

The Reserch of Wang Xiantang

【作者】 李勇慧

【导师】 譚世寶; 杜澤遜;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 歷史文獻學, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 王獻唐作爲中國近现代圖书館與文博事業的開拓者和奠基人、中華民族文化遗崖的傅承人與守望人,在中國近现代圖害馆與文博事業發展史上估據着至關重要的位置。他幼承家學,博學多才’,诗书画印,无一不通;他善於使用傅统學科相互贯通、中西學術相互交融的研究方法,其學術成就和學衍思想,廣涉多個学术研究领域,且均有深厚造詣,在海内外崖生了深速的影響,被譽爲“一代傅人”、“一代宗師”。以往由於文獻资料缺乏等方面的限制,關於王献唐的研究成果相常薄弱:其生平學行或捂焉未詳,或言多舛误,未能封其事功與學術做出全面、客顴、准確的評僵,至今研究專著尚付闕如。本文凝在廣泛搜集整理其學術遗著及日记、手札、檔案等第一手资料基礎上,吸收以往研究成果,封王獻唐的生平學行、事功學問進行较爲全面、客觀、準確的考察,力圖澄清諸多學術疑案舆學術盲點,填補相關研究空白,展示其事功舆學術雙峰亚峙之全貌。王献唐(1896-1960),原名凰琯,改名琯,字獻唐,號凰笙,室名雙行精舍等,以字行,山東日照人。青岛禮賢書院文科、青岛德華特别高等專門學堂土木工程專業畢業。建國前,歷任《山東日报》與《山東商務日報》编辑、山東公立法政專門學校國文教具、膠澳商埠督辦公署幫辦秘書、京漢鐵路局文害科辦事具、國民黛中央黛部训練部總務科總斡事、山東省立圖書館馆長、山柬金石保存所负责人、國史館筹備委具會副總斡事並兼任第一組主任,兼任山束省名腾古蹟古物保存委具舍委员、山束古蹟研究會委具兼秘收、山東圖書馆協會常務委具、上海市立博物馆名譽研究員、私立齊鲁大學教授、國立山東大學教授、中英庚款第一批资助研究員、國立武漢大學教授、國民黛中央党部训練部主任、中央黨史部文化事業委具會語言文字研究舍專門委具、山東烈士公墓籌備委具舍濟南辦事處文害、國民黛黛史编纂委具舍委员,是中德學社、中國考古學舍、山左藝文编纂委員舍、海岱美術馆的發起人;建國後,任山柬古代文物管理委具會副主任、山東省博物館筹借處副主任、政協第一二届山東省委具舍常委、山東省地方志资料徵集委具舍副主任委具、山束中國歷史學舍(中國史學會濟南分會)理事、山東省文史馆馆具、故宫博物院铜器研究具。可考之論著有《公孫龍子懸解》、《春秋邾分三國考》、《五燈精舍印話》、《炎黄氏族文化考》、《中國古代货幣通考》、《國史金石志稿》、《雙行精舍書跋輯存》、《宵幽古韻考》、《漢書食货志訂議》等62穜,输文等罩篇著述189篇、書序34篇、墓誌铭12篇、题跋967篇(其中未刊565篇),编辑書籍77穜,校勘群書100種,另有詩詞歌赋近500首,總計逾千萬字。除前言與结語外,本文共分六章,依次爲:第一章“王獻唐家世舆生平”、第二章“王獻唐师承舆交道”、第三章“王獻唐舆近代圖書館事業”、第四章“王献唐與近现代文博事業”、第五章“王献唐著述考略”、第六章“王献唐主要學術成就”本文使用统計學等研究方法,封其家世生平、師承交遊、著述及學術成就,進行结帐式、專题式的全面梳理。通遇聚多史料封比考證,史寅鉤沈,第一次全面输述了其以金石小學爲主的家學淵源及在近现代社舍大背景下曲折複雜的人生轨蹟,纠正了前人封其生平行寅记述之訛誤及其本人前後矛盾之敍述。其創新及成果有如下三點:第一,资料新、全。文中所引有關史料,大多爲首次公阴或前人尚未利用的第一手资料,如《王献唐日記》百馀萬字、王獻唐师友往來害札近千通、海内外之相阴檔案文献近二百件、未發表的题跋近六百篇、詩詞近五百首等。筆者封上述原始材料大部分進行了點校整理,並以此爲基礎,撰成《王献唐年譜资料畏编》、《雙行精舍害跋輯存三编》、《王獻唐檔案研究资料彙编》等,爲全面、客觀、準確地抨價其歷史地位,提供了充分的资料依據;第二,内容全、新。王献唐一生學術,速绍乾嘉褚儒,近承清末名宿,益之以现代科學觀念,辅之以實地勘查,集目缘、版本、校讎、训詁於一身,熔文字、音韻、器物、古史之學爲一爐,博學多才‘,著述宏富,被推爲“百年來罕见的學者”;其事功,建國前,主掌山束省立圖害馆與“山束金石保存所”二十年,以“民族文化命脈守望人”自励,竭力奉行近代圖書館“阴民智保國粹”辦館宗旨、公共公平公益的辦館理念,推行科學的圖害馆管理方法,致力於文献之搜集、馆舍之筹建、圖害之分類、馆刊之創辦、叢害之编印、閱覽之服務、文物之陳列等,使孩馆(所)成爲“北方圖害文物之重镇”。日寇侵華,毅然舍妻別子,载書南遷,流離十餘载,終使民族文化遗產免罹戰火,是保護齊鲁文眽薪火大功臣。建國後,力疾從公,致力於文物古踱的稠查發掘、山東省博物馆的籌建和歷史陳列主题结構設計,是近现代圖書館、文博事業的阴拓者與奠基人。總括其一生,堪稻是學術事功俱隆、文章道德並富的國學大師。第三,视野寬、廣。王獻唐主掌近现代山東重要文化楼構二三十年,其事功之取得及學衍與思想之形成,與其背後廣大的社舍群醴關保深速。本文将其放置在近现代社舍文化燮遷的廣闊背景下,通遇封許瀚、陳介祺、劉喜海等山左前辈在音韻、训詁、金石鑒定與收藏等方面封其影響研究,及坐擁書城,舆丁惟汾、傅斯年、黄侃、吕振羽、孔德成等近现代著名學者及名流賢连之交遊考辩,更深入地瞭解和把握其學術特點和思想渊源,论述其學術左右探獲、不拘一家的治學特色。通遇造些多爲前人所未知的史寅考證,重耩了王献唐學術譜系,较爲合理、準確地解讀、認知、確定其在中國近现代學衍史上“一代傅人”、“一代宗師”的歷史地位,封常代圖書甜與文博事業管理,極其借鑒意羲舆参考僵值。封山東匾域史研究,如山東近现代圖書馆與文博事業發展史、藏害文化史、社舍史、學術史等,有所裨益。