

A Study on the Aesthetics of Warrior States Zhongshan Bronzeware Inscriptions

【作者】 闵胜俊

【导师】 谭好哲;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 文艺学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 1977年,在河北省平山县中山王陵出土的中山三器铭文以其篇幅长、史实记载清晰受到各方的关注。铭文出土40多年来,对其进行军事、政治、文化等各方面的研究浩如烟海,但遗憾的是,书体美的研究成果却甚少。本文将中山三器作为主要研究对象,旨在对其书体特色和书体美进行研究考察。中山国青铜器铭文作为战国时期文字的重要组成部分,一方面体现了战国文字的“文饰”潮流及战国中晚期文字简化趋势这一共同点,另一方面展示出在多元文化的综合影响下所产生的独特的装饰美感。其中具有“文饰”特征的中山三器铭文,端庄修美,从笔划到文字构形,从构形到字体风格乃至用字都展示出独特风格和独立的审美价值。而大量的“物勒工名”铭文,自由松散,呈现出疏朗风格特征,体现出民间文字普及后“趋急就简”的特点。战国中山国青铜器铭文的艺术风格不仅具有书法创作价值,还为我们展示出身处战国中晚期的中山国人的审美特点。导论部分重点说明中山国青铜器铭文的发现与整理情况、研究现状和研究价值。本文以中山三器(中山王(?)鼎、中山王(?)壶、好(?)壶的简称)为主要研究对象。发现与整理一节中,主要是对中山王(?)墓(M1)的出土文字资料和战国中山国灵寿城遗址的出土文字资料进行了分析,认为中山铭文的发现与整理揭示了战国中山国文字风格的多样性。研究现状中,主要是对战国中山国文字的研究状况以及存在的主要问题进行了梳理。在此基础上,突出战国中山国青铜铭文审美研究的创新价值,并在研究价值的论述中进一步论述了中山国青铜器铭文在书法创作发展中的重要地位。第一章,重点阐释战国中山国“文饰”青铜器铭文的形成背景。首先通过战国时期南北方青铜器铭文端庄书体、长篇铭文、兵器铭文的分析比较,探析中山国铭文中兼具南北方装饰元素的特点;其次,对中山三器铭文基础内容进行了研究,即对中山三器铭文进行了考释,探析其历史史实、风俗习惯与文化观念等内容,以助于后文的分析;再次,通过战国中山国青铜器铭文与晋系文字的对照分析,展示战国中山国铭文与晋系文字的密切关系,以助于分析战国中山国审美意识的形成因素;最后,通过对具有“文饰”特征的商周青铜器铭文的发展与演变的分析比较,揭示中山国青铜器铭文在整个青铜器铭文中的共性与个性。第二章从布局、结构、线条等方面对中山国铭文的书法风格特征展开分析,探讨战国青铜器铭文的书法特点。第一,从中山国文字布局分析战国青铜器铭文的三种风格:端庄修美风格、介于端庄与疏朗的中间风格、率性自由的疏朗风格。第二,对中山国青铜器铭文字体差异进行了分析,如文字载体的差异、中山国文字字形构架的差异、不同书写者的风格差异。第三,重点对战国中山国青铜铭文线条及契刻技法进行了分析。第三章,从美学角度分析、阐述战国时期中山国青铜器铭文。首先,论述了中山国青铜器铭文的审美背景。即奢华的装饰与北方民族的审美意识、少数民族的丧葬风俗、战国时期“士”的崛起、儒家思想对中山国铭文的影响。其次,分析了战国时期中山国青铜器铭文的线条、结构、装饰及动态与静态的和谐美。最后,探讨了战国时期中山国铭文所体现的精神意识与审美形态。梳理了几个重点:一是胡服骑射所展现的劲健美,二是基于现实的浪漫主义精神,三是以士为代表的精神意志的体现,四是民间率性而为的朴素务实的自然美。结论,尽管战国中山国青铜器铭文的具体特点并不足以回答现代书法创作过程中所存在的诸多问题,但是中山三器铭文的历史背景和中山国人民的审美意识以及他们的超越精神却敞开了耐人寻味的思想空间,对我们今天的书法创作具有重大的启示意义。

