

Study on the Green Preparation of Chemomes in Different Levels of Ginseng

【作者】 程屹俊

【导师】 罗国安;

【作者基本信息】 华东理工大学 , 制药工程与技术, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 以中药化学物质组学为指导思想,对中药复杂体系进行层次化研究是目前中药方剂研究的一个重要的思路。通过中药化学物质组学与系统生物学的结合,将中药复方干预系统与生物机体应答系统联系起来,实现了针对中药复杂体系“系统-系统”的新的研究方法。中药化学物质组学将复杂的中药体系层次化,系统化,由繁至简,步步推进。通过对中药不同层次化学物质组的药理学、药效学、代谢组学以及基因组学等多维多角度研究,进而可以对中药有效物质基础及作用机制进行系统的阐述。本文以中药化学物质组的获取为切入点,以绿色化学为指导思想,运用扩张床吸附分离和高速逆流色谱精细分离技术,开展针对中药不同层次化学物质组的高效、绿色化学制备方法研究,为中药化学物质组学的研究提供物质基础,同时也为工业生产提供可供参考的方法和技术支持。1、建立适用于中药有效化学物质组吸附分离的大孔吸附树脂扩张床系统。并对其床体的扩张特性和流体动力学进行研究和表征。首先考察了流体粘度及流速对床体扩张的影响,并利用Richardson-Zaki公式对床体扩张特性进行描述。大孔吸附树脂的密度虽然较小,但其具有的较大体积,使得其在扩张床中的扩张能力与高密度、小体积的吸附基质相当。其次利用轴向扩散模型和全混釜串联模型,采用停留时间分布分析法,考察流体粘度、操作流速以及初始装填高度对扩张床流体动力学的影响。结果表明大孔吸附树脂扩张床床体返混较小,基本满足扩张床操作要求。2、以人参为例,首先考察人参皂苷在大孔吸附树脂上的吸附特性。通过静态吸附试验对其吸附动力学和热力学进行研究。吸附动力学研究表明在30min内,吸附达到了60%的平衡吸附能力;吸附热力学研究表明,不同类型的人参皂苷具有不同的吸附热力学性能,人参皂苷Rg1和Re在大孔吸附树脂上的吸附更符合Langmuir吸附等温线方程,而人参皂苷Rb1则更符合Freundlich吸附等温线方程;通过动态吸附试验比较了固定床操作模式及扩张床操作模式下树脂的动态吸附能力,结果表明,在相同的操作流速下,固定床操作模式下动态吸附能力比扩张床动操作模式下的动态吸附能力高出约12.5%。在此基础上,利用扩张床吸附分离技术对人参有效化学物质组的提取和分离进行集成化设计,建立了人参总皂苷的集成化制备方法。3、借鉴合成化学工业绿色化学评价方法,以绿色工程原则为指导,根据中药分离过程的特点,从分离过程质量流角度出发,结合过程制备效率,建立针对中药分离过程的绿色化学评价体系。以分离过程绿色度G为主要的评价指标对分离过程进行评价,为中药化学物质组制备工艺的设计和优选提供参考依据。以所建立的绿色化评价体系对人参皂苷的固定床模式及集成化模式制备结果进行了比较。4、利用高速逆流色谱技术对人参有效成分进行了精细分离制备。针对复杂中药体系,采用多步联合的分离策略。首先,利用两步高速逆流色谱法制备得到达玛烷型人参皂苷Rg1, Re, Rf, Rb1,Rb2, Rc和Rd,其质量分别为72.8mg、76.1mg、20.4mg、137.0mg、58.8mg、85.1mg及53.2mg,纯度分别为96.2%、97.5%、94.3%、94.4%、91.6%、92.2%及95.1%,回收率分别为49.7%,68.7%,42.3%,65.6%,40.1%,46.6%及54.6%。其次,联用正向中压制备色谱和高速逆流色谱制备获得齐墩果酸型人参皂苷Ro,质量为63.0mg,纯度为96.0%,回收率为79.2%。最后,利用所建立的中药分离过程绿色化学评价体系对方法进行了评价,并与不同的制备方法进行比较。

