

Archaeological Research on Big Dipper Beliefs in Ancient China

【作者】 朱磊

【导师】 姜生;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中国自上古时期就盛行着各式各样的自然崇拜和鬼神信仰。天神地祗纷繁复杂,如上帝、社稷、山河、鸟兽、日月星辰、风雨雷电等等。在这诸多的信仰对象中,对北斗的信仰可谓是华夏上古先民最早产生的宗教信仰之一,也是我国历史上持续时间最长,影响范围最广的一种宗教信仰。在古代先民意识中,北斗神曾是生杀予夺、至高无上的大神,受到最高规格的祭祀和膜拜。有关北斗信仰的遗存最早见于新石器时代。直到如今某些地区的丧葬习俗中依然保存有北斗文化葬俗,可谓贯穿整个中国历史未曾中断。考古资料表明,距今五六千年前的濮阳西水坡45号墓中,已经出现由蚌壳堆塑的三角形与两根人胫骨构成的北斗形象,战国初期的曾侯乙墓中也出土有朱书“斗”字及二十八宿的漆木衣箱。汉代以降,北斗题材的壁画、石刻、墓砖及随葬品更加普遍。如山东嘉祥武氏祠北斗“帝车”石刻,河南南阳市麒麟岗汉代“诸神及南斗、北斗”画像石,绘有北斗图案并书“黄神北斗”、“北斗君”等字样的解注瓶,后世墓葬中经常出现的“七星板”……,都在不同程度上反映了当时人们的北斗信仰。另外还有一些北斗信仰的变体形式,如随葬品的摆放(是否按北斗形状排列),随葬品的数量(是否7或7的倍数),名称中带“斗”字的器物(斗瓶),形状像斗的器物,以及一些俑或人像(北斗星君)……,都值得我们重点关注和重新审视。殷商甲骨文多处出现关于“斗”及祭斗的记载,后世的诸多文献也对当时人们的北斗信仰有所描述。根据这些文献的记载,似乎在古人的宗教意识中,北斗兼具降福、延寿、占卜、厌鬼、兵、修仙等多重宗教职能,并且在不同的时期、不同的地域和文化背景下还会呈现出不同的而貌。因此需要结合考古遗存,对文献中提到的各种北斗信仰进行全面而系统的梳理。通过对北斗遗存和北斗文献的系统归纳和类型学分析,笔者以时间为线索将中国古代北斗信仰的发展脉络分为孕育期、萌芽期、成熟期、转型期、兴盛期及衰落期六大阶段。同时在每一阶段中分类型、分地域细致考察当时北斗信仰所呈现出的文化面貌和宗教特点:史前时期(孕育期):新石器时期,北斗曾离北天极很近,极有可能被作为当时的极星。同时,由于北斗拥有指方向、定季候等诸多与生产、生活息息相关的实用性功能而受到华夏先民的尊崇。殷周时期(萌芽期):殷商时期已经出现对北斗的大规模祭祀活动。周代某些思想流派开始注意到北斗在天空中的独特地位,并逐渐衍生出了“魂归斗极”的死后世界观。秦汉时期(成熟期):秦汉时期为北斗信仰全面发展的时期,基本上奠定了后世北斗信仰的主要框架。随着北斗逐渐远离北天极,北斗的神位下降,被视为天帝之车;在汉纬中又将北斗附会成黄帝之精;占星术士对北斗尤为重视,认为通过观测北斗附近的天象变化能够了解君王的功过夭寿及官员优劣等诸多信息;由于在天象中,北斗“帝车”之下压着“天尸”鬼宿。所以北斗又被赋予压鬼辟邪的神学职能,用以解除注祟,护佑生人;此外,在东汉时期,北斗主杀的观念已初露端倪,是为魏晋北斗注死信仰之滥觞。魏晋南北朝(转型期):魏晋之时的原始道教逐渐将北斗信仰吸收消化,并重新赋予其新的宗教内涵,使得北斗信仰呈现出多元化的文化面貌和神君化的转型。并衍生出“南斗注生、北斗注死”的司命神信仰以及鬼官北斗这样的仙官体系,进而发展出一系列的北斗道法,强化北斗在道教修炼过程中的辅助功能。此外,上至北齐,下至今日仍在使用的七星板葬制更是反映出世人欲魂归斗极的终极愿望和北斗对于道教修仙的重要作用。隋唐宋明(兴盛期):唐宋之际,出现了系统而完备的北斗道经和拜斗科仪。认为北斗掌管人之寿命福禄,崇祠北斗可以消灾去厄,延命致福,甚至认为“万法皆从斗出,万律皆从斗役”。在宋元之际已经发展并完成了以北斗信仰为基础的“斗姆——九皇”信仰体系。有研究显示,明代开国皇帝朱元璋将南京城城垣设计成南斗与北斗拼合而成的葫芦形,其死后所葬之孝陵中的建筑也依北斗位置排列。可见明初之时北斗信仰影响极大。清代以降(衰落期):清代以降,有关北斗信仰的文献较为匮乏,明显呈现出衰落的迹象。遗迹现象中也鲜见北斗文化的踪迹,仅少数地区的民俗中还保留有“七星板”、“七星钱”等丧葬习俗。同时在文章中,笔者还分析了北斗信仰产生的原因;揭示了北斗厌胜信仰的星象学渊源;细致梳理了北斗与天帝、太一、天一等至上神信仰的源流关系;北斗与黄帝之间的神秘联系以及北斗对君王治术的指导作用;并且重新归纳整理了北斗司生杀之信仰以及北斗在道教修炼中的重要意义。基本还原了中国古代各个时期北斗信仰的文化面貌及宗教职能。本文的创新点主要体现在以下三个方面:第一,选题新颖。北斗信仰是中国历史上延续时间最长,影响范围最广的自然物崇拜之一,是中国古代历史、宗教、思想史等学科研究不可或缺的重要内容。但是长期以来却一直没有得到学界的充分重视。本文兼顾考古资料和古代文献两大方面的内容,对中国古代北斗信仰有关的实物遗存和历史文献进行全面系统的收集整理,考察北斗信仰的历史发展脉络,揭示其发展规律。第二,本文运用多学科交叉的研究方法,以宗教学的视角对考古材料进行整理和解读,之前鲜有学者尝试。首次根据宗教职能,将墓葬中的北斗文化遗存分为天象图类、厌胜器类、星占类及其他类四大类型,并分别从宗教社会学、宗教心理学、宗教文化学等多维视角出发,结合文献学、天文学、考古学和民俗学等诸多材料,考察各种北斗文化类型的历史成因、发展脉络、表现形式、文化内涵、宗教意义、影响范围等一系列问题。第三,首次对中国古代墓葬中的天象图内容进行了分区、分期的系统梳理,通过对不同地域、不同形式的天象图比对研究,探讨古人在墓葬顶部绘制天象图的意义所在。并通过对解注器上的北斗图案及文字分析,结合北斗压鬼宿的天文现象,揭示出北斗厌胜信仰的星象学起源。

