

Literati·Governor·Social Change

【作者】 李关勇

【导师】 刘平;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本文试图摒弃“问题”意识之束缚,从原始史料入手,以陈寅恪先生倡导的“了解之同情”的历史意识,通过所研究对象——柳堂,来展示那个时代的社会生活画面。柳堂,河南扶沟人,祖辈自陕西朝邑迁居于此。生于繁华的市镇吕潭集,出自亦农亦商之家,而天资敏慧,在那个科举时代,是注定要走读书致仕之路的。科场之路看似大同小异,然而成功之花的绽放却风姿各异。本文第一章勾勒了柳堂生命之树从生至枯死的全部过程。其中科举用去了生命的近三分之二。一种无形的力量左右着莘莘学子们,以致有满头白发尚驰骋于科场之上者。柳堂在教读的同时,拼杀于斯几十载,老天终于眷顾了他,年近五旬时取得了所谓正果,获隽进士。从此改变了他的生活,使其站在一个更广阔的舞台上书写历史。甲午战争的失败,虽令他痛心疾首,而生活要维持,还得挣扎于官场之上,谋取百里之治的机会。山东巡抚李秉衡给予他大展经纶的机会,他自定陶县干起,经惠民、东平州、德平、乐陵、济宁直隶州,所到之处,剔除积弊,实心为民,但地方之治亦矛盾重重。本文第三章分河工、刑狱、赋税等部分,以故事的形式揭示这些错综复杂的关节。本章还就柳堂所依靠的政治资源进行探究,揭出其升迁之路背后的力量。清季发生了著名的义和团运动,一次重大的济阳玉皇庙戕官事件竟与柳堂联系在一起,本文第四章是柳堂与这场运动的个案研究,揭示出一个地方官在运动中的心理与行动,与上级官员、官兵和民众的关系,为义和团运动研究前所未有者。柳堂生于一个流淌着陕西商人血液的半移民家庭。在近代的大背景下,这个家庭经历了盛衰几个轮回及家庭到家族的嬗变。其中,经商致富与做官发家两个简单的道理得到了印证。本文的第二章便以柳氏家族为个案,描述了一个近代北方家族的形成与变迁。作为社会的人。交往是生存的要义和必须,本文第五章按时间顺序编织了柳堂的交游网络。数以百计的人物出现在这个网络之中,通过与柳堂的交往,他们的性格、思想、家庭、经历、生活方式等诸多鲜为人知的东西,有序地出现在我的笔下,站到了近代社会的大舞台上,是近代北方文人群体生存及入世的缩影。

【Abstract】 We tried to mend the consciousness of history from the original documents, by Mr Chenyinke advocated the historical consciousnees of "understanding of compassion", through the person Liutang, subject to the presentation of different social life in the round.Liutang, a person of Fugou of Henan, was born in a town called Lvtan.since been moved to here from Chaoyi of Shanxi.His fathers was a businessmenin, also the home of the peasants.Liutang was a samrt boy.He was doomed to go to the road.of Political people by reading at that epoch.People of a seemingly the same way at Examination time, flowers bloom of life is beautiful. but different.This was the first chapter outlines of Liutang’s life from birth to back the entire process.The examination had nearly two thirds of life. An intangible force was about to outdo each is so white hair is agile in the sphere of Examination.. Liutang often went to Examination while reading. Used in dozens of god, when the last fifty years old he finally succeeded becoming a scholar his life changed, then he stand on a wider stage of writing history.Jiawu war was failure, though he were, and life is to continue to fight to seek the above all, of opportunities.the governor of shandong Libingheng promote him with grace.he started to become the magistrate of Dingtao state..then the state of Huimin, Dongping, Deping,Laoling,Jining. He excluded abuses and solid for the people in every state, but also the place of contradictions evrywhere.This chapter in the river, and punishments, taxes for the part of the story demonstrates a form of the complexity of the joints. this chapter also gets out of the promotion of the way back by searching Liutang’s apolitical resources.The famous Boxer rebellition happened at the last of qing dynasty.An important even of Half-frenzied officer at Jiyang’ Yuhuangmiao Involved Liutang. the fourth chapter is about Liutang with the movement of case studies and a magistrate in sports psychology and action, and superiors and public relations exercise for study. an unprecedented Boxer rebellition.Liutang was borned in a family with merchant in the lives of immigrant blood. In modern the circumstances, thefamily had several of the birth and death. and family to family of the fission. His wealth came from business and Official act like a simple truth that has been tested. In the second chapter, the clan of Liu was as the case of the formation of a modern clan and transitions. As a person of the society,Communication is important to each other. The fifth chapter describes some of friendship network.of Liutang in chronological order. Hundreds of people happened to this network, By associated with Liutang, cleared with their character,thought,family,experience,lifestyle and so.in my writing.They have been put on large stage of the modern society and as the miniature.that the modern literati groups existed and lived in the north.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】K252;D691.4;K820.9
  • 【下载频次】519