

Study of Handoff and Mobility Management in Mobile IP

【作者】 黄国盛

【导师】 陈志刚;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着互联网技术和无线通信技术的快速发展,互联网与各种无线网络必将融合成为全IP的移动互联网结构。移动互联网能够提供对节点移动的支持,满足人们在移动中获取网络信息的应用需求,具有广阔的发展前景。因此,网络层移动性支持的研究引起了人们广泛的重视。因特网工程任务组(IETF)提出的移动IP是一种在互联网上提供移动性支持的协议,它使移动节点可以使用一个固定的IP地址连接到任何链路上,在从一个子网切换到另一个子网时仍可保持正在进行的通信。为支持节点在网络中的移动性,国内外研究人员做了许多重要的工作,使移动工P协议成为最具发展潜力的移动性支持协议。但移动IP目前还处在研究阶段,有许多地方还有待改进和完善。移动IP中的切换与移动性管理是下一代移动互联网中亟待解决的关键问题,也是实现基于IP协议的移动计算业务的迫切需要。本文分析了移动IP的基本原理,总结了网络层移动性管理的研究和发展现状,着重研究了移动IP中的切换与移动性管理问题。本文的主要工作和创新成果如下:1.针对移动IP中节点进行子网切换时的呼叫接入控制问题,提出了一种基于动态阈值的呼叫接入控制策略(Dynamic threshold-based call admission control, DT-CAC)。在无线移动环境中有两个重要的连接级QoS参数:切换呼叫掉线率与新呼叫阻塞率。CAC方案优化的目标是在提高资源利用率的同时减小切换呼叫掉线率和新呼叫阻塞率。因中断一个正在进行的切换呼叫比阻塞一个新呼叫更为敏感,传统的呼叫接入控制方案为减小切换呼叫掉线率,常导致新呼叫阻塞率过高。本文通过建立小区呼叫接入控制的马尔可夫模型,限定切换呼叫掉线率与新呼叫阻塞率的比例关系,根据网络负载状态的变化对切换呼叫和新呼叫的接入阈值进行动态调整,在减少切换呼叫掉线率的同时限制新呼叫阻塞率的增加,从而在切换呼叫掉线率和新呼叫阻塞率之间取得平衡,仿真结果表明DT-CAC方案在切换呼叫掉线率、新呼叫阻塞率和系统资源利用率等方面具有较好的性能。2.针对无线移动IP环境中资源紧缺的问题,提出了一种基于报酬机制的动态优化呼叫接入控制策略(Reward mechanism based dynamic optimization on call admission control, RBDO-CAC)。RBDO-CAC方案基于马尔可夫模型建立小区呼叫接入的报酬计算模型,根据系统平均报酬最大化的原则对小区的呼叫接入过程进行动态优化。实验结果表明:RBDO-CAC方案具有以下优点:(1)实现系统报酬最大化,使系统能够接纳尽可能多的呼叫请求,有效地提高系统资源利用率;(2)系统根据网络负载情况动态计算呼叫接入阈值,可较好地适应网络呼叫流量的动态变化;(3)可以有效降低系统的切换掉线率和新呼叫阻塞率,防止为优先接纳切换呼叫而造成新呼叫阻塞率的无限制增加。实验表明,当小区的呼叫流量较大时,系统资源利用率可以提高6%左右,切换呼叫掉线率和新呼叫阻塞率可以降低8%左右。3.针对移动IP服务质量保证中的移动性管理问题,提出了一种新的端到端服务质量保证方案(Link layer assisted mobile QoS, L2AMQ)。当有活动数据流的移动节点切换子网时,包含转交地址(Care of Address, CoA)的流标识和会话标识将发生变化,且数据包的路径将发生改变,先前预留的资源将不再可用,移动节点的服务质量可能会因为在新的子网中缺少为移动节点预留的资源而明显下降。L2AMQ结合分层移动管理与链路层辅助切换机理,通过检测链路层信号强度在移动节点即将进入的子网中建立提前预留,以加快QoS路径的切换速度。当移动节点在各子网间切换时,L2AMQ通过建立提前预留和最小化数据包传输路径的变化来减少QoS路径的切换延迟。L2AMQ还通过引入一个新的QoS对象,避免在分层移动管理中使用RSVP隧道,从而减小系统的额外开销,节约系统资源。仿真结果表明,与现有协议相比,L2AMQ具有较低的预留阻塞率和会话丢失率。4.针对移动IP组播通信中移动性管理问题,提出了一种基于移动预测的移动组播方案(Mobility prediction based mobile multicast, MPBMM)。因组播通信可以在网络中实现“一到多”的通信,有效地节约网络资源和移动节点的计算能力,在移动IP网络中引入组播有着非常重要的意义。但是,移动组播协议不但要管理动态的组成员,且组成员的位置也是动态变化的,移动组播相对于固定网络中的组播更为复杂。MPBMM方案在移动组播中结合移动预测与分层移动管理的思想,当移动节点在组播会话的过程中在子网间漫游时,MPBMM通过移动预测缩减子网切换延迟和最小化组播数据包的丢失。MPBMM还通过分层移动管理,优化组播数据包的传输路径,避免三角路由和隧道聚集问题。仿真实验表明,MPBMM能够减少组播数据包的丢失、减少子网切换延迟、减少组播树重构的频率。当移动节点以不同的移动速度(5-25m/s)在子网之间进行切换时,其最大组播报文丢失率小于2‰,组播报文到达的最大时间间隔为117ms,能较好地满足无线移动环境中实时业务的QoS需求。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of Internet and wireless communication, Internet and wireless networks will integrate into a all IP mobile Internet architecture. Mobile Internet can support mobile node, meet the requirements of the people on the move to access information, and have broad prospects for development. Therefore, the research of the network-layer mobility support has attracted wide attention.The Mobile IP proposed by the IETF can support mobility on the Internet. It allows mobile nodes to connect to any links with a fixed IP address and maintain all on-going communications while changing links.To support mobility on the Internet, researchers have done a lot of fruitful work, and mobile IP protocol has become the most promising protocol with mobility support. However, Mobile IP is still in the research stage, there are many aspects have yet to be improved. The handoff and mobility management in mobile IP is a key problem that need to be resolved in the next generation of mobile Internet, and is an urgent need to achieve IP-based mobile computing. This paper analyzed the basic principle of Mobile IP, summarized research status and development trends of the network layer mobility management, and focused on the issue of mobile IP handoff and mobility management. The paper primarily include the following aspects:1. A dynamic threshold-based call admission control(DT-CAC) policy was proposed, which performs call admission control in mobile IP while mobile node switching subnet.New call blocking probability(CBP) and handoff call dropping probability(HDP) are two important connection level QoS parameters in wireless/mobile networks. CAC optimization goal is to maximize resource utilization while reduce HDP and CBP. Because mobile users are more sensitive to ongoing call dropping than new call blocking, the traditional CAC policies, in order to reduce HDP, usually results in obvious decrease of resource utilization and may lead to a high CBP. Through establishing a Markov model of wireless call admission, restricting the ratio of HDP to CBP, the proposed scheme can dynamically adjusts the call admission thresholds of handoff call