【Abstract】 China had been prevalent with a variety of nature worship and supernatural beliefs since upper ancient times. There were all kinds of gods and celestials in various names, such as in the name of god, country, mountains and rivers, birds and animals, earth- moon and stars, wind- rain and lightning, etc. Among these, the belief in Big Dipper is one of the earliest religious beliefs of our Hua’xia ancient ancestors. It is also a religious belief which lasted the longest time in Chinese history, and had the most extensive influence on China. In our ancient ancestors’ mind, the god of Big Dipper had been a sovereign god who had the power to give and take the life of the world, and therefore worshiped and offered sacrifice in the highest standard by our Chinese ancestors.The belief in Big Dipper relique could be found in the earliest Neolithic Age and went through the whole Chinese history. Until now in some areas of China Big Dipper belief tradition remains in the funeral customs. Archaeological data show, number 45 tomb in Pu’Yang Xi’Shui Po, which could date back to Mid-Neolithic Period, had a grave-goods, namely, the Big Dipper shape, consisted of a triangle piled by clamshells and a frame structured by two pieces of human’s tibia. In Zeng’hou yi’s tomb, which could date back to the Warring States Period, there was one Chinese character " Dou(斗)”in red excavated as well as a chest made of lacquer wood drawn with the lunar mansions. Since Han dynasty, the theme of Big Dipper in frescos, stone carvings, grave bricks and the grave-goods had been more prevalent. Such as in Wu’Shi Shrine of Jia’xiang in Shan’dong province, there was a carved stone designed as "Emperior’s vehicle"; relief stone sculpture of Han Dynasty in He’Nan Nan’yang kylin hillock designed with "gods, Sagittarius, Big Dipper" with Chinese characters“黄神北斗(Yellow god Big Dipper)",and“北斗君(god Big Dipper)" on them. In later tombs excavated, there frequently appeared "seven-star board" and etc. Those reflect the belief in Big Dipper of the people at that time in different level. Further more, There were some other variants showing this belief, such as the way to position grave-goods, the number of the grave-goods(7 or multiple of 7), devices with names of the same pronunciation as Chinese character "dou(斗)”,or tomb figure and image like god Big Dipper. All above deserve our well attention and resurvey.In addition, there were many records related "Dipper"and "offered sacrifice for Dipper" on Orcl of Shang dynasty. And there were also a lot of-literature recording Dipper Belief in later times. According to those records, it seems that in ancient people’s religious consciousness, Big Dipper could work as various kinds of religious functions, such as dropping blessing from heaven, prolonging life, divining, controlling devils, keeping away from war, practicing to be immortal. Further more, this belief had been presented in a variety of forms within different geographical and cultural background. Therefore a thorough and systematical study should be done on the archaeological reliques and the records mentioned in the literature.Through analysis of the literature on Big Dipper and Big Dipper reliques, chronologically, the development of Chinese Big Dipper belief can be divided into incubation, sprouting(Initial), maturing, transition, thriving and declining periods. In every specific period, the outlook of Big Dipper belief and its main characteristics will be discussed in terms of its type and its geographical area and be studied on the culture appearance and religious featuresPrehistoric period (incubation period):In Neolithic Times Big Dipper was close to the North Pole, possibly, it was taken as the polestar. Meanwhile, Big Dipper was respected and worshiped by Chinese ancestors because it had such functions as determining directions, seasons which had a close relation with their production and daily lives.Yin Zhou Period (Initial stage):In this period, there appeared large-scale ritual of offering sacrifice activities. some school of thoughts in Zhou dynasty began to notice the unique position of the Big Dipper in the sky, and gradually formed a world view that is "the soul will go back to Dipper after the death of human".Qin and Han dynasty (maturing period):This is a all-round developed period for Big Dipper beliefs, and basically it laid the main frame for later belief. With its distance far from the North pole, the position of Big Dipper gradually declined, and then it was taken as the vehicle of the Heaven and Earth. In the Han divination, Big Dipper was falsely analogized as the essence of Yellow Emperor. Especially Astrology paid more attention to it, and thought that they could tell the merits or wrong behavior of the emperor, officials and their lives by observing the change of the astronomical phenomena around the Big Dipper. Because of the astronomical phenomena, there was a Tamahome under Big Dipper so that it was more