

Social Mechanism on Allocation of Land Value Increment

【作者】 朱静辉

【导师】 曹锦清;

【作者基本信息】 华东理工大学 , 社会学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本文以地方政府征地冲击与村社反应的互动为线索,就征地过程中产生的各个利益群体如何获取土地增值收益,探讨土地增值分配社会机制的生成逻辑。研究发现在地方政府强制性征地给予补偿的价格之上,在城郊地区事实上存在着一个因城市规划、土地开发、公共基础设施带动的辐射性增值,对于同一块土地,因转为非农用地就产生土地增值的逻辑农民并不理解,但是他们通过隐性的土地市场却知道土地很值钱。于是土地征收的强制性低补偿与隐性市场价格之间的利益落差造成了农民相对剥夺感的心态结构。农民被排斥在土地非农用途增值收益之外,刺激了他们利用各种方式和手段获取土地增值收益的行为逻辑,因而,就在政府行政征收补偿与隐性市场价值之间产生了增值收益分配的社会机制。一方面是村民、集体千方百计的通过各种渠道与政府谈判、讨价还价以及抗争等不断的从政府的口袋中挤出一点牙膏,村民利用个人的人格、弱者的武器和理性选择,集体则利用自己集体产权所有身份,维权的村民则组织起来试图进入政治参与制度化的渠道争取利益,这些就构成了村民为获得土地增值收益分配的积极、正向的社会机制,但是另一方面在土地增值收益分配过程也形成了另一套反向的灰色机制,即以赢利型的村干部、混混与权势者侵蚀集体所享有的权益,原先应该集体所共享的增值收益被一小部分人利用权势和强力所瓜分,形成排斥其他人分享增值利益分配的反向社会机制。在国家与市场主导分配的增值分配路径之外,存在着土地增值收益分配的双向社会机制,这两种社会机制在征地的场域中不同程度的存在。然而,从目前的趋势来看,征地社区中灰色机制的成长有了越来越大的空间,而且构成灰色机制的主体往往是掌握着公权力组织的谋利型代理人,以及好勇斗狠的混混、帮派分子、灰黑势力,他们在征地场域中构建了一个相当牢固的精英联盟联合压制被征地农民的利益诉求。地权增值中所存在着两种社会分配机制也是我们理解征地纠纷的一个视角,正因为两种机制的相互缠绕和纠葛才引起了村庄内部的复杂政治生态演绎。政府与民争利确实是征地纠纷值得关注的一个重要面,但是更多的征地冲突、上访与诉讼其实都来自于乡村社会内部的治理结构失衡,即因为征地所形成的地方政府、村干部与混混势力利益共同体造成了村落内部其他社会精英利益的受损和大多数民众的愤慨,尤其是村庄内部治理结构导致的村干部和混混的利益侵占打破了建立在原有乡土逻辑上的农民预期,迫使村民不断向上级政府寻求正义的扶持,而因为政府的策略性考虑,村民的要求往往得不到政府积极的响应,最终的结果则是村民对于政府信任的丧失,矛盾从原来的村内引向村外,村民与政府站在了对抗的一面,所以,征地冲突的表象背后隐藏着的是村庄内部利益分配不均的实质。村庄内部地权增值分配的不均加剧了村庄内部的结构分化,干群关系疏离、利益对抗严重,由此也导致了村庄内生治理不足,需要引入国家法律与制度重构社区的治理形态。基于分配中双重社会机制、征地社区治理结构的特殊呈现以及治理与分配的关系,本文认为在征地过程之中有必要发育地权增值收益分配的正向社会机制、压制反向的社会机制,其中一个重要的方式允许农民表达他们的利益,建立利益表达的制度化渠道,形成良性的利益协调机制。政府在征地程序、补偿和实施过程之中应与农民进行平等协商,允许村民组织起来表达他们的利益。而不是以此为麻烦制造者,抑制村民的利益表达,甚至以扶持灰色机制来掣肘正向力量的发展。其次,尽快结束征地社区的过渡性、混乱型治理形态,重建一个相对透明、公正的治理结构,政府在分配过程之中应该建立适当的分配监督机制。以改善治理来促进分配,达到失地农民对于土地增值分配的公正、公平要求。