【Abstract】 It is a very important way for understanding the TCM prescription through the studying of TCM from different level based on the chemomics approach. External intervention and internal response system of living organism were linked together by combination of chemomics with system biology to acchive a novel "system to system" investigation method for TCM.The investigations of TCM system may be conducted on three-level chemomes step by step, which was from complex to simple. According to the pharmacology, metabolomics and genomics researches on the different chemomes levels, the substance foundation and mechanism of action of TCM could be elaborated clearly. Chemomes obtaining was conducted as the entry point of the research in this theise. Guiding with the green chemistry principles, expanded bed adsorption (EBA) and high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) separation technology were applied here for preparation of chemomes in different level with high efficiency and greenness. The research here not noly provided the substance foundation for further study of TCM chemomics, but also furnish the industrial production with reference methods and technical support.First, a macroporous adsorption resin EBA system was established here for preparation of the effective chemome. The expansion characteristics and hydrodynamic of the EBA was evaluated and characterized. The effects of liquid phase with different viscosities and velocities on the expansion were thoroughly investigated here, and the results were characterized by the Richardson-Zaki equation. Although macroporous has lower density, the expansion ability was the same with the general EBA absorbents with a higher density due to the bigger size. Then, the residence time distribution (RTD) analysis was usded to study the effects of initial sedimented bed height and liquid phase with different viscosities and velocities on the hydrodynamic of EBA based on the tanks in series model and diffusion mode. The results had shown that the macroporous resin EBA system established here had low backmixing behavior, which was met the requirements of expanded bed operation.Second, taking ginseng as an example, the adsorption properties of gensenosides on macroporous resin was investigated. The adsorption kinetics and thermodynamics were thoroughly inverstigated by static adsorption experiments. The results had shown that more than 60% of the adsorption capacity was achieved within 30 min which suggested that it should be possible to achieve good degrees of adsoption under comparatively fast flow rate during expanded operation. The adsorption thermodynamics characteristics were different with the ginsenosides types. ginsenoside-Rg1 and Re fit the better with Langmuir model while ginsenoside-Rb1 fit the better with Freundlich model. The dynamic adsorption capacities of ginsenosides were carried out under packed bed adsorption and expanded bed adsorption modes. Under the same operation conditions, the dynamic adsorption capacity of packed bed mode was 12.5% higher than that of expanded bed mode.Based on the research abovel, an intergration system which fused extraction and adsorption into a continuous dynamic preparation system were estabilished for preparation of ginsenosides.Third, according to the TCM separation features and refering to the synthetic chemical industry, a greenness evaluation system for TCM chomomes preparation process was proposed, which was considered from the mass flow perspective, and combined with the preparation efficiency. A parameter G was used as the main evaluation index for evalution the process greenness. The greenness evaluation system was used to compare the intergration expanded bed preparation processes with packed bed process.Forth, high-speed counter-current chromatography was applied for preparation of effective compounds from the effective chemome of ginseng. As for the complex TCM system, mutil-step separation strategy was adopted here. A two-step counter-current chromatography method was developed here for the prepariton of ginsenosides of dammarane type. The preparation yielded 72.8 mg,76.1 mg,20.4 mg,137.0 mg,58.8mg,85.1 mg and 53.2 mg ginsenoside-Rg1, Re. Rf, Rb1, Rb2, Re and Rd with the purity of 96.2%,97.5%, 94.3%,94.4%,91.6%,92.2% and 95.1%, respectively. After that,63.0 mg of the oleanane-type ginsenoside-Ro with a puirity of 96.0% was obtained by combination of normal-phase medium-pressure liquid chromatography (NP-MPLC) and HSCCC. The preparation results were also evaluated with the greenness evaluation system, and compared with different preparation methods.
