

Study on Modern Official Morality in the Visual Marxist Theory

【作者】 张永远

【导师】 叶美霞;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 思想道德建设是中国特色社会主义建设的题中应有之意,高尚的道德情操是社会主义优越于其他社会制度的表现。在社会主义中,官德居于整个道德体系的核心地位。一些官员的官德失范,影响到我国小康社会与和谐社会的建设。因此,在新时期加强官德建设,对提高官员的执政能力和水平,树立科学发展观具有重要的作用和意义。总体上来说,我国官德是高尚的,但也有很多官德失范现象的存在,这是部分人民群众认为我国官德不高的依据。而我国官德建设所面临的问题就是实效性缺乏。实效性缺乏的重要原因就是我国官德建设没有建基于马克思主义人学理论的基础之上。马克思主义人学把“现实的人”作为研究人的出发点,满足人的合理需要是对人的本质的承认。马克思主义人学认为,人具有主体性,但人的主体性会受到历史条件的制约。人的价值体现在人为社会所创造的价值。人的权利,是人民群众对官德进行监督的人学理论依据。马克思主义人学把人的自由全面发展作为理论归宿。我国现代官德是中国共产党领导下的官德,是一种特殊的职业道德,它具有一般职业道德所不具有的权力性、特殊角色性,是一种内含权力和强制义务的职业道德。为人民服务是我国官德规范体系的核心,以人为本是基本原则,公正重贤、坚定忠诚、勤廉为民、团结宽容是基本规范。反腐倡廉和官德激励机制建设应以马克思主义人学人的需要理论为基础。官德建设需要官员发挥自己的主体性,自主地进行官德修养,形成自律机制。官德修养的目标是达到理想的公仆人格,既能够做到“善政”也能够做到“乐政”,以“乐政”促使“善政”实现。以人的价值来评价官德,促使官员形成经得起历史检验和人民群众满意的科学政绩观。高尚官德形成需要官员以人民群众全面发展为依归,在保障人民群众全面发展的基础上使自身得到全面发展,提高执政能力,形成和谐的社会关系,张扬自己的个性。以马克思主义人学为指导,形成高尚的官德,推进我国富强、民主、文明、和谐的社会主义现代化建设,提高官员的执政能力,保证中国共产党长期执政和国家的长治久安。

【Abstract】 Ideological and moral education should be seen as an intrinsic element of construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics, while lofty moral sentiment also reflects superiority of socialism, compared with other ideology. Official morality is the core of the socialist ethics. Some anomie of official morality in some officials influences the construction of our well-off society and a harmonious society. Hence, in the new period, strengthening official morality education plays an important role and has great significance in improving the officials’governance capability and establishing the scientific outlook on development.Overall, official morality is lofty in our country. But there are a lot of appearances of the anomie of official morality. And the appearances are considered fundament by some masses that our country official morality is not noble. The problem in official morality education in our country lacks substantial result, and the result arises because Marxist humanity theory was not taken seriously. Marxist humanity theory holds that people in reality are considered as the starting point of theoretical research. And satisfying the reasonable requirement is the recognition of human nature. Marxist humanity theory believes human beings possess subjectivity. While human subjectivity is restricted by historical conditions. The human values are embodied in social value which people contribute to human society. The human rights are theoretical basis of morality supervision. Marxist humanity theory takes free and all-round development of individuals as its theoretical destination.The modern official morality in our country is a special kind of official morality under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and it is a special professional ethics. In the meantime, it owns the power and particular role, which general ethics do not have. Also, it is a special professional ethics containing power and compulsory duty. And serving the people wholeheartedly is the core of this system, with the fundamental principle of people-oriented and basic norm of impartialness and respecting intellectuals, firmness and loyalty, diligence and honesty, as well as solidarity and toleration.The mechanisms of anti-corruption and incentive mechanism of official morality should be in line with human need theory. Official morality education should not only meet the need of the nature and comprehensive development of officials, but also boost the development and forming of lofty official morality. The target of official morality cultivation is that the officials take shape perfect public-servant-personality, that is, make the officials achieve moral realms of "good governance" and "happy governance". Judging the official morality through the standard of human values, the evaluation will promote the officials to withstand the test of history and eventually form the scientific concept of political achievement. It is the prerequisite that all-round development of the masses is the foundation of lofty official morality.The lofty official morality will boost prosperity, democracy, spiritual civilization and harmonious socialist modernization. Meanwhile, it will also improve the governance capability and guarantee the long-term ruling of the Communist Party of China.