【Abstract】 Taking the interaction between local government and rural village as a clue, this article is expected to resolve the issue the land value increment how to allocate. This to say, the core question of this article is to study the logoc of the social mechanism of land expropriation.Above the price of land compensation, in the fact that there is a market prcice of Agricultural land, once land for construction there is a higher price which take away by the local government. So the peasants receive only a small portion of the land-value increment. The price of land acquisition compensation and the implicit gap between the interests of market prices caused the absolute deprivation of the peasants. Although farmers are excluded from the non-agricultural use of land, it also stimulated them to use a variety of ways to obtain compensation for land value increment, and thus to implicit in the executive compensation and market value created between value-added income distribution of social mechanisms. On the one hand,the villagers, the collective ownership do everything possible to negotiate with the government through various channels, continuously bargain from the government a bit of toothpaste out of the pockets of the villagers use the individual personality, weapons of the weak, the collective ownership of property is to use their collective identity, rights protection villagers were trying to organize the channels into the fight for the interests of political institutionalization, which constitute the villagers to get land value increment distribution of positive, positive social mechanism. on the other hand in the land value increment distribution process is the formation of another set of Gray mechanism, namely, profit-based village cadres, those who bully and the power enjoyed by the erosion of the collective rights of the original value should be the collective benefits enjoyed by a small number of people are divided, the formation of the exclusion of others to share the distribution of value-added benefit backward social mechanism.Beside the state and the market value of land there is a dual mechanism of income distribution community, both social mechanisms in the Field of land acquisition for the existence of different levels. However, from the current trend, the land of gray mechanism of growth of the community has been growing fast, and constitute the main body of the gray mechanism is often those who hold public power in the actual members of the organization, or the bully. Value of land ownership in the social mechanism is that there are two land disputes, we understand a perspective because of two intertwined mechanisms and disputes within the village was raised complex political ecology interpretation. The Government is really competing with private land disputes concern on the one hand, but more land conflicts and litigation petition is derived from the governance structure of rural society imbalance within that formed because of land acquisition and local governments, village cadres and bully forces within the village community of interests caused the damage to the interests of other social elite and most popular indignation, especially in the village due to the internal governance structure of the village cadres and villagers to bully the interests of the occupying forces continue to support higher levels of government to seek justice, and because Government’s strategic considerations, the requirements of the villagers are often not a positive response to the government, the end result is the villagers for the loss of trust in government, conflicts lead from the original village outside the village, the villagers stood in the confrontation with the government side, the conflict between the Government and the villagers in the appearance of land behind the village, the uneven distribution of the internal conflicts of interest. Value within the village unequal distribution of land ownership increased differentiation of the internal structure of the village, between cadres alienation against the interests of serious, which also led to the village less than endogenous governance, need to introduce national legislation and institutional capacity development of community governance.Based on the dual mechanism of land allocation, in the community governance structure and governance and the allocation of the special show the relationship, this paper argues the need for the land acquisition process of value-added income distribution of land ownership and development of positive social mechanisms to suppress the reverse of the social mechanism, one important way to allow farmers to express their interests, the establishment of institutionalized channels for expressing the interests of the Government in the land acquisition procedures, compensation and implementation of the process down attitude with the villagers on an equal footing, allowing the villagers to organize themselves to express their interests. This as a troublemaker rather than inhibit the expression of the interests of the villagers, and even gray mechanism to support the positive forces of development constraints. Second, as soon as the end of the transitional land community, chaos-based form of governance, reconstruction of a relatively transparent and fair management structure, and the government in the allocation process should be an appropriate allocation of oversight mechanisms. Improve governance to promote the allocation of land for the landless peasants in order to achieve value-added distribution of justice, fairness requirements.

  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】7
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