【Abstract】 In 1977, Zhongshan Bronze unearthed in Pingshan County Zhongshan royal tomb in Hebei Province, it attracted many people’s concerning for its articles long and clearly historical records. Regrettably, research on Zhongshan bronze inscriptions’ calligraphy beauty rarely comes out. This article made Zhongshan Bronze as the main object of study, in order to study its text styles and calligraphy beauty. Warrior States Zhongshan bronze inscriptions are an important part of Warrior States period text, on one hand it reflects the common that Ornamented Characteristics of Warring States text and in the late Warring States text’s simplified trends, on the other hand show the unique decorative beauty that under the combined effect of the multi-cultural. Among this, the Zhongshan Bronze inscriptions, with a Ornamented characteristic, dignified and slender beauty, from stroke to text structure, from structure to font style, even the text itself shows its unique style and independent aesthetic value. The large number of "WULEGONGMING" inscriptions, free and loose, showing concise style, reflecting after the popularity of text in folks, its "QUJIJIUJIAN" characteristics. The art style of Warrior States Zhongshan bronze inscriptions not only has a calligraphy value, but also shows us the aesthetic ideology of Zhongshan people in late Warring States.Introduction briefly discusses the collation of Warring States Zhongshan text, and the value and purpose of doing this study. This article made study on Zhongshan Bronze inscriptions. Zhongshan Bronze(short for Zhongshan King Cuo’s Ding, Zhongshan King Cuo’s pot, QieCi’s pot) is the main study object. First, this part is finding and soring about study objects, mainly is the text data from Zhongshan Royal Tomb and Zhongshan Lingshou City Relics, provides a historical data for the study on Warrior States Zhongshan text’s diversity. Second, it’s study status, mainly is the domestic and foreign study status about Warrior States Zhongshan text and the major problems existing in present study, as an example of the innovative value of Warrior States Zhongshan bronze inscriptions aesthetic study. Third, the discussion about study value proves the reason why this article make Zhongshan bronze inscriptions beauty as the central to thematic study, that is use Zhongshan bronze inscriptions to look for calligraphy development factors.The first chapter analyses the background of Warrior States bronze inscriptions’ formation. First it analyses the dignity bronze body of the Warring States bronze inscriptions from the north and south, long inscriptions, weapon inscriptions, comes out that Zhongshan inscriptions has both north and south decorative elements characteristics; Second, it studies the basic content of Zhongshan Bronze inscriptions, that is studies Zhongshan Bronze inscriptions, analyses its historical facts, customs and culture values and so on, to help the analysis later; Third, it compares Warrior States Zhongshan bronze inscriptions with Jin text and analyses them, shows out the close relationship between Warrior States Zhongshan inscriptions and Jin text, in order to help study on the formation factors of Warrior States Zhongshan aesthetic sense; Finally, it compares and analysis the development and evolution of the bronze inscriptions with a Ornamented characteristic, and comes out with the generality and individuality of Zhongshan bronze inscriptions and Warrior States bronze inscriptions.The second chapter analysis Zhongshan inscriptions calligraphy, ananlysis from the layout, structure, lines. First, comes out three style of Warrior States bronze inscriptions from Zhongshan text layout, that is dignity and slender style, the middle style between dignity and concise, the free and concise style. Second, it describes the important factors made on the inscriptions style, such as vector differences, Zhongshan text-shaped frame differences, different style among writers, functions differences, comes out Warrior States bronze inscriptions calligraphy features. Third, it mainly analysis Warrior States Zhongshan bronze inscriptions lines in aesthetic area.The third chapter, it analysis from an aesthetic point of view, discusses Warrior States Zhongshan bronze inscriptions. First, it discusses the background of the improvement of Warrior States Zhongshan bronze inscriptions’ aesthetic quality, that is luxurious decoration and the legacy of northern cultural aesthetic sense, funeral customs of the minority of Warrior States Zhongshan, the will of "shi" in Warrior States Zhongshan, and the Confucian influence. Second, it analyses Warrior States Zhongshan bronze inscriptions’ line text and text structure from aesthetic point of view. Third, it makes a specific discussion on the dynamic and static harmony beauty of Warrior States Zhongshan bronze inscriptions. Finally, it discusses about the spirit consciousness and aesthetic form of Warrior States Zhongshan inscriptions. There are several key, first is the strength fitness of "HUFUQISHE", second is the reality-based romantic spirit, third is the will represented by "SHI", fourth is the folks’ simple and pragmatic natural beauty.Conclusion, although the specific characteristics of Warrior States Zhongshan bronze inscriptions are not sufficient to answer so many existence problems in modern calligraphy creative process, but the historical background of Zhongshan Bronze and Zhongshan people’s inner aesthetic consciousness and their beyond spirits opened an interesting thinking space, make a great enlightenment on today’s writing calligraphy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期