likely that the Big Dipper could conquer Tamahome. As a result, Big Dipper had the religious function to suppress ghost and exorcise evil force, to remove evil spirit and bless people. Furthermore, in East Han period, the concept of Big Dipper controlling killing power was the origin of Big Dipper belief for registering death in Wei and Jin dynasties.Wei, Jin, South and North dynasties (transition period):The primeval Daoism digested and absorbed Big Dipper belief, and even entrusted with new religious insight. As a result, the Big Dipper belief occurred in multiple cultural outlook, further more transferred into god image, and then derived into celestial belief of controlling life, that is to say, South Dipper controlled birth authority while North Dipper controlled death authority in the celestial official system, which had developed into a series of Big Dipper Daoism strategies strengthening the supplementary function of this belief in the process of Daoism practice. In addition, from North Qi dynasty till now, the seven-star board being in use revealed that reflected the ultimate desire of human that is to let soul back to Dipper after death and the important role of this belief in Taoism immortal practice.Tang and Ming dynasties (the prosperous period):Between Tang and Song dynasties, there appeared systematic and completed Daoism scripture on Big Dipper and worship ritual. It was believed that the Big Dipper was in charge of human’s life, fate, happiness and official fate. Therefore, paying service to Big Dipper could remove ill fortune, prolong life, bring happiness. People at that time even held the idea that " all the ways came out of Dipper and all the laws from it." Between Song and Yuan dynasties, the system of Big Dipper belief based on " Dou Mu—Jiu Huang" belief had been developed completely. As research shows that, the founding emperor of Ming dynasty Zhu Yuan’zhang had his capital Nan Jing city designed like a gourd shape which was a combination of Big Dipper and South Dipper. Even after his death, the buildings in Xiao Ling where his tomb positioned was placed in Big Dipper shape. From above, we can see that Big Dipper belief had great influence in Ming dynasty.After Qing dynasty (Declining Period):the literature on Big Dipper belief was obviously rare, which was a sign of declining. Historical relic also lacked of Big Dipper cultural trail, and only a handful of regions retained such funeral custom as Seven-star board", "seven-star coin".In this paper, analysis is given on the causes of Big Dipper faith. It Reveals the astrology origin of the Big Dipper suppressing evils belief; it is made clear that the relationship between Big Dipper and the supreme gods, namely, Tiandi, Taiyi, Tianyi; The mysterious relationship between Dipper and emperors and the functions of Dipper shows guiding the emperors to control the world; In addition, this paper makes a good summary of Dippers life control Power belief and its significant in Daoism practice. This is also a basic reproduction of Chinese ancient Dipper Belief in cultural appearance and religious functions in each period of Chinese history.There are mainly three innovation points in this paper:Firstly, this paper has a fresh-new topic. Big Dipper belief is one of the natural objects worship which has the longest history with best influence on Chinese culture. It is part of the important content in studying Chinese history, religious and thought, which has not been paid enough attention in Chinese academic field. This paper explores initially the systematic and complete research on the historical causes, development vein, representatives, cultural connotation, religious significance, and the affected areas in China through consideration of archaeological data and ancient documents.Secondly, novel strategy is designed in this paper by using interdisciplinary research method, sorting and interpreting archaeological materials from the angle of religion science, which very few scholars had tried before. According to its religious function, it is the first time to classify the cultural legacy of the tombs into astronomical map, instrument of Ya Sheng, astrology, and others. This paper will make an in-depth investigation on the religious significance and cultural connotation behind the various Big Dipper beliefs from multidimensional perspectives, such as, the religious sociology, religious psychology, religious culture etc, combined with philology, astronomy, archaeology and folklore and many other materials.Thirdly, novel conclusion is achieved by new research methods, new interpretation of Big Dipper cultural heritages so that the study is different from any previous one. For example, Big Dipper Ya Sheng belief reveals the origin of astrology and fill the academic blank in this field through analysis of the Chinese characters and image carved on the Jie Zhu Ping (Solution Note device).

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期