其践行的近代圖書馆“阴民智保國粹”辦馆宗旨等重要問题,應該引起學界關注本文亚以王獻唐爲主錄,通過王獻唐日记、師友書札等反映史實之考證,溯源析流,縱横比较,左右参證,封研究近现代中國知名學者舆著名人物,如羅振玉、傅斯年、吕振羽、王重民、张元濟、傅增湘、丁惟汾、黄炎培、柳詒徵、馬衡、黄侃、容庚、商承祚、趙孝陸、欒調甫、李濟、胡厚宣、董作賓、黄雲眉、劉國鈞、高亨、陳直、谢國桢、沈徙文、傅振偷、屈萬里、潘承弼、陳夢家、顧廷龍、孔德成、張宗昌、韓復榘、王耀武、何思源等人,及山束古蹟研究會、中研院史語所、國史馆、中國考古學舍、中國博物館協含、中英庚款管理委员含、故宫博物院、北平圖書館、江蘇國學圖書館、山東大學等近现代重要文化機欉構舆社舍學術團體,添補了新的史料及相關研究之空白;並封他们之間相互影響、互爲因果的關保,作造一步考證,不僅凸现了王獻唐在近现代學者群體中的獨特魅力,並希冀封於總结二十世紀相關學科的學衍史,乃至於封常今相關學術研究與學科建設,能有参考意羲。本文還纠正或是補充學界的一些错误甚至是片面的韶識,有些問题或看似與其没有直接關聯,如胡適關於杜威在中國的演講時間、王懿榮發现甲骨文、1945年日本在濟南的受降畴間等。縂之,本文通過封其生平學行與事功學問、治學理念舆方法等方面之综合考察,及舆近代國學大师章太炎、王國维、隙寅恪等道德學問之封比研究,論證其具備中國傅统學人的“使命意識”、“獨立思想”舆“嚴謹學風”;其终生信守之維護“國學”常在“吸取世界文化同峙保存國粹”、文献乃“民族之命脈”、學術乃“天下之公器”、治學常“寅事求是”不能“封巧”、“文舆史本相表裹”等學術思想,以及“學以致知,求褚近,求之速;行贵克己,不怨天,不尤人”等爲學處事原则,常下尤值得重視和宏揚。“君子之學,闇然而日章。”随着國學研究的深入,一代傅人、一代宗師王獻唐的道德學問将被光大,並崖生應有的影響。

【Abstract】 Wang Xiantang was an exploiter and founder of Chinese modern library and museum cause. He also was an inheritor of the Chinese national culture. He was a very important person in the history of Chinese modern library and museum cause. He was a brilliant and voluminous man of wide learning. He was good at some research methods which can integrate much kind of traditional disciplines and can mutually compromise many Chinese and Western sciences. His scholarship and academic thoughts covered many academic sectors and produced far-reaching influence at home and abroad. He had deep accomplishments.This essay, except preface and epilogue, is divided into six chapters. They are:chapter 1 "family background and life history of Wang Xiantang", chapter 2 "master-disciple and circle of acquaintance of Wang Xiantang", chapter 3 "Wang Xiantang and modern library cause", chapter 4 "Wang Xiantang and modern museum cause", chapter 5 "writings research of Wang Xiantang", chapter 6 "academic achievements of Wang Xiantang". The innovations and achievements of the essay include three sections:First, the essay quotes many new materials. Many historical materials are first-hand which never been opened or used before. The writer punctuated and collated many original materials, and supplied a lot of precise materials in order to evaluate his history status accurately. Because of lack of information and other constraints, the research of Wang Xiantang is very weak. Based on the extensive collection of academic posthumous, dairy, letters, files, the essay makes a comprehensive and systematic investigation to Wang Xiantang’s life, tries to clarify many academic affairs and academic blind spots.Second, the contents of the essay are complete and novelty. Wang Xiantang was pushed for "a hundred years to a rare scholar". When the Shandong provincial library was on the main charge of him, he devoted himself to the collection of documents, preparation of library buildings, the classification of