and new call according to various network load conditions, reduce the handoff call dropping probability, and restrict the increase of new call blocking probability. Consequently, the scheme achieves a good trade-off between HDP and CBP. Simulation results show that DT-CAC outperforms existing protocols in terms of HDP, CBP, and resource utilization.2. To address the issue of resource scarcity in wireless mobile IP environment, a reward mechanism based dynamic optimization on call admission control(RBDO-CAC) was present.RBDO-CAC established a reward computing model of call admission of wireless cell based on Markov decision process, dynamically optimized call admission process according to the principle of maximizing the average system rewards. Simulation results show that RBDO-CAC scheme has the following advantages:1) Realization of maximizing system rewards enables system to accept calls request as many as possible, effectively improves system resources utilization; 2) The scheme dynamically calculates call admission threshold according to network load conditions, and can adapt to the dynamic changes of call traffic; 3) it effectively reduces system handoff call dropping probability and new call blocking probability, prevents unrestricted increase of new call blocking probability caused by the priority of handoff call.Under high call traffic load, resource utilization rate can be improved by 6%, and handoff call dropping probability and new call blocking probability can be reduced by about 8%.3. A new link layer assisted end-to-end mobile QoS(L2AMQ) guarantee scheme was proposed for the mobility management problem in mobile IP QoS guarantee.When a mobile node(MN) moves from one cell to another with an active flow, the data flow path changes and the flow ID and session ID that include care of address will change simultaneously. MN’s prior reserved resources are no longer available and the service quality of the MN may degrade significantly due to the lack of resources reserved for the MN in the new region. L2AMQ combines hierarchical mobility management with link layer assisted handoff mechanism, establishes resource reservation in advance in the subnet which the MN will visit next by detecting link layer signal strength, to speed up the handoff process. When MN moves among subnets, L2AMQ reduces the QoS path handoff delay by minimizing the path variation and establishing resource reservation in advance. By introducing a new QoS object, L2AMQ can avoid using RSVP tunnel in hierarchical mobility management. Consequently, it reduces system overheads and saves system resources. Simulations and analyses show that L2AMQ outperforms existing protocols in terms of reservation blocking rates and session loss rates.4. A new mobile multicast scheme called mobility prediction based mobile multicast (MPBMM) was proposed for the mobility management problem in mobile IP multicast.Because multicast is efficient for one-to-many communication over the Internet, which effectively conserves the network bandwidth and processing capability of mobile node, it is significant to provide multicast mechanism in wireless mobile IP environment. However, the mobile multicast protocol must deal not only with dynamic group membership but also with dynamic member location. Obviously, mobile multicast protocol is more complicated than the multicast protocol in wired network. MPBMM combines the ideas of mobility prediction and hierarchical mobility management in mobile multicast. When a mobile node roams among subnets during a multicast session, it intends to reduce the delay of subnet handoff and minimize the loss of multicast packets by dynamic mobility prediction. Furthermore, MPBMM manages to optimize the delivery path of multicast packets,and avoid the problems of triangle routing and tunnel convergence by hierarchical mobility management. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can minimize the loss of multicast packets, reduce the delay of subnet handoff, decrease the frequency of multicast tree reconfig-uration. When MN moves among subnets at different speeds (from 5to 25 m/s), the maximum loss ratio of multicast packets is less than 0.2%,the maximum inter-arrival time of multicast packets is 117ms, it can meet the QoS requirements of real-time services in wireless environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】TN929.5;TP393.01
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】454
  • 攻读期成果