPS、PSSD、FD、CONTAG、AWMPFD、SHDI等8个景观指标,选择主成分多元统计分析模型实现矿区景观生态质量综合量化评价与主导因子分析,进行分区评价结果的差异性比较与实证研究。③以大气环境、水污染、土壤污染以及生物污染地面监测数据为集成与分析内容,研究三维遥感数据模型与地面调查及监测数据可视化集成及其统计分析、综合预警的技术方法。其次,针对监测信息应用指向主要局限于矿业秩序监督、矿产资源规划管理及其地质减灾防灾等矿政管理领域,以提供数据与功能服务给矿区和社会研究群体为需求导向,通过监测分析系统与服务平台构建和展开矿区环境监测信息资源的开发利用应用研究。具体内容包括:①借助VRMap SDK开发矿区土地破坏测度及非污染模型分析三维可视化系统,开发实现地面污染监测数据与遥感监测数据集成的后台管理以及数据查询、统计分析、综合预警计算的通用化前端分析3D GIS工具。顾及矿区居民的主要环境利益诉求,搭建面向社区服务的触摸式矿区环境污染信息平台。②采用Oracle llg作为存储和管理技术平台,以MapBuilder llg作为空间数据的接收转化工具研究多源异构监测空间数据库构建与可用性校验方法,设计分类编码体系和元数据描述方法,借助Oracle Map llg实现集后台管理和前端服务为一体的矿区环境监测数据Web共享可视化集成系统。最后,总结了本文的研究成果,并展望本文后续研究工作,主要集中在:①在矿区土地破坏监测数据的基础上进一步叠加非污染、污染的监测成果并进行统计分析与空间分析,为达成环境问题致因分析的清晰化以及源头控制有效实施的应用目标提供更加深层次的决策信息。进一步区分研究区域矿产资源开发和矿业旅游开发对土地利用变化及其环境影响分析。②进一步分析多时相景观生态质量变化以及各景观指数变化对矿区环境所造成的影响。③在污染监测管理与分析3D GIS工具中集成无线传输的污染自动监测及野外调查数据PAD采集数据,提升自动测报能力。④集成在线监测分析模型库并且提供监测数据在线模型处理服务,提升监测数据的在线处理以及多学科协同e-Science研究能力,构建矿区环境遥感监测虚拟研究中心。

【Abstract】 Mineral resources are the "blood" and "food" of industry, and it is the foundation of national economic and social development. However, due to long large-scale and super-strength development, as well as the poor ecological basis and increasing demands for mineral resources, environmental protection in current mining area has faced an unprecedented pressure. Environmental monitoring is the eyes and ears of environmental management, and it is the most basic and fundamental support force of environmental management. Facing the complex problems of mining environment, if the monitoring service fails behind, it’s hard to deal with the protection and management work. In order to achieve the upgrading and transformation aim of "one of the world environmental monitoring systems, environmental monitoring patterns of harmony and unity" which is proposed in "advanced early warning system for environmental monitoring framework (2010-2020)", which put forward new requirements to the information acquisition, processing, integration and comprehensive services of existing mining environmental monitoring system.In the 21st century, with the rapid development of remote sensing technology and the successive relieving some restrictions on commercial data sales; high-resolution remote sensing technology has become an important method for mining area environmental information acquisition. Particularly since 2006, the implementation of high-resolution remote sensing survey and monitoring in the major metallogenic belt and ore cluster area has made a great accumulation of contents for environmental monitoring data mining and the rapid accumulation of data, but the corresponding monitoring analysis and utilization of research efforts need improving.Therefore, a series of research works was carried on with the two aspects of monitoring analysis and information resources utilization.Firstly, according to the problem that existing studies of monitoring analysis are mainly limited to the spatial information extraction and statistical analysis, the methods of monitoring and analysis was studied around the source problems of land destruction of mining area environment and the pollution and non-polluting problem respectively. Topics include:①definition the remote sensing classification system of land destruction to mining areas; establishing five categories of the interpretation symbol system of land destruction to mining surface, tailing reservoir, solid waste, industrial and mining construction, industrial and mining road; indoor interpretation and field verification was solved under the technical support with 3S; building the remote sensing three-dimensional data model, slope and watershed three-dimensional data model which is difficulty to interpret with traditional two-dimensional maps; studying the endowed content and method of attribute information point to the land application of damage assessment of ecological compensation under the support of multi-source data; establishing the land destruction dynamic change analytical model by taking the of land use change measure model.②a landscape classification system was designed for mining areas complex ecosystem. using high-resolution remote sensing data and selecting the decision tree automatic classification method for landscape classification images; using landscape indices software Fragstats3.3 automatically extract eight landscape metrics (LPI, LSI, MPS, PSSD, FD, CONTAG, AWMPFD, SHDI) from the landscape classification images for studying the nine ecological sub-district; selecting the principal component multivariate statistical analysis model to achieve the dominant factor selection of mining areas landscape ecology quality assessment and landscape ecology dominant factor quality comprehensive quantitative assessment to partition difference analysis and empirical research of evaluation results.③analyzing the importance of conventional monitoring of terrestrial environmental monitoring at mining areas and the necessity of integrity with three-dimensional remote sensing data; Taking the atmospheric environment, water pollution, soil pollution and biological contamination of terrestrial monitoring data as the integrated and analyzed contents, studying the data visualization integration between three-dimensional remote sensing data model and ground survey, their statistical analysis and comprehensive early-warning technology.Secondly, the monitoring information was mainly used for the mining affairs management fields, such as mining order supervision, planning and management of mineral resources and geological disaster prevention. In order to provide the demand-oriented data and functional services to the mining areas and social research group, through the monitoring analytical system and service platform to build and expand the development and utilization of mining area environmental monitoring information resources. Topics include:①mining land destruction measurement and non-polluting model analysis three-dimensional visualization system was developed by the support of VRMap SDK. A universal front-end analytical 3D GIS tools was developed to achieve the integration of terrestrial contamination monitoring data and remote monitoring data, and its background management, information enquiry, statistical analysis and comprehensive early warning. The main demands of environmental benefits of mining area residents was taken into account, and building the touchable mining area environmental pollution information platform with community service-oriented.②using Oracle 11g as the storage and management platform; using MapBuilder 11g as a received tool for spatial data to research the method of multi-source heterogeneous monitoring space database construction and availability verification; designing the classification and coding system and the method for metadata description; using Oracle Map 11g to develop and implement the web sharing visualization system for mining area environmental monitoring data, which integrate background management and front-end service as a whole.Finally, the research outcomes of this study were summarized, and the prospects of the follow-up study will be mainly concentrated in:①further superimposed the non-pollution and pollution monitoring results, which are statistically and spatially analyzed. In order to reach the clarity of environmental problems cause and provide more in-depth decision-making information for the effective control to the source problems. Further distinguish the development of regional mineral resources and tourism, and their effects on land use change and environment.②further analyze multi-temporal changes in landscape and the effect of ecological quality index change on the mining area environment.③pollution monitoring for 3D GIS management and analysis tool can be integrated wireless pollution automatic monitoring and field survey data PAD data collection to improve automatic forecasting capabilities.④developing and integrating online monitoring and analysis model, and providing monitor data processing services. Improving the multi-disciplinary collaborative e-Science research capacity; building a virtual research center for mine environment remote sensing monitoring.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期