books, museum founder journal, published books, reading services, and display of artifacts. He made the Shandong provincial library become the most important place in the north of China. During the Anti-Japanese War, he moved books from North to South in order to protect them from destruction. He was the first hero of Qilu culture protection. After the founding of China, He was committed to explore the heritage and research, to build the museum in Shandong province, to design the theme of history display. Because of these, He was the founder of a modern library, museums and cultural pioneer.Third, the horizon of the essay is broad. Wang Xiantang had mastered the important culture organization of Shandong province for a couple of decades. His achievements and the formation of his academic thoughts were affected by the close relations with many social groups. His studies were influenced by many Shandong predecessors, such as Xv Han, Liu Xihai. The essay analyses the changes of modern social cultures, grasps his academic features and origins of thoughts. Wang Xiantang learned widely from others’ strong points when he did scholarly research. This was his academic feature. Based on a textual research of some historical facts which no one knew before, the essay reconstructs Wang Xiantang’s academic pedigree. His historical status in Chinese modern academic history is confirmed reasonability. The management of modern library and museum cause of Wang Xiantang should be referenced.The mainline in the essay is Wang Xiantang. And many other famous persons and well-know scholars are involved, such as Luo Zhenyu, Fu Sinian, Lv Zhenyu, and Kong Decheng. Many important culture organizations and social academic groups are also involved, such as Shandong University, the Palace Museum, and Archaeological Society of China. The essay replenishes many new historical materials and fills many related research blanks. Wang Xiantang’s unique charm in modern scholar groups is highlighted. The Writer hopes the essay can supply reference to related academic research and disciplinary development. Some mistakes or one-sided ideas are also corrected in the essay.Finally, through comparative study of the moral knowledge of traditional and modern master such as Zhang Taiyan, Wang Guowei, Liang Qichao, Chen Yinque, the essay expounds and proves that Wang Xiantang had demonstrated traditional Chinese intellect look-"mission consciousness", "independent thought" and "rigorous style". His principles of engaging in learning and dealing with affairs should be